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- GN⁺: StreamPot - ffmpeg 을 API로 만들기 (github.com/StreamPot)
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- GN⁺: Timeshift - 리눅스용 시스템 복원 도구 (github.com/linuxmint)
- LosslessCut aims to be the ultimate cross platform FFmpeg GUI for extremely fast and lossless operations on video, audio, subtitle and other related media files.
- 공인 IP 주소를 알아내려면?
- Google URL Shortener links will no longer be available
- Foliate - Linux용 e-Book 리더 오픈소스 (johnfactotum.github.io)
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- Posting. - A powerful HTTP client that lives in your terminal.
- Module itertools overview
- Fast(er)API: Optimizing Processing Time
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- Python Type Checking Quiz
- Using "else" in a comprehension
- TIL #101 – difference between __getattr__ and __getattribute__
- You don't have to guess to estimate
- Tanda Runner: A personalized running dashboard
- What Is the __pycache__ Folder in Python?
- 🙀 WAT - Deep inspection of Python objects.
- rrweb - 웹용 레코드 & 리플레이 디버거 (github.com/rrweb-io)
- How to Monitor a Spring Boot App
- Optimizing software in C++ - An optimization guide for Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms
- 리팩토링을 위한 통합 테스트
- metronomes - This library offers the easiest way to run regular tasks.
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- Try Public APIs for free
- Low Byte Productions
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- Logging in Python
- Finding Simple Rewrite Rules for the JIT with Z3
- A Python Epoch Timestamp Timezone Trap.
- Is Java Still Relevant Nowadays?
- pytest 8.3.2 released
- PEP 751 – A file format to list Python dependencies for installation reproducibility
- Generating HTTP clients in Spring Boot application from OpenAPI spec
- Validation with Spring Boot - the Complete Guide
- Testing Java Applications Made Simple
- Who instruments the instrumenters?
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- Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Simplifying Java with Module Import Declarations with JEP 476
- We need to talk about testing
- Use OpenAIs Assistant to Chat with Your whole Codebase
- 59% of developers use AI tools & 25.2M JavaScript users
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- 자바스크립트 개발자가 자주 찾는 10가지 문제와 해결법
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- Node.js, Typescript 파일 실행을 시험적 기능으로 추가 (github.com/nodejs)
- Node 22.5.0, sqlite 를 내장하고 Websocket 지원 (github.com/nodejs)
- CodeRabbit - Cut Code Review Time & Bugs in Half
- [Project Loom] Virtual Thread에 봄(Spring)은 왔는가
- Why Java Serialization Might Be a Pain in the JAR
- 파이썬(Python) 배우기 - 초심자를 위한 기초강의모음
- Logging in Python
- Understanding the Python Mock Object Library
- 오픈마켓 여행 플랫폼의 실전 API 연동 노하우
- Trying out free-threaded Python on macOS
- Entering text in the terminal is complicated
- Crawlee is a web scraping and browser automation library
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- any() and all() function in Python
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- An Effective Python Environment: Making Yourself at Home
- Different ways I start writing new code
- GN⁺: Sendune – 오픈소스 HTML 이메일 디자이너 (news.ycombinator.com)
- Asyncio gather() Handle Exceptions
- How to convert a Python script into a web app, a product others can use
- DevOps
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- A software architecture reading list
- Architecting enterprise integrations
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- 경력 관리와 개발문화
- 인텔, 연말까지 인력 15% 감축…CPU 전략 변화에 따른 결정
- 하드 스킬 못지않게 중요한 소프트 스킬…달라지는 IT 채용 시장
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- GN⁺: 창의성의 근본은 암기에서 비롯되는가? (shwin.co)
- 한국 2호 유니콘마저 문 닫았다…스타트업 '줄폐업' 공포
- CTO를 어떻게 뽑을까
- How close is AI to replacing product managers?
- A sure shot interview question, "Can you tell me about yourself?"/ "Tell me something about yourself."
- Ask HN: FAANG 수준 연봉을 받으면서 다른 곳에서 일하는게 가능한가요? (news.ycombinator.com)
- AI 스타트업들에게: 곡괭이와 삽을 팔지 말고, 직접 캐세요 (foundercollective.medium.com)
- "실패하는 대부분의 사업은 살해당하는 게 아니라 굶어 죽는다. Most businesses that fail die of starvation, not murder." --Lean Marketing 3장 중.
- The other shoe dropping on ‘AI’ and office work
- 삼정KPMG “기업회생·파산 신청 최대…구조조정 증가 전망”
- 돈 먹는 하마 된 AI… 월가선 커지는 거품론
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- “크라우드스트라이크 사태 총 피해액은 54억 달러··· 보험 지급액은 10~20% 그칠 듯”
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- Beginner roadmap for Red Team🎯❤️
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- SAML에 대한 간단한 소개 (ssoready.com)
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- How a cheap barcode scanner helped fix CrowdStrike'd Windows PCs in a flash
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- GN⁺: GitHub에서 삭제되거나 비공개 Repo 데이터에 누구나 액세스할 수 있음 (trufflesecurity.com)
- 알리, 한국고객 정보 국외업체 18만곳에 넘겨…과징금 19억 ‘첫 제재’
- 구글, Privacy Sandbox의 새로운 경로 모색 (privacysandbox.com)
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- GN⁺: Let's Encrypt - OCSP 서비스 종료 발표 (letsencrypt.org)
- Preliminary Post Incident Review by crowdstrike
- Cybersecurity Content
- “위협 완화하려다 센서 시스템 붕괴” 크라우드스트라이크 CEO의 사과와 해명
- 누가 내 쿠키를 먹었을까? iOS 웹뷰 환경에서 세션쿠키가 소실되는 이유와 해결방법을 알아봅니다.
- A new path for Privacy Sandbox on the web
- 구글, 플레이 스토어에서 저품질 앱 제거 예정 (androidauthority.com)
- Microsoft, CrowdStrike에 영향받은 윈도우 기기 850만대라고 밝혀 (techcrunch.com)
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- AWS Discontinues Various Services, Raising Concerns in the Community
- Understanding and implementing micro-frontends on AWS
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- AWS Systems Manager 기능
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- Garage - S3 호환 분산 객체 스토리지 오픈소스 (git.deuxfleurs.fr)
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- Why SQL is Forever
- SQLite의 트랜잭션 (reorchestrate.com)
- SQLite vs PostgreSQL
- Nearly 20% of running Microsoft SQL Servers have passed end of support
- What does SQL NULL mean and how to handle NULL values
- Database Design for Google Calendar: a tutorial
- DB Browser for SQLite 3.13.0 릴리즈 (github.com/sqlitebrowser)
- Vectorlite is a Runtime-loadable extension for SQLite that enables fast vector search based on hnswlib and works on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) ODBC Driver for MySQL
- PostgreSQL triggers and isolation levels
- SQLite Transactions
- Postgres major version upgrades with minimal downtime
(보너스: Top 10 k8s Design Patterns)
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