- 빅데이터/인공지능
- Introducing Cloud Text-to-Speech powered by DeepMind WaveNet technology
- Perceptions of Probability and Numbers
- Deep Learning: An Introduction for Applied Mathematicians
- What is a step-by-step plan for mastering machine learning?
- AWS 퍼블릭 데이터 세트
- Escaping Twitter’s Self-Consciousness Machine
- MIT, 악천후에도 자율주행 가능한 기술 개발
- How the Uber Self-Driving Car Could Have Missed Seeing the Pedestrian
- Leaked data suggests Uber self-driving car program may be way behind Waymo [Updated]
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- 김진철의 How-to-Big Data | 빅데이터 주요 기술의 조건 (1)
- Police chief said Uber victim “came from the shadows”—don’t believe it
- Exploring Word2Vec
- The Self-Driving Uber in Fatal Crash Didn't Have a Vision Problem
- This is the moment when we decide that human lives matter more than cars
- Artificial intelligence is going to completely change your life
- How does a total beginner start to learn machine learning if they have some knowledge of programming languages?
- Operationalizing machine learning
- 예측 유지보수 : 산업용 IoT의 대표 주자
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- Baidu Apollo Releases Massive Self-driving Dataset; Teams Up With Berkeley DeepDrive
- 금융 빅데이터 중개플랫폼 내년에 생긴다
- Complex Urban LiDAR Data Set
- Demo of running NNs across different frameworks
- AI diagnostics need attention
- Watch Tesla’s latest Autopilot update at work in first drive videos
- Ride-hailing apps are now 65% bigger than taxis in New York City [OC]
- What are some must read papers on machine learning for a beginner?
- Indonesian Bitcoin Investors Set to Outnumber Stock Participants
- 진료 기록으로 치료 결과를 예측하는 구글의 인공지능
- 칼럼 | 자율주행 자동차는 '자율적'일 수 없다
- The workplace of the future - As artificial intelligence pushes beyond the tech industry, work could become fairer—or more oppressive
- 암호화폐/블록체인
- 자동차 산업에 침투하는 ′블록체인′ - AI, 자율주행 소프트웨어와 함께 완벽한 자동차 생태계를 위한 마지막 퍼즐(본인이 쓴 글)
- 모두가 승자된다?··· 클라우드 스토리지-블록체인의 만남이 제시하는 '흥미로운 가능성'
- Walmart Files Patent for Blockchain-Based Delivery System
- Chile’s Energy Regulator to Adopt Blockchain
- 블록체인, '돈 세탁·사기 방지' 뿌리부터 바꾼다
- Venture Capital Surges Into Crypto Startups
- Walmart Files Patent for Blockchain-Based Delivery System
- Can Bitcoin stimulate a county's real economy, and why?
- How Cryptocurrencies are Changing the IT Industry
- Fishing for Miners – Cryptojacking Honeypots in Kubernetes
- “현금 NO” 스벅의 실험
- 카카오, 나 떨고 있니?
- Decentralization in Bitcoin and Ethereum Networks
- Op Ed: The Many Faces of Sharding for Blockchain Scalability
- Book Review: Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
- Why the net giants are worried about the Web 3.0
- lotion - Smooth, easy blockchain apps
- 2018년 Crypto 투자 환경에 대한 단상
- 바이낸스, ‘바이낸스 체인’ 기반 탈중앙화 거래소 만든다
- 읽을거리
- There's a biological reason you're bored at work
- Travel Is No Cure for the Mind
- What are millennials doing wrong when it comes to their careers?
- China’s falling space lab is a prism for its space ambitions
- 페이스북 사태로 보는 GDPR 프레임워크의 중요성
- "2017년 국내 서버 시장은 1조 3,497억 원 규모··· 29% 성장"
- EU GDPR - Another reason for SaaS to reconsider on-premise
- The Key to Good Luck Is an Open Mind
- 인터넷 커뮤니티 Reddit의 40개월(2014년 1월~2017년 4월) 간 데이터를 바탕으로 내부 싸움이 어떤 식으로 일어나는지 분석한 논문.
- The Proposal to Lower P Value Thresholds to .005
- How do we understand sexual pleasure in this age of ‘consent’?
- Pivotal FORM S-1
- Active Listening
- Gigantic Circular Shock Acoustic Waves in the Ionosphere Triggered by the Launch of FORMOSAT‐5 Satellite
- Lessons from Spotify
- Interactive: Patent Power 2017
- Why your work life is so much harder than everyone else’s
- The person who’s best at lying to you is you
- [여의도변호사박영진] 언더커버 이모님과 크루즈 투자
- A Practical Introduction to Blockchain with Python
- Why are people still using so much cash?
- Revenue streams: Spotify’s bid to generate a profit
- 'Mind over matter': Stephen Hawking – obituary by Roger Penrose
- How Amazon’s Bottomless Appetite Became Corporate America’s Nightmare
- 화면 밖의 사람들
- 다시는 조선의 티코를 무시하지 마라. (1부)
- 스트레스, 군인처럼 대처하라··· 직장 내 '탄력성'을 위한 3가지 팁
- 모두가 알아야 할 'GDPR과 개인정보 보호'
- 철도기술과화제 62호_"철도는 살아남을 것인가?"
목요일, 3월 29, 2018
[B급 프로그래머] 3월 4주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: Sprezzatura 스프레차투라: 어려운 일을 쉬워 보이게 함으로써 우아함을 얻는 태연함 via @zittersweet99)
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