- 빅데이터/인공지능
- [독서광] IT 트렌드 스페셜 리포트 2019(본인이 쓴 글)
- DeOldify - A Deep Learning based project for colorizing and restoring old images
- How Facebook Failed To Build A Better Alexa (Or Siri)
- The 5 Basic Statistics Concepts Data Scientists Need to Know
- Three Popular Clustering Methods and When to Use Each
- Here’s how you can get a 2–6x speed-up on your data pre-processing with Python
- My Weaknesses as a Data Scientist
- BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
- Waymo granted permit to test fully driverless cars in California
- Building a fly brain in a computer
- Google introduces more customizable, less annoying reCAPTCHA v3 to stop bots
- Whom should self-driving cars protect in an accident?
- 김진철의 How-to-Big Data | 빅데이터 조직과 시스템 (1)
- China’s robot uprising
- Machine learning methods (infographic)
- 5 Reasons why Businesses Struggle to Adopt Deep Learning
- Machine learning — Is the emperor wearing clothes?
- Need Help Getting Started with Applied Machine Learning?
- How Much Data Do We Create Every Day? The Mind-Blowing Stats Everyone Should Read
- An end to end implementation of a Machine Learning pipeline
- Autopilot Retrofit on Classic P85
- Korean translation of machine learning yearning book by Andrew Ng.
- Smile! The Secretive Business of Facial-Recognition Software in Retail Stores
- Comparison of top data science libraries for Python, R and Scala [Infographic]
- Euro NCAP의 새로운 테스트(테슬라 #1)
- An invitation to category theory
- Computer Stories: A.I. Is Beginning to Assist Novelists
- Soviet Tesla: Mass-Produced Electric Lada from 30 Years Ago
- Is machine learning anything more than an automated statistician?
- Will Tech Leave Detroit in the Dust?
- Lip Reading - Cross Audio-Visual Recognition using 3D Architectures
- Build Graph Nets in Tensorflow https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.01261
- 암호화폐/블록체인
- 퍼블릭 블록체인, 엔터프라이즈 시장도 파고드나
- [고란의 어쩌다 투자]게임?소셜?...블록체인의 아마존은 어디에
- Blockchain's next big market opportunity by Barclays
- ICO 대신 대세로 떠오른 IEO, 무엇인가?
- The Prophets of Cryptocurrency Survey the Boom and Bust
- 가상화폐 가격은 '뚝'…블록체인 기술자 몸값은 고공행진
- 토큰 이코노미 설계 입문을 위한 필수 아티클 Top 9
- 이오스는 왜 도박앱 투성일까
- 블록체인 혁명은 '현재진행형'··· “2023년 매출 규모 106억 달러 창출”
- 이더리움 콘스탄티노플 하드포크, 내년 1월로 연기
- 읽을거리
- The Digital Gap Between Rich and Poor Kids Is Not What We Expected
- At Netflix, Radical Transparency and Blunt Firings Unsettle the Ranks
- 경부고속도로의 기능, 그리고 그 속에 녹아 있는 권력에 대한 상상
- A decade of data reveals that heavy multitaskers have reduced memory, Stanford psychologist says
- 실리콘 밸리의 어두운 현실: 더 많은 단기계약자들을 이용한 이익 창출
- When It Comes to Volatility, Tech Stocks Are the New Bitcoin
- AI 시대, EQ 높은 엔지니어가 필요하다
- Waking up early won’t change your life—but it’s awesome for capitalism
- 전문가들이 전하는 채용 시 경고 신호 11가지
- What Emails Reveal About Your Performance At Work
- 구맹주산(狗猛酒酸), 포악한 측근은 없는가.
- 장칼국수로 만든 투움바 파스타
- The man who brought us the lithium-ion battery at the age of 57 has an idea for a new one at 92
- 내가 일하는 방식(디자이너 관점)
- Fast Food: It’s What’s for Dinner. And Lunch. And Breakfast.
- 서울지역 짜장면집 130곳 순례기.
- Want To Keep Your Brain Sharp? Take Care Of Your Eyes And Ears
- Companies are on the hook if their hiring algorithms are biased
- It's Official: Open Plan Offices Are Now the Dumbest Management Fad of All Time
- When there is turbulence on a plane, why is it unsafe for flight attendants to serve the coach class while it’s safe for them in first class?
- Is machine learning anything more than an automated statistician?
- Another technological tragedy
토요일, 11월 03, 2018
[B급 프로그래머] 10월 5주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
오늘의 짤방: Digital Transformation: "Technology changes exponentially; organizations change logarithmically." via @DiegoKuonen
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