- 개발/관리도구
- C2 Aims to Modernize the C Language
- Kubernetes Networking
- tinc is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon
- a list of tools for managing Go packages
- What happens when ... Kubernetes edition!
- Diagnosing TLS, SSL, and HTTPS
- Mozilla announces an open gateway for the internet of things
- fbs - Create cross-platform desktop apps in minutes, not months (using Qt)
- 자바스크립트의 메모리관리
- OpenSC2K - An Open Source remake of Sim City 2000 by Maxis
- LLVM for Grad Students
- StarCraft: Remastered Emulating a buffer overflow for fun and profit
- A short guide on features of Python 3
- 7 on-the-rise technology trends to track and learn
- birds-eye - Quick, convenient, expression-centric, graphical Python debugger using the AST
- Kap - Capture your screen
- Serverless observability brings new challenges to current practices
- stimulusjs - A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have.
- 개발자가 처음 Docker 접할때 오는 멘붕 몇가지
- Writing Space Invaders with Go
- RFC: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Minimal Images
- An Analysis of Hash Map Implementations in Popular Languages
- 7 Helpful HTTP Tools
- 반디집 디자인 에러(?)
- AWS Lambda Summary
- Why Create a New Unix Shell?
- Monitoring with Prometheus 2.0
- Go Concurrency in the Real World
- LinuxBoot - Linux as Firmware
- lighthouse - Auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for Progressive Web Apps
- Kubernetes The Hard Way
- 12 best practices for user account, authorization and password management
- A guide to logging in Python
- pygogo - A Python logging library with super powers
- How MakeMyTrip Monitors Its Large-Scale E-Commerce Website
- Software Complexity Is Killing Us
- Key metrics for RabbitMQ monitoring
- Flicks - A unit of time defined in C++.
- Moving efficiently in the CLI
- Terraforming 1Password
- Firefox 58: The Quantum Era Continues
- IBM Selectric Bug: Operation GUNMAN - how the Soviets bugged IBM typewriters
- Google Releases Puppeteer 1.0
- [번역] 2018년에 배워야 할 최고의 자바스크립트 라이브러리와 기술
- DNA seen through the eyes of a coder or If you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail
- Serverless Spring
- censys - Find and analyze every reachable server and device on the Internet.
- Linux System Mining with Python
- A perfect guide for cracking a JavaScript interview (A developer’s perspective)
- Top 50 Dev tools in 2017
- Project Guidelines(한국어)
- AWS 멀티 리전간 VPC 피어링 신규 기능 소개
- Some obscure C features you might not know about
- Zstandard is a real-time compression algorithm
- IntelliJ의 .http를 사용해 Postman 대체하기
- Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary.
- How to get HTTPS working on your local development environment in 5 minutes
- 10 open-source Kubernetes tools for highly effective SRE and Ops Teams
- Flask by Example – Custom Angular Directive with D3
- A Simple Compiler in JavaScript
- An on-disk B+tree for Python 3
- The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Frameworks
- Breaking social dependency
- Create and share beautiful images of your source code. Start typing or drop a file into the text area to get started.
- A sneak peek at LCOW - With that feature enabled you will be able to run both Linux and Windows containers side-by-side with a single Docker engine.
- The Death of Microservice Madness in 2018
- [스압] KT 무선 공유기 커스텀 펌웨어 개발기 - 3 (끝)
- Cloud Foundry Networking: Enabling Direct Communication for Microservices
- 파워포인트를 보완 또는 대체하는 5가지 툴
- rejoiner - Generates a unified GraphQL schema from gRPC microservices and other Protobuf sources
- 파이썬 데이터 사이언스 Cheat Sheet: NumPy 기본
- hyperfine - A command-line benchmarking tool
- Learn FFmpeg libav the Hard Way
- Less is exponentially more
- QDirStat - Qt-based directory statistics (KDirStat without any KDE - from the original KDirStat author)
- LuLu is the free open-source macOS firewall that aims to block unknown outgoing connections, unless explicitly approved by the user.
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Observability: What's in a Name?
- Retrieve everything from a table
- Awesome Scalability, Availability, and Stability Back-end Design Patterns
- Scaling Kubernetes to 2,500 Nodes
- Designing Schemaless, Uber Engineering’s Scalable Datastore Using MySQL
- Scaling Time Series Data Storage — Part I
- 신입사원을 위한 웹서비스 확장 전략
- It’s About Time For Time Series Databases
금요일, 2월 09, 2018
[B급 프로그래머] 2월 1주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: Debugging is like... via @InfoQ)
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