- 빅데이터/인공지능
- 다방이 M&A 아닌 ‘AI 서비스’에 투자한 이유
- Building Data Pipelines on Apache NiFi with Python
- How to Transform Research Oriented Code into Machine Learning APIs with Python
- 미국 헤지펀드 창업자 속속 퇴진…AI 도전에 '백기' 드나
- BeagleBoard.org® Launches BeagleBone® AI, Offering a Fast Track to Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence at the Edge
- https://www.fastcompany.com/90402595/airbus-a350-900-planes-have-sensors-that-track-bathroom-use
- What is AI: explaining it from different dimensions
- TensorFlow - the end-to-end machine learning platform - for Ruby
- All-in-one web-based IDE specialized for machine learning and data science.
- Various Pandas tips and tricks
- 실습으로 배우는 데이터 사이언스
- Understanding ROC curves
- 머신러닝 만화(1부, 영어) by 구글
- GAN을 활용한 한글 폰트 제작 프로젝트
- NVDLA Deep Learning Inference Compiler is Now Open Source
- Most of the Mind Can’t Tell Fact from Fiction
- 암호화폐/블록체인
- 읽을거리
- 코에이 '노부나가의 야망'은 시뮬레이션 게임 역사상 특이점인가? 인류가 게임을 통해 전쟁을 시뮬레이션했던 역사를 돌아본다.
- A Reddit user charted just how much AMD is beating Intel right now
- Uber Charges More If They Think You're Willing To Pay More
- Talk to People on the Telephone
- The Time When A Burning B-52 Nearly Caused A Nuclear Catastrophe "Worse than Chernobyl"
- 추석 때 받은 스팸, 뜨거운 밥에는 차갑게, 찬 밥에는 뜨겁게
- How Adam Neumann’s Over-the-Top Style Built WeWork. ‘This Is Not the Way Everybody Behaves.’
- Cisco Offered $7 Billion-Plus for DataDog As Company Prepares to IPO
- 항공기 날개와 조종
- Boeing 737 MAX crashes
- Venture Capital — No, We’re Not Normal
- 아이디어 만들때에는 질보다 양
- 항공업계에 부는 '4차 산업혁명' 바람.. 대기 줄이 사라진다
토요일, 9월 28, 2019
[B급 프로그래머] 9월 4주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: iPhone prices from June 2007 to August 2020. via @asymco)
토요일, 9월 21, 2019
[B급 프로그래머] 9월 3주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: Who knew there was a sort of hanky code for hexadecimal. Thanks Datamation magazine from 1968 #prelingerwiki @lizhenry)
- 개발/관리도구
- Docker Container 내부 소켓 상태 확인 - nsenter와 netstat
- An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
- Breaking Down the Chrome Web Store
- Python is eating the world: How one developer's side project became the hottest programming language on the planet
- Asciicker – an online 3D game demo rendering to ASCII text
- The cost of parsing JSON
- Spring Boot 과 Docker (with jib)
- if kakao 개발자 컨퍼런스 2019에서 진행된 모든 프로그램의 발표 영상과 슬라이드 문서
- 단순한 URL 구조 유지(by Google)S
- I built an online image editor using WebGL and CSS transforms
- How to list containers in Docker
- Elastic Load Balancing: Network Load Balancer, 이제 서버 이름 표시(SNI)를 사용하여 여러 TLS 인증서 지원
- The history and legacy of jQuery
- How do Developers Promote Open Source Projects?
- Setting up OpenSSH for Windows using public key authentication
- Installation of OpenSSH For Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10
- ChocoPy is a programming language designed for classroom use in undergraduate compilers courses.
- bic - A C interpreter and API explorer.
- sampler - A tool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerting. Configured with a simple YAML file.
- Refactoring made easy with IntelliCode!
- Why is Rust slightly slower than C?
- The 68000 Wars, Part 1: Lorraine
- Reverse Interview(회사에 궁금한 점은 없으세요?)(한국어 번역)
- 네트워크 모니터링이 궁금할땐 ? Packetbeat !
- 6 application performance management trends to watch
- The Death of Agile and Beyond
- You Won’t Believe This One Weird CPU Instruction!
- Show HN: A Senior Engineer's CheckList
- It’s Not Wrong that "🤦🏼♂️".length == 7
- 패스트캠퍼스 온라인 강의 스프링 부트 프로젝트
- Is there a regular expression to detect a valid regular expression?
- The Top Programming Languages 2019
- A Technology Freelancer's Guide to Starting a Worker Cooperative [pdf]
- 구글의 코드 리뷰 가이드
- Architecture and Design InfoQ Trends Report - January 2019
- GitDuck - Learn from other developers by watching how they work
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- "차세대 반도체 적용한 오라클 클라우드…데이터 처리, AWS보다 속도 50배 빨라"
- How Postgres Makes Transactions Atomic
- Meet Handshake: Decentralizing DNS to Improve the Security of the Internet
- [이슈분석] 클라우드 요충지는 한국...글로벌 데이터센터 몰려온다
- The Cloud 100
- Architecting for Reliability Part 3— High Availability Architectures
- Architecting for Reliability Part 2— High Availability Architectures
- Architecting for Reliability Part 2— High Availability Architectures
- Understanding Data Transfer in AWS
- CockroachDB: Architecture of a Geo-Distributed SQL Database
토요일, 9월 14, 2019
[B급 프로그래머] 9월 2주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: The Magic of the number 37 via @itsamazingpixx)
- 빅데이터/인공지능
- Our Brains Are Not Multi-Threaded
- McDonald’s acquires A.I. company to help automate the drive-thru, its third tech deal this year
- An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms(한국어도 지원!)
- [단독] 이마트24, 걸으면서 계산되는 '한국형 아마존고' 이달말 오픈
- On Extractive and Abstractive Neural Document Summarization with Transformer Language Models
- MLIR: accelerating AI with open-source infrastructure
- Announcing Two New Natural Language Dialog Datasets
- Google Introduces Cloud Storage Connector for Hadoop Big Data Workloads
- Why are p-values like needles? It’s dangerous to share them!
- The Inspection Paradox is Everywhere
- Data Scientists, The 5 Graph Algorithms that you should know
- I wasn’t getting hired as a Data Scientist. So I sought data on who is.
- What happened to Hadoop
- Machine Learning, Faster
- 딥러닝과 자연어 처리 학습을 위해 참고하면 좋은 자료들을 저장하는 자료소
- Jari's collection of interesting papers.
- Classification & Clustering 모델 평가
- Deep Learning course: lecture slides and lab notebooks
- Inside TensorFlow: tf.Keras (part 1)
- Inside TensorFlow: tf.Keras (part 2)
- PySceneDetect is tool for detecting scene in movies
- "학습 데이터양을 1/40로"··· AI '준지도학습'의 이해
- The STEM Crisis Is a Myth
- eBay's TSV Utilities: Command line tools for large, tabular data files. Filtering, statistics, sampling, joins and more.
- Nahid-1/Safir launch failure of August 29, 2019
- On-Device, Real-Time Hand Tracking with MediaPipe
- Autonomous Vehicles: The Answer to Our Growing Traffic Woes
- Free Book: Foundations of Data Science (from Microsoft Research Lab)
- 암호화폐/블록체인
- 읽을거리
토요일, 9월 07, 2019
[B급 프로그래머] 9월 1주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 내 코드 = 스택오버플로우 + 깃헙 via @programmer_pic)
- 개발/관리도구
- Fancy Zones is a window manager that is designed to make it easy to arrange and snap windows into efficient layouts for your workflow and also to restore these layouts quickly.
- Observability — A 3-Year Retrospective
- MS, 라이선스의 ‘클라우드 구멍’ 막는다…경쟁 클라우드에 악재 예상
- “내가 다윗이다” 3대 클라우드 서비스에 도전하는 소형 클라우드 열전
- '잃어버린 15년' MS 부활의 비결
- 2020 and Beyond Programming Trend Predictions
- Announcing the first preview and code release of PowerToys
- gdb-dashboard - This wiki collects some common use cases to help newcomers start integrating the dashboard into their GDB workflow.
- How to do a code review by Google
- React/TS/Electron Application을 개발하며 실수한 것들
- Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle
- 책 『자바스크립트 개발자를 위한 타입스크립트』 저장소
- Announcing XLOOKUP
- How Complex Systems Fail
- Windows X86-64 System Call Table (XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/2012/8/10)
- [번역] 파이썬이 세계를 먹어치우고 있다: 한 개발자의 사이드 프로젝트가 지구에서 가장 핫한 언어가 되기까지
- New Web Code Draws Concern Over Privacy Risks
- | 컴퓨터/윈도우를 정리/관리하는 방법 Ver 4.7 (2019-07-27 업데이트)
- CUE - Configure Unify Execute: Validate, define, and use dynamic and text-based data
- The design of littlefs - A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers.
- The Enigma Machine
- The Baseline Interpreter: a faster JS interpreter in Firefox 70
- Firefox Send
- Kent Beck의 Software Engineering Daily 인터뷰 녹취록
- Introduction to Event-driven Architectures With RabbitMQ
- 6 Lessons we learned when debugging a scaling problem on GitLab.com
- exFAT in the Linux kernel? Yes!
- Browser Fingerprinting - What Is It and What Should You Do About It?
- Software Engineering Grads Lack the Skills Startups Need
- Firefox Quantum: Developer Edition
- postwoman - API request builder
- Flutter, 왜 선택하지 못했나
- Do It Yourself (OpenJDK) Garbage Collector
- portray is a Python3 command line tool and library that helps you create great documentation websites for your Python projects with as little effort as possible.
- Git 2.23 Adds Switch and Restore Commands
- Things I Learnt from a Senior Software Engineer
- The A-Z of Programming Languages(interviews with programming language creators)
- From Mac to Linux - the setup I've grown to love
- Google Is Tightening Its Grip on Your Website
- Banned C standard library functions in Git source code
- Making it easy to write shell-like scripts in Go
- Embrace the APIs of the future (Python)
- Write your own Excel in 100 lines of F#
- We started Sourcery: get a free, self-updating website in 5sec
- JPEG XL Lossless Recompression - .jpg ⇄ .jxl
- Why did MS-DOS applications built using Turbo Pascal fail to start with a division by zero error on faster systems?
- P99 - Preprocessor macros and functions for C99 and C11
- Software Architecture Guide by Martin Folwer
- direnv로 디렉토리(프로젝트) 별 개발환경 구축하기
- Introducing nushell
- Vaadin 14 Simplifies Progressive Web App Development on the Java Platform
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스