- 빅데이터/인공지능
- The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning
- Memorizing these three statistics will help you understand the world
- AI, 5천년을 연습해 인간을 게임에서 이기다
- Keras or PyTorch as your first deep learning framework
- 역전파 알고리즘 시각화 설명
- #define CTO OpenAI
- OpenAI Five (Dota 2)
- Berkeley DeepDrive(자율주행 차량 학습을 위한 빅데이터)
- Derivatives are Linear
- Layoffs at Watson Health Reveal IBM’s Problem With AI
- 40 Techniques Used by Data Scientists
- Life at the Intersection of AI and Society with Dr. Ece Kamar
- Notes on Discrete Mathematics
- Ways to think about machine learning by Benedict Evans
- A Brief History of CNNs in Image Segmentation: From R-CNN to Mask R-CNN
- Facial recognition is here to stay. And we should all probably accept it
- Engineering Uber Predictions in Real Time with ELK
- 신뢰의 진화(강력 추천)
- Big Data Processing with Apache Spark – Part 1: Introduction
- SNIPER is an efficient multi-scale object detection algorithm
- PayPal to buy Simility, a specialist in AI-based fraud and risk management, for $120M
- Deploying deep learning models: Part 1 an overview
- DensePose - A real-time approach for mapping all human pixels of 2D RGB images to a 3D surface-based model of the body
- Uber Neglected Simulation Testing on Self-Driving Cars, Insiders Say
- Behind the Tech with John Carmack: 5k Immersive Video
- Machine Learning: The High Interest Credit Card of Technical Debt
- The Math of Card Shuffling
- How Language Shapes the Way We Think
- How Computers Could Make Your Customer-Service Calls More Human
- This car is Autopilot. What happens next?
- 암호화폐/블록체인
- Crypto Coin Tether Defies Logic on Kraken’s Market, Raising Red Flags
- A REUTERS VISUAL GUIDE Blockchain explained
- CRDTs and the Quest for Distributed Consistency(추천)
- Major European Regulator, Banks Collaborate on Blockchain Warrant-Issuance System
- Introducing a16z crypto
- Andreessen Horowitz is launching a $300 million fund to invest in crypto — and it hired its first-ever female general partner to lead the effort
- Blockchain-powered password manager
- Architecting the Blockchain for Failure
- 블록체인 공부 자료 정리 v0.9
- Byzantine Failure - 블록체인 개발이 어려운 이유
- Blockchain: A technical primer
- Square Jumps After Receiving License to Let New York Customers Buy and Sell Bitcoin
- The Saddest Moment
- "이더, 증권 아니다" SEC 판단에…이더리움선물 곧 출시 기대
- "전세계 금융사, 블록체인 개발 17억달러"
- EOSIS DApp 개발
- 읽을거리
- Summer books 2018 by FT
- Middle-aged entrepreneurs are more successful than young ones. Here's why
- How Blockbuster MOOCs Could Shape the Future of Teaching
- How my role as CTO has changed as we've grown to 100 engineers
- What’s the real value of AI for your business and how can you capitalise? by PWC
- 하루 10분 하체운동, 건강수명 5년 늘어난다
- The latest trend for tech interviews: Days of unpaid homework
- “Find your passion” is bad advice, say Yale and Stanford psychologists
- Why Earth's History Appears So Miraculous
- [지뇽뇽 사회심리학] 삶이 허무하게 느껴질 때
- Intel and the Danger of Integration
- The Legend of Nintendo
- 넷플릭스를 경쟁자 삼은 '책덕 플랫폼' 데이터 기반 비즈니스의 '모범 교과서'
- New Study Concludes That Rewarding Good Teachers and Firing Bad Ones Accomplishes Nothing
- 투자자가 알아야 할 20가지 통계 수치 - 뱅크 오브 아메리카
- The Secrets of Resilience
- The Last of the Tiger Parents
- Researchers Find Herpes Viruses In Brains Marked By Alzheimer's Disease
- 강남엔 112개, 도봉엔 1개···한국점령 스타벅스의 비밀
- It’s Easier To Ask Forgiveness Than To Get Permission
- 반도체칩 두고 벌이는 ‘왕좌의 게임’
- It's People, Stupid (People Are Stupid?)
- [웹툰] 익명의 독서중독자들
- The Death of a Once Great City - The fall of New York and the urban crisis of affluence
- Messi Walks Better Than Most Players Run
- The importance of stupidity in scientific research
- An Unusual Design Aesthetic: Photos of Vintage Soviet Control Rooms
- UPS’s $20 Billion Problem: Operations Stuck in the 20th Century
토요일, 6월 30, 2018
[B급 프로그래머] 6월 4주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 성공적인 관리자의 언어)
토요일, 6월 23, 2018
[B급 프로그래머] 6월 3주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: The way we programmers explain what we've written via @bercut2000)
- 개발/관리도구
- How to Use Slack and Not Go Crazy
- Gravity is a powerful, dynamically typed, lightweight, embeddable programming language written in C without any external dependencies
- Performance patches in Go 1.11
- 백엔드 개발자를 꿈꾸는 학생개발자에게
- Finally, a Problem That Only Quantum Computers Will Ever Be Able to Solve
- Firefox Is Back. It’s Time to Give It a Try.
- Avoiding hour creep: get your work done and still go home at 5PM
- the state of type hints in Python
- Sunsetting React Native
- YAML: probably not so great after all
- There is only one OS, and it’s been obsolete for decades
- Accelerate large-scale applications with BOLT
- Now Microsoft ports Windows 10, Linux to homegrown CPU design
- Qt for WebAssembly
- wtf - The personal information dashboard for your terminal.
- How I use Wireshark
- x86 assembly doesn’t have to be scary (interactive)
- Streaming IO in Go - Reading and writing files in Go programs.
- Ask HN: How do I find a meaningful software engineering job?
- Audio MODEM Communication Library in Python
- Full Cycle Developers at Netflix: from Mindsets to Self-Service Tooling
- Teach Programming to become a better programmer
- MIT Career Development Handbook [pdf]
- The Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code.
- An Unusual Design Aesthetic: Photos of Vintage Soviet Control Rooms
- Becoming a 10x Developer
- Floating-Point Determinism
- IEEE 754 Floating Point Type in C++
- Confessions of a Disk Cracker: the secrets of 4am.
- (번역) 아주 거대한 (자바스크립트) 어플리케이션을 구축하기
- Ask HN: Developers, how do you keep SSH and web URLs organized at work?
- Meet the GitLab Web IDE
- Blooming Password
- Strapdown.js makes it embarrassingly simple to create elegant Markdown documents.
- Chrome 64, Node.js v10에서는 GC가 mark하는 동안 앱이 멈추지 않습니다
- What does {some strange unix command name} stand for?
- Go Memory Management
- Packaging Python Projects
- What is Ultibo? Ultibo core is an embedded or bare metal development environment for Raspberry Pi.
- Golang — vgo vs dep — Dependency Management Tools Explained
- Caching beyond RAM: the case for NVMe
- pollyjs - Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions.
- universal command-line interface for SQL databases
- Takes in a GIF, short video, or a query to the Tenor GIF API and converts it to animated ASCII art. Animation and color support are performed using ANSI escape sequences.
- jp - dead simple terminal plots from JSON data. single binary, no dependencies. linux, osx, windows.
- Abjad is a Python API for Formalized Score Control
- LilyPond is a music engraving program, devoted to producing the highest-quality sheet music possible.
- Technical Advisory: "ROHNP"- Key Extraction Side Channel in Multiple Crypto Libraries
- 11 Javascript Utility Libraries You Should Know In 2018
- Programming Language Theory
- 웹브라우저 user-agent string 의 역사
- Understand Vim Mappings and Create Your Own Shortcuts!
- The Trouble with D3
- Titus, the Netflix container management platform, is now open source
- 툴을 쫓는 사람들 (번역)
- USB Product ID allocations for Free Software / Open Hardware
- The Inner Game of Self-Taught Development
- Building and Documenting Python REST APIs With Flask and Connexion
- Open-sourcing Sonar, a new extensible debugging tool
- Vim Is The Perfect IDE
- Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi
- How to Design Programs, Second Edition
- Hashing in Action: Understanding bcrypt
- Calendar Versioning
- Auto formatters for Python
- Bridged, NAT, Host Only, LAN Segment
- WebAssembly (And the Death of JavaScript?)
- Modern C++ Features – std::optional
- The 640K memory limit of MS-DOS
- Will Kubernetes Collapse Under the Weight of Its Complexity?
- Documenting with Sphinx and Readthedocs
- Learning Go’s Concurrency Through Illustrations
- The Hardest Program I've Ever Written
- JVM Internals
- The 6 components of Open-Source Data Science/ Machine Learning Ecosystem
- the state of type hints in Python
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- 데이터베이스의 중심 이동 “오픈소스로 시작하지만 AWS로 마무리”
- PostgreSQL Features You May Not Have Tried But Should
- Best Practices Building Resilient Systems
- Scaling Uber's Elasticsearch Clusters
- ActorDB distributed SQL database
- Ubiq: A Scalable and Fault-tolerant Log Processing Infrastructure
- In MySQL, never use “utf8”. Use “utf8mb4”.
- Thanos - a Scalable Prometheus with Unlimited Storage
- Top 10 Performance Tuning Tips for Amazon Athena
- Scaling Uber’s Hadoop Distributed File System for Growth
토요일, 6월 16, 2018
[B급 프로그래머] 6월 2주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 테슬라의 AI 디렉터 Andrej Karpathy가 말하는 학계와 산업계의 차이. 알고리즘보다 데이터가 문제. via @haje01)
- 빅데이터/인공지능
- Twitter meets TensorFlow
- Volvo invests in sensor start-up as part of self-driving push
- The 50 Best Free Datasets for Machine Learning
- CS109 Data Science
- What Is Conversational AI?
- Fitbit analyzed data on 6 billion nights of sleep – with fascinating results
- Back to the Future of Handwriting Recognition
- How Casinos Use Math To Make Money When You Play The Slots
- Tesla's Autopilot to get 'full self-driving feature' in August
- CS 228: Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Artificial intelligence is awakening the chip industry’s animal spirits
- Attacks against machine learning — an overview
- Why emergency braking systems sometimes hit parked cars and lane dividers
- The 6 components of Open-Source Data Science/ Machine Learning Ecosystem; Did Python declare victory over R?
- Models in Minutes not Months: AI as Microservices
- How The New York Times Uses Software To Recognize Members of Congress
- Beautiful [ AI ] - A fresh new way to build presentations
- Food Discovery with Uber Eats: Building a Query Understanding Engine
- Facebook Gave Device Makers Deep Access to Data on Users and Friends
- horovod - Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch.
- A collection of Reinforcement Learning algorithms from Sutton and Barto's book and other research papers implemented in Python.
- Machine Intelligence at Google Scale
- Tools to Put Deep Learning Models in Production
- A Course in Machine Learning
- 암호화폐/블록체인
- Geth network layer
- EOS EOSIO DApp 개발 – 스마트 컨트랙트 구현 – Todo
- Leaf-Node weakness in Bitcoin Merkle Tree Design
- Build a blockchain analytic solution with AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, and Amazon Athena
- Software Multinational SAP Announces Launch of Cloud Blockchain Platform
- Blockchain Scalability: When, Where, How?
- Our path to listing SEC-regulated crypto securities
- Extracting the Private Key from a TREZOR
- The Importance of Layer 2
- Steering around blockchain hype
- Why Blockchain is Hard
- When Do I Need a Blockchain? A Hands-on Comparison of Decentralized and Centralized Application Development
- Google, Facebook and Uber: Has Their Blockchain Time Arrived?
- 읽을거리
- Gossiping Is Good - The surprising virtues of talking behind people’s backs
- Blurred Vision, Burning Eyes: This Is a Lasik Success?
- [DBR 경영의 지혜]3인조보다는 2인-7인팀이 더 효율적
- What makes a great leader, explained in eight counterintuitive charts
- Here Are the 14 Habits of Highly Miserable People
- It’s 2018 and USB Type-C is still a mess
- The Daily Shot: Job Openings Exceed the Number of Unemployed Americans
- The Lifespan of a Lie
- "표준의 탄생" 40주년 맞이한 인텔 8086 마이크로프로세서의 뒷 이야기
- Hot Heads: Why Mammals Need R.E.M. Sleep
- [김지수의 인터스텔라] "우린 모두 공평하게 엉망진창... 그것이 또한 위로될 것"
- Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, and the Preventable Tragedies of Suicide
- Bose noise-masking sleepbuds
- 기술없이 퇴직한 50대 중반, 적정몸값은 연1400만원
- 퇴임한 세계 반도체 대부 TSMC 회장 “중국 반도체 기술 10년 내 못 쫓아와”
- New research on customer expectations reveals new CIO mandate
- "가난이냐, 지루한 삶이냐..무엇을 선택할 것인가?"
- [김지수의 인터스텔라]최정상 美노화학자 "늙는 모습 천차만별이니 잘 늙는 데 투자하라"
- The Earliest Precursor of Writing
- Arm's Cortex-A76 CPU Unveiled: Taking Aim at the Top for 7nm
- Are you inadvertently encouraging your colleagues to bullshit you?
- There Are No Laws of Physics. There’s Only the Landscape.
- 일본 여행 정보(대단함)
- 기획자는 왜 IT 기업에서 점차 사라져 가는가
- The Psychology of Money
- Why Rich Kids Are So Good at the Marshmallow Test
- In investing, as in poker, following rules works best
- LAB APOCALYPSE(대학원 가기 전에 읽어볼만한...)
토요일, 6월 09, 2018
[B급 프로그래머] 6월 1주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 발머스 피크 via @shinhh)
- 개발/관리도구
- Getting started with Elasticsearch in Python
- PulltoRefresh.js - A small, but powerful Javascript library crafted to power your webapp's pull to refresh feature.
- 배시 셸스크립트 잘 정리된 글(추천)
- Tearing apart printf()
- A cat(1) clone with wings.
- GitLab Ultimate and Gold now free for education and open source
- What is ‘Site Reliability Engineering’?
- [GIT PULL] Device properties framework update for v4.18-rc1 by Linus
- How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers
- Online Logic Emulator
- CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)(추천)
- Observations running 2 million headless sessions
- Python Application Layouts: A Reference
- Flycut - Clean and simple clipboard manager for developers
- LR Parsing: More Elegant Than You Think
- Sloc Cloc and Code - What happened on the way to faster Cloc
- data-serialization: ML v/s JSON v/s MsgPack v/s Protobuf v/s Thrift v/s Pickle v/s
- Meld for OSX - File and folder comparison made easy for Mac/OSX
- Tiny Pascal
- How I Came to Write D
- One year of C
- Interview: Google gVisor and the Challenge of Securing Multitenant Containers
- Acoustic Denial of Service Attacks on HDDs
- SmoothLife - Continuous Domain Game of Life in Python with Numpy
- Itertools in Python 3, By Example
- A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS
- AST for JavaScript developers
- Top 10 JavaScript errors from 1000+ projects (and how to avoid them)
- The real power of Linux executables
- nebulet - (Going to be) A microkernel that implements a WebAssembly "usermode" that runs in Ring 0.
- Why is Front-End Development So Unstable?
- Depressing and faintly terrifying days for the C standard
- Learn to crypto workshop
- 구글 고 언어를 위한 필수 웹 프레임워크 6종
- Unlock the Full Power of Ruby With RubyGuides
- UTC is enough for everyone...right?
- PacVim – A CLI Game To Learn Vim Commands
- Remediating the May 2018 Git Security Vulnerability
- kafka-manager - A tool for managing Apache Kafka.
- json-server - Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
- 30 years later, QBasic is still the best
- Oracle plans to dump risky Java serialization
- The Evolution of C Programming Practices: A Study of the Unix Operating System 1973–2015
- 여러 언어로 만드는 즐거운 REST API
- Taxi simulator using python coroutine
- Full Cycle Developers at Netflix — Operate What You Build
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Modern SQL: Evolution of a dinosaur
- Fault Tolerance Is Not High Availability
- 멀쩡한 코드가 프로덕션만 가면 느려지는 5가지 이유와 해결 방법
- Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL now generally available and ready for your production workloads
- Introducing Asylo: an open-source framework for confidential computing
- Microsoft Announces Azure Event Hubs for Kafka Ecosystems in Public Preview
- Today we mitigated
- Using AWS Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer with EC2 Container Service
- Amazon EFS, 서울 리전 출시
토요일, 6월 02, 2018
[B급 프로그래머] 5월 5주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 오른쪽부터 읽어도 문제없고 왼쪽부터 읽어도 문제없군. via @lodong2)
- 빅데이터/인공지능
- 내 머리 속의 빅브라더?··· 페이스북이 사용자에 대해 아는 것들
- What's Going On In Your Child's Brain When You Read Them A Story?
- Tesla in Autopilot mode crashes into parked Laguna Beach police cruiser
- How Brain Waves Surf Sound Waves to Process Speech
- Tesla that crashed in Autopilot mode sped up before hitting truck – police
- PRELIMINARY REPORT HIGHWAY HWY18MH010 (Uber self-driving car accident)
- Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn’t Set to Stop in an Emergency
- AI and Compute
- 김진철의 How-to-Big Data | 빅데이터 주요 기술의 조건 (3)
- 암호화폐/블록체인
- 스타벅스가 결제 시장에서 기술 기업을 능가하는 이
- How Futures Trading Changed Bitcoin Prices
- Towards a design philosophy for interoperable blockchain systems
- With At Least $1.3 Billion Invested Globally In 2018, VC Funding For Blockchain Blows Past 2017 Totals
- 블록체인-이상과 현실, 어디쯤 와 있나
- PoW 51% Attack Cost - This is a collection of coins and the theoretical cost of a 51% attack on each network.
- Ethereum’s Price Drop Possibly Due To Large ETH Sell-Off By EOS, Report Says
- The road to cashless societies
- Introducing FlureeDB, The World's First ACID-Compliant Blockchain Database
- Bitcoin Gold Hit by Double Spend Attack, Exchanges Lose Millions
- Understanding oracles
- A Beginner’s Guide to IPFS
- Why China’s Payment Apps Give U.S. Bankers Nightmares
- Bitcoin estimated to use half a percent of the world's electric energy by end of 2018
- 읽을거리
- Intel at last announces Optane memory: DDR4 that never forgets
- Mary Meeker’s 2018 internet trends report: All the slides, plus analysis(강추)
- To get a grip on altruism, see humans as molecules
- How to Avoid Distractions and Start the Right Company: Startup Tips from Sam Altman
- What I’ve Been Doing Since Quitting My Job
- [3040 해외 이코노미스트]① 신용석 워싱턴대 교수 "가족-동문 네트워크가 양극화 심화시켜"
- 지난 2년, 스타트업 투자는 '워라벨'에 몰렸다!
- Why would someone choose not to work at one of the big five tech companies (Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple)?
- What is something Googlers don't like about Google culture?
- Taking a break is part of your job
- Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes may be our first true feminist anti-hero
- All the books Bill Gates has recommended over the last eight years
- Mind over matter? How fit you think you are versus actual fitness
- Mainframes and Supercomputers, From the Beginning Till Today.
- Our quantum problem
- The Three Habits of Highly Effective Product People
- GDPR is the most unifying thing to happen to the EU in a while
- The Amazing Psychology of Japanese Train Stations
- 애플의 차세대 7나노 A12 칩에 주목해야 하는 이유
- Pulitzer prize-winning author Philip Roth dies aged 85
- How did Michael Jackson challenge our understanding of spine biomechanics?
- Are ebooks dying or thriving? The answer is yes
- The Bill Gates Line
- World Wide Submarine Cable Map