- 개발/관리도구
- Django provides a small set of tools that come in handy when writing tests.
- Changing Our Approach to Anti-tracking
- CLI: improved
- Java's new Z Garbage Collector (ZGC) is very exciting
- [번역] 더 나은 폼 디자인하기
- [마이크로서비스] 아키텍처 구축하기
- The State of Java Serialization
- Civilization written by JavaScript
- CS520 Theory of Programming Languages, Fall 2018, KAIST
- Monitoring and Observability
- Monitoring in the time of Cloud Native
- Amazon Lightsail 업데이트 – 신규 인스턴스 타입 추가 및 가격 대폭 인하
- Jib, a Java Container Image Builder from Google
- Pandoc - a universal document converter
- RSSHub is a lightweight and extensible RSS feed aggregator, it's able to generate feeds from pretty much everything.
- Monitoring Isn't Observability
- 5 automation trends in software development, quantified
- Serverless computing update: The latest on the top 4 platforms
- Build a Chat App with Socket.io, MongoDB, Express, Vue.js 2 and Node.js (MEVN)
- Windows의 네트워크 연결 문제 해결
- I Contribute to the Windows Kernel. We Are Slower Than Other Operating Systems. Here Is Why.
- 메모리 특강
- text tetris
- Why is a Java guy so excited about Node.js and JavaScript?
- Crafting Interpreters
- How World of Warcraft Was Made: The Definitive Inside Story of Nearly 20 Years of Development
- The Age Of Invisible Disasters
- Introduction to Go Modules
- arduino-cli - Arduino command line interface
- Remote Code Execution on a Facebook server
- Java, 추천 프레임워크 및 라이브러리
- GIF 사용을 멈춰주세요!
- The Rise and Rise of JSON
- The Behavior of Channels 번역 문서
- ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint - Korean: 예전 씽크패드 키보드 생각남...
- #noprojects - A Culture of Continuous Value
- PyPy.js is an experiment in building a fast and compliant python environment for the web.
- Workman Keyboard Layout - The Layout Designed with Hands in Mind
- Set up a personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud
- 리눅스 서버 60초안에 상황파악하기
- Getting to Know Graal, the New Java JIT Compiler
- What Did Ada Lovelace's Program Actually Do?
- pycon2018 슬라이드 링크들
- Parallel Programming with Python
- BackYourStack - Discover the Open Source projects* your organization is using that need financial support.
- SCALe (Source Code Analysis Lab) is a static analysis aggregator/correlator which enables a source code analyst to combine static analysis results from multiple tools into one interface, and also provides mappings for diagnostics from the tools to the SEI CERT Secure Coding standards.
- gdb-dashboard - Modular visual interface for GDB in Python
- Introduction to Go Modules
- GoAWK: an AWK interpreter written in Go
- How To Write Unmaintainable Code
- Create a simple cross-platform desktop game with Go
- tinygo - Go compiler for small devices, based on LLVM.
- CLI Love Inside
- git-bug - Distributed bug tracker embedded in Git
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Amazon Aurora – PostgreSQL을 통한 장애 복원 기능 활용하기
- JDBC Internal - 타임아웃의 이해
- InnoDB Progress Information
- Real world SSD wearout
- 공식 한국어 분석 플러그인 “노리”
- PostgreSQL Accessing MySQL as a Data Source Using mysql_fdw
- AWS의 클라우드 구성 오류 문제, 해법은?
- Question about Semi-Synchronous Replication: the Answer with All the Details
- An introduction to distributed systems
- Using AWS EC2 instance store vs EBS for MySQL: how to increase performance and decrease cost
토요일, 9월 01, 2018
[B급 프로그래머] 8월 5주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: "Make it work, make it right, make it fast." via @utilforever)
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