- 빅데이터/인공지능
- Skype support coming to Alexa later this year
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- Demystifying Artificial Intelligence
- curve-fitting methods and the messages they send
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- Deep-learning algorithms are being used to detect lithium-ion batteries in airport luggage
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- Self-Driving Cars Can Handle Neither Rain nor Sleet nor Snow
- New Electric Drone Has Groundbreaking Flight Time
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- Deep Face Recognition: A Survey
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- Driverless Hype Collides With Merciless Reality
- Deep Image Reconstruction: Deep image reconstruction: Natural images와 Deep image reconstruction from human brain activity도 참고.
- How to Start a Book Group
- How Uber is making traffic even worse
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- 'I hate them': Locals reportedly are frustrated with Alphabet's self-driving cars
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- Blockchain is here. What’s your next move?
- Deloitte’s 2018 global blockchain survey
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- The pros and cons of collaboration
- 읽을거리
- People Like You More Than You Know
- Big nutrition research scandal sees 6 more retractions, purging popular diet tips
- New Enterprise Decision Making - Dealing with Uncertainty
- Amazon becoming 3rd-biggest digital ad platform
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- Watch your step: why the 10,000 daily goal is built on bad science
- Americans Want to Believe Jobs Are the Solution to Poverty. They’re Not.
- Feel Busy All the Time? There’s an Upside to That.
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- BPA-free plastics may not be safer than regular plastics after all, a new study finds
- There’s an optimal time to give negative feedback
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- A South Vietnamese Air Force Officer Was Responsible for One of the Craziest Carrier Landings of All Time
- Stop Wasting Money on Team Building
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- A Template For Understanding BIG DEBT CRISES: 레이 달리오가 공개한 PDF 책
- 韓美 금리 역전에도 한국채권 사는 외국인… 비밀은 환차익
- [MT리포트]광화문 반경 1㎞내 스타벅스 42개, '별'천지 커피시장
- 번개사업 당시 박격포 개발에 얽힌 일화(개념글 추천)
- 5 Minutes That Will Make You Love Classical Music
- 전신마취 상태서 떠난 스무 살 여성의 슬픈 이별
- 테라노스 (Theranos) 폐업이 주는 교훈
토요일, 9월 22, 2018
[B급 프로그래머] 9월 3주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 팀에 맞지 않는 리더의 특성이 재미있음 via @jhnha)
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