- 빅데이터/인공지능
- ThunderSVM: A Fast SVM Library on GPUs and CPUs
- Monitoring Modern Architectures with Data Science
- Learning From Scratch by Thinking Fast and Slow with Deep Learning and Tree Search
- 김진철의 How-to-Big Data | 빅데이터와 클라우드 기술 (4)
- The Neuroscience of Intelligence: An Interview with Richard Haier
- Diagnostic Assessment of Deep Learning Algorithms for Detection of Lymph Node Metastases in Women With Breast Cancer
- Machine Learning for Dummies
- 7 command-line tools for data science
- AI INDUSTRY 2017 in Review: 10 AI Failures
- Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
- 효과적인 일류 분석팀을 구성하는 방법
- Jim Simons, the Numbers King - Algorithms made him a Wall Street billionaire. His new research center helps scientists mine data for the common good.
- Advanced Numpy Techniques
- Deloitte’s tech predictions for 2018: More AI, digital subscriptions, AR, and live events
- 자율주행차 뜻밖의 난관…'눈만 오면 눈이 안 보여'
- Machine Learning Techniques for Predictive Maintenance
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- 익스피디아, 호텔스닷컴, 테슬라 공통점은 '하둡'··· 12가지 사례
- 3 Ways Companies Are Building a Business Around AI
- All the open source code in GitHub now shared within BigQuery: Analyze all the code!
- Driverless car from GM’s Cruise and motorcycle collide in San Francisco
- 리오 틴토 광산, 트럭 자율주행화 확대
- How Automation is Going to Redefine What it Means to Work
- DAWN is a five-year research project to democratize AI by making it dramatically easier to build AI-powered applications.
- Tacotron 2: Generating Human-like Speech from Text
- What is an intuitive explanation of the eigen value problem? Are there any real life examples that are applications of eigen values and eigen vectors?
- Winner-takes-all effects in autonomous cars
- What Needs to Happen Before Electric Cars Take Over the World
- Building a Deep Learning Camera with a Raspberry Pi and YOLO
- How Artificial Intelligence is transforming the banking industry
- Applied Machine Learning at Facebook: A Datacenter Infrastructure Perspective
- This AI Can Spot Art Forgeries by Looking at One Brushstroke
- The importance of pauses in conversation
- Light-Triggered Genes Reveal the Hidden Workings of Memory
- Superhuman AI for heads-up no-limit poker: Libratus beats top professionals
- 삼성, 알파고 방식으로 반도체 공정 혁신
- Attention Is All You Need
- 암호화폐/블록체인
- 비트코인: 세계 최초의 "청록색" 에쿼티("Teal" Equity)의 탄생
- Blockchain Pumping New Life into Old Companies Like IBM
- My analysis of the $1 million+ USD MyBTGWallet.com scam
- Cryptocurrency Analysis with Python - Buy and Hold
- rocketpool - A next generation decentralised Ethereum proof of stake (POS) pool currently in Alpha and built to be compatible with Casper.
- Bitcoin is in a Bubble? Hell yeah! So what Wall Street? You loaded yet, bro?
- Bitcoin, blockchain and the fight against poverty
- Here's Why You Should And Shouldn't Invest In Bitcoins This Holiday Season
- Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain
- Here’s What is Limiting Blockchain Mainstream Use
- Blackbird Bitcoin Arbitrage is a C++ trading system that does automatic long/short arbitrage between Bitcoin exchanges.
- 캐스퍼(Casper): 이더리움(Ethereum)의 지분증명(PoS) 방식의 합의 알고리즘
- 16회 서울 이더리움 밋업 발표자료 모음
- Bitcoin owners, you need to do these two things right now
- Regulating public Blockchains
- 5 Times Cryptocurrencies Rocked South Korea In 2017
- 가상화폐 투기에 대하여
- Goldman Is Setting Up a Cryptocurrency Trading Desk
- 비트코인의 에너지 문제(1/2)
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- The Python Ethereum ecosystem
- 암호화폐, 해킹에 안전?…유빗은 왜 당했나
- How the Winklevoss Twins Found Vindication in a Bitcoin Fortune
- Ivy for Bitcoin: a smart contract language that compiles to Bitcoin Script
- We’re planning to launch estcoin — and that’s only the start
- A new technology promises to make bitcoin useful to pay for things, and not to hoard
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- A Cryptocurrency Without a Blockchain Has Been Built to Outperform Bitcoin
- 암호화폐에 하드웨어 지갑이 중요한 이유
- The nutty math that really shows how quickly bitcoin has grown
- An educational blockchain implementation in Python
- IOTA : A Tangled Mess
- BitPay Will Process Payments on Multiple Blockchains, Starting with Bitcoin Cash
- 읽을거리
- [실리콘밸리 리포트] "내년은 아마존 대 모두의 싸움?"
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- 베스트북 50권과 함께 여는 무술년
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- Scientists Are Designing Artisanal Proteins for Your Body
- How to Build a Successful Team
- 혁신은 이런 것, 선만 그어 교통사고 최대 40% 줄였다
- How Does the Flu Actually Kill People?
- Apple Is the Most Valuable Public Company Ever. But How Much of a Record Is That?
- 질문해도 되나요?
- The 50 big ideas for 2018
- To earn an opponent’s respect, speak—don’t type
- Stealth turns 40: Looking back at the first flight of Have Blue - The forerunner of the F-117 Stealth Fighter flew for the first time 40 years ago this month.
- The Insane True Story Of How "Titanic" Got Made
- 국내 벤처기업의 발전 과제와 시사점
- 10 years of professional blogging – what I’ve learned
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- 단축 URL 서비스들은 어떻게 돈을 벌까?
- How Google Develops New Managers
- Cascade of errors triggered leak debacle on $670.4 million warship(Aegis)
토요일, 12월 30, 2017
[B급 프로그래머] 12월 4주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: The language of 10 tech cultures via @karenmcgrane)
토요일, 12월 23, 2017
[B급 프로그래머] 12월 3주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 고기덮밥 요리법 via @alsezar)
- 개발/관리도구
- Flask asynchronous background tasks with Celery and Redis
- Falsehoods programmers believe about programming
- Django Logging, The Right Way
- Code Browser by Woboq for C & C++
- Let your code type-hint itself: introducing open source MonkeyType
- smenu - Terminal utility that allows you to use words coming from the standard input to create a nice selection window just below the cursor.
- GitLab은 왜 Vue.js를 선택했나
- '죽은' 프로젝트를 확실히 죽이는 방법
- Font Awesome
- Tar and Curl Come to Windows!
- Introduction to WebAssembly: why should we care?
- The Clean Architecture
- Java JDK 10: What new features to expect in the next Java
- [번역] The definitive guide to Python exceptions
- 엑셀에서 텍스트 대체, 바꾸기 함수를 활용하는 6가지 방법
- List of my most used commands and shortcuts in the terminal for Mac
- How do Ruby & Python profilers work?
- chaoskube periodically kills random pods in your Kubernetes cluster.
- Psychological Safety in Operation Teams SRE AND SYSADM
- A Brief Introduction to REST
- Visualize your cloud architecture like a pro - Create smart AWS diagrams
- Amazon FreeRTOS 소개 – 마이크로콘트롤러 기반 IoT 운영 체제
- Transitioning Logging and Monitoring Systems at The Economist
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- boardgame.io - State management and more for turn based games
- Docusaurus - Easy to Maintain Open Source Documentation Websites
- How Google Develops New Managers
- REST is the new SOAP
- Essential Image Optimization
- 쿠버네티스 컨테이너, 무엇이 새로워졌나
- http://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/2017/12/15/mgs-v-graphics-study/
- IBM Code - Solve real programming challenges.
- Testing Python Applications with Pytest
- The First Nine Projects Proposed for EE4J
- Avast open-sources its machine-code decompiler
- ITSM, DevOps, and why three-tier support should be replaced with Swarming.
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- OpenStack Foundation Announces New Container Project
- A recap of front-end development in 2017
- exercism.io - Level up your programming skills
- A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
- Pyflame: Uber Engineering’s Ptracing Profiler for Python
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- Airmash – Multiplayer Missile Warfare HTML5 Game
- Java 9: Tips on Migration and Upgradability
- Web Fundamentals - Google's opinionated reference for building amazing web experiences.
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- What is flask framework used for in Python? How is it different from Django and why would you prefer it over Django?
- Design Principle
- Microservices Testing Strategy
- Inspecode is a super-efficient service that performs detailed analysis for your source code and generates corrections based on the analysis.
- 스타트업 인턴 개발자 3달간의 고군분투기 김은향
- Why don’t software development methodologies work?
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Netflix: Application DDoS Protection in Microservice Architectures
- Building a Distributed Log from Scratch, Part 1: Storage Mechanics
- Welcome to the NetSPI SQL Injection Wiki!
- Copy-on-write friendly Python garbage collection
- AWS EC2 Virtualization 2017: Introducing Nitro
- How to find disk I/O latency with ioping monitoring tool on Linux
- MySQL 관리자를 위한 5가지 추천 오픈소스 툴
- HTTPS 전환 과정에서 read timeout 오류 해결 과정
- Scaling Slack’s Job Queue
- Incremental Data Capture for Oracle Databases at LinkedIn: Then and Now
- elastic on tour(엘라스틱 세션 정리)
- The Anatomy of a Distributed System
- Amazon's Graph Database Neptune Supports Read Replicas, Point-in-Time Recovery and S3 Backup
- 학습에 실패한 이야기
- AWS 리인벤트 2017과 5가지 클라우드 군비 경쟁
- AWS re:invent 2017: Evolution of the EC2 Host
- 출시 예고 – Amazon Aurora 멀티 마스터 및 서버리스 서비스
토요일, 12월 16, 2017
[B급 프로그래머] 12월 2주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 가상화폐, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 한국 제조업 동향 @motostrelki1989)
- 빅데이터/인공지능
- 텐서플로우 머신러닝을 시작하기 전에 알아야 할 것
- Machine Learning 101 slidedeck: 2 years of headbanging, so you don't have to
- Deep Learning: Practice and Trends(by DeepMind @ NIPS 2017)
- Why is logistic regression considered a linear model?
- The Unexpected Impact of Self-Driving Cars
- 200+ ML/AI Conferences in 2018
- AI does not have enough experience to handle the next market crash
- Data shouldn't drive all of your decisions
- How to Read Mathematics
- The Case for Learned Index Structures: 다음 Machine Learning for Systems and Systems for Machine Learning 발표 자료도 참고(제프 딘)
- How Apple Uses Neural Networks for Object Detection in Point Clouds
- Turi Create simplifies the development of custom machine learning models.
- DeepMind AI needs mere 4 hours of self-training to become a chess overlord
- Data Scientist Core Skills
- Google's 'superhuman' DeepMind AI claims chess crown
- What are hyperparameters in machine learning?
- Snow to Summer
- 데이터 과학자와 개발자를 위한 머신러닝 툴 17선
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- AWS Big Data & Analytics Sessions at Re:Invent 2017
- 2017 The State of Data Science & Machine Learning
- 인공지능의 시대, 데이터 지능을 갖춘 전문가가 생존한다.
- There are 170,000 fewer retail jobs in 2017—and 75,000 more Amazon robots
- Interpretable Machine Learning
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- 일상에서 블록체인이 어떻게 이용될지 보여준 ‘고양이 게임’
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- Introducing TypeChain — Typescript bindings for Ethereum smart contracts
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- Stop. Calling. Bitcoin. Decentralized.
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- Why we can no longer separate work from life (and shouldn't)
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- There’s precedent for Amazon competing with so many companies. It doesn’t end well.
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- How to Make a Spaceship
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토요일, 12월 09, 2017
[B급 프로그래머] 12월 1주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 20 years of Java evolution via @ZhekaKozlov)
- 개발/관리도구
- 7 Ranks of Coderhood: Coder, Programmer, Computer Scientist, Developer, Engineer, Architect
- Use a .dev domain? Not anymore.
- Microsoft leaks TLS private key for cloud ERP product
- What I learned from doing 1000 code reviews
- Kubernetes 운영 17개월의 성과와 교훈
- Volatile Software
- katacotainers - The speed of containers, the security of VMs
- [ITFIND] 양자 컴퓨팅 실용화에 따른 현 암호화 기술의 붕괴 경고
- A Linux version of the ProcDump Sysinternals tool
- (InfoQ) Attitude Determines Altitude- Engineering Yourself: Growth Mindset + Confidence + Trust
- Quantum Computing Explained
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- Insomnia - Debug APIs like a human, not a robot
- GitHub's technology predictions for 2018
- GraphQL vs. REST - A GraphQL Tutorial
- Lessons Debugging Serverless JVM Functions
- 나도 모르게 내 IT 커리어를 망치는 18가지 방법
- NIST Publishes Guidelines on Application Container Security
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- Pytudes - Python programs to practice or demonstrate skills.
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- ngrok - Secure tunnels to localhost
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- Incident review: API and Dashboard outage on 10 October 2017
- Oracle C functions annotations
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토요일, 12월 02, 2017
[B급 프로그래머] 11월 5주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 가상화폐, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 아마존 응답시간 100ms 느려지면 1% 판매 하락. 1초 느려지면 고객 만족도 16% 하락. via @xissy)
- 빅데이터/인공지능
- 데이터 분석에 관한 12가지 '팩트체크'
- Robots will drive us to rethink how work is distributed
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- 딥러닝 기반의 인공지능, 자율주행 기술 경쟁의 핵심을 바꾼다
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- A friendly Introduction to Backpropagation in Python
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- This Blockchain-Based Energy Platform Is Building A Peer-To-Peer Grid
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- Everything you need to know about Neural Networks
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- Realizing the Potential of Blockchain(PDF) by World Economy Forum
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- coinmon - The cryptocurrency price tool on CLI.
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- 읽을거리
- After 37 years, Voyager 1 has fired up its trajectory thrusters
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