- 빅데이터/인공지능
- BayesDB
- Understanding Support Vector Machine via Examples
- 카카오택시가 바꿔놓은 대중교통 지도
- Two Decades of Recommender Systems at Amazon.com
- Bixby reportedly delayed in the US due to lack of data
- An update to DeepBench with a focus on deep learning inference
- A curated list of awesome deep vision web demo
- Benchmarking Deep Learning operations on different hardware
- MS, 영업조직 싹 바꿨다...'클라우드-AI 퍼스트'
- Generative Adversarial Networks by Ian Goodfellow, Staff Research Scientist, Google Brain
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- [시승기] ‘피로 無’ 국내서 써본 테슬라 오토파일럿
- Diabetic retinopathy screening w/ Tensorflow.
- Meet the Women Behind Amazon's Alexa
- Microsoft wants to bring AI to Raspberry Pi and other tiny devices
- The ‘time machine’ reconstructing ancient Venice’s social networks
- I ask 100 information questions to four digital assistants. All of them fail at least half.
- Do 20 pages of a book give you 90% of its words?
- (번역) Compressing and regularizing deep neural networks
- Spark Day 2017 Machine Learning & Deep Learning With Spark
- Essential Cheat Sheets for Machine Learning and Deep Learning Engineers
- 4차 산업혁명, 일자리에 방점 … AI 등에 1조5000억 투입
- A tensorflow implementation of "Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks"
- Stock predictions with RNN
- 마이크론은 어떻게 수요 예측 정확도를 15% 높였나
- Stanford Driving Software
- "설명 가능한 AI? 정확성 보장 어렵다" 구글 연구 책임자
- 빅데이터 플랫폼으로 '삶의 질' 높이는 시카고市
- Proof that Americans are lying about their sexual desires
- CNN visualization tool in TensorFlow
- Marching neural network - Visualizing level surfaces of a neural network with raymarching
- 텐서플로우에서 checkpoint와 saved model의 차이와 모델을 export할때 그래프를 다시 그리는 이유
- ‘디지털 무장’ 꿈의 스마트공장
- 의료 부문 추천 블로그
- Simple and ready-to-use tutorials for TensorFlow
- An Interactive Tutorial on Numerical Optimization
- 구글, 오픈소스 텐서플로우 교육 도구 'T2T' 공개
- '신호인식률 90%' 스누버의 위험한 실험 논란
- The Curiosity rover and other spacecraft are learning to think for themselves
- (Google Data Center) Efficiency: How we do it
- 프레임 워크 비교 : Deeplearning4j, Torch, Theano, TensorFlow, Caffe, Paddle, MxNet, Keras 및 CNTK
- Learning through human feedback
- An introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- Tesla driver in fatal 'Autopilot' crash got numerous warnings: U.S. government
- IT ‘7왕조 시대’…“데이터 거머줘야 미래를 얻는다”
- Here's when robots will start beating humans at every task
- Practical Deep OCR for scene text using CTPN + CRNN
- AI Progress Measurement - Measuring the Progress of AI Research
- 2017년 상반기 슈퍼컴 순위 살펴보니... '중위권 요동'
- “말장난에 속지말자!” 인공 지능 또는 머신 러닝이 진짜인지 구분하는 법
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- That wasn't meant to happen! Nissan taking part in a 'collision avoidance' demonstration knocks over a woman taking part in the display
- The secret to training AI might be knowing how to say “good job”
- Python/Bash scripts for creating custom Neural Net Training Data -- this repo is for the MNIST format
- Second-Generation TPU Offers Both Training and Model Serving, Free Research Tier on GCP
- Thousands of bird sounds visualized using Google machine learning
- Not another MNIST tutorial with TensorFlow
- 가상화폐
- 비트코인 등 가상화폐 거래인가제 도입 추진…양도세도 부과
- Bitcoin mining on a vintage Xerox Alto: very slow at 1.5 hashes/second
- Analyzing Ethereum, Bitcoin, and 1200+ other Cryptocurrencies using PostgreSQL
- Practical Blockchains: Building on Bitcoin
- Building a Blockchain PoC in Ten Minutes Using Hyperledger Composer
- What if the bitcoin bubble bursts?
- Ethereum briefly crashed from $319 to 10 cents in seconds on one exchange after ‘multimillion dollar’ trade
- Move Over, Bitcoin. Ether Is the Digital Currency of the Moment.
- Okay, WTF Is Ethereum?
- I was wrong about Ethereum
- 읽을거리
- How the Oil Pipeline Began
- 도망가지 마라, 압박감 앞에서... 결정적 순간 '멘탈갑' 되려면
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- “잘 하는 창업자의 공통점? 망하는 것을 늘 두려워하는 사람!”
- GLOBALFOUNDRIES discloses 7nm process detail
- NASA Revives Plan to Put Nuclear Reactors on Mars
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- Here's the simple reason why planes have winglets
- Not Busy, Focused
- Seven ways technology has changed us
- What Is Space? - It’s not what you think.
- Forgot Where You Parked? Good
- Busy to Death
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- Science-based games - a collaborative list
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- After nine launches in 2017, it’s tough to be an honest critic of SpaceX
- 내성의 진화; 곤충
- How Apple’s iPhone changed the world: 10 years in 10 charts
- “도시가 지어져 있는 자체가 자산, 서울이 과거 품고 있다는 것 알아야”
- The Truth Behind How Airplane Toilets Actually Work
- [36.5˚] 유일호의 뭔가 달랐던 퇴장
- Why Your Brain Hates Other People
- 트위터, 한국에서만 점유율 크게 늘어
- Power Causes Brain Damage
- The new, nearly invisible class markers that separate the American elite from everyone else
- 거제, 이대로 추락할까
일요일, 7월 09, 2017
[B급 프로그래머] 7월 1주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 가상화폐, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 자존감 낮은 사람들아, 새겨 듣자. via @woodyh98)
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