- 개발/관리도구
- 신입 채용 거의 안하는 이유 - 회사가 여유가 없음
- So you think you know C?
- Building Standalone Python Applications with PyOxidizer
- The Dhall configuration language - The non-repetitive alternative to YAML
- One Program Written in Python, Go, and Rust
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- 소프트웨어 환멸감
- A Visual Intro to NumPy and Data Representation
- D as a C Replacement
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- The Official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guid (2nd Edition)
- The cost of JavaScript in 2019
- lazydocker - A simple terminal UI for both docker and docker-compose, written in Go with the gocui library.
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- Python in Visual Studio Code – June 2019 Release
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- mimalloc is a compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance.
- Announcing the Visual Studio Code Installer for Java
- Node js versus Python 3 fastest programs
- Simple techniques to optimise Go programs
- Vue 3 set to change in a big way – Current Syntax to be deprecated
- Day in the Life of a Google Tech Lead Manager
- JavaScript Proficiency
- Watchtower - A container-based solution for automating Docker container base image updates.
- Nefarious LinkedIn - A look at how LinkedIn exfiltrates extension data from your browser.
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- 링크 공유 FAQ(페북)
- Cleaning Code in Go
- rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc.
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- Learn git concepts, not commands
- GitLab 12.0 released with Visual Reviews and Dependency List
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- Formatting floating point numbers
- small - Smallest possible syntactically valid files of different types
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- On the Impact of Programming Languages on Code Quality
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- Kivy - Open source Python library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps.
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- Password expiration is dead, long live your passwords
- Are long JavaScript tasks delaying your Time to Interactive?
- Undervalued Software Engineering Skills: Writing Well
- dnSpy - .NET debugger and assembly editor
- git-secrets - Prevents you from committing secrets and credentials into git repositories
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Gartner Says the Future of the Database Market Is the Cloud
- "첫 번째 쥐는 덫에 걸리고 두 번째 쥐가 치즈를 차지한다" 오라클의 클라우드 차별화 전략
- Justin.Tv's Live Video Broadcasting Architecture
- Cloudflare outage caused by bad software deploy (updated)
- Web Framework Benchmarks
- How Fast can A Single Instance of Redis be?
- HAProxy 2.0 and Beyond
- 통계로 살펴보는 인디스쿨
- HTTP/2 성능 향상을 위한 NGINX 구조 개선
- Google Cloud Networking Incident #19009
- 장애와 관련된 XtraBackup 적용기
- Amazon Aurora Serverlee를 위한 Data API 정식 출시
일요일, 7월 07, 2019
[B급 프로그래머] 7월 1주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: Converted your monolithic app to a container? via @richcampbell
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