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- 'We can't compete': why universities are losing their best AI scientists
- Bottery - A conversational agent prototyping platform
- Machine learning of neural representations of emotion identifies suicidal youth
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- AlphaGo Zero Cheet Sheet
- MIT researchers trained AI to write horror stories based on 140,000 Reddit posts
- Math’s Beautiful Monsters - How a destructive idea paved the way for modern math.
- Colaboratory is a research project created to help disseminate machine learning education and research. It’s a Jupyter notebook environment that requires no setup to use.
- The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data
- Alphabet’s Waymo Will Test Self-Driving Cars in Snowy Detroit
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- Linear Regression in Python; Predict The Bay Area’s Home Prices
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- Generating product usage data from scratch with Pandas
- TensorFlow를 사용한 기계 학습을 통해 모바일 구매 증명을 구현한 코카콜라의 사례를 확인해 보세요.
- nVidia GPU Cloud
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- Primer on Neural Networks
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- Gradient descent, how neural networks learn | Deep learning, chapter 2
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- How to Be a C.E.O., From a Decade’s Worth of Them
- Trump’s Nuclear Arsenal
- The entire global financial system depends on GPS, and it’s shockingly vulnerable to attack
- Living the Good Life
- Why do so many managers have poor people skills?
- 호황기에도 칼바람 불었다··· 2017 정리해고 라운드업
- 퇴사는 어쩌다 직장인의 꿈이 되었나
- Marjorie Prime(당신과 함께한 순간들) script
- How CRISPR lets us edit our DNA | Jennifer Doudna
- Confession Of A Planetary Scientist: 'I Do Not Want To Live On Mars'
- Giving Away Billions as Fast as They Can
- Tech workers worry about age discrimination at age 40: Study
- MPC Replicating Rachael in Blade Runner 2049
토요일, 11월 04, 2017
[B급 프로그래머] 11월 1주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 가상화폐, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 삶은 엉망진창인데 결국엔 모든게 제대로 돌아갈때. via @blackbox0209)
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