- 개발/관리도구
- Visualizing and Understanding JPEG Format
- Deno vs Node showdown!
- Github Profile Readme로 프로필 꾸미기
- Hashing it Out - A deep dive into Python dictionaries.
- 빌드 속도 개선한 '타입스크립트 4.0' 베타 공개
- How to write Javascript and React with VS Code FASTER!
- Mapping of AWS services to Google Cloud
- Dates and Times in JavaScript
- 페북이 만든 skiplang의 잘 정리된 코드 주석
- 칼럼 | '나 그냥 코딩하게 해주세요'··· 오픈소스 프로젝트 관리자의 딜레마
- Rush: a scalable monorepo manager for the web
- Tauri is a framework for building tiny, blazing fast binaries for all major desktop platforms.
- Rome is a linter, compiler, bundler, and more for JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, Markdown, and CSS.
- HTTPS 요청 비율 통계 추이
- The rise and fall of Adobe Flash
- AWS Announces General Availability of Amazon CodeGuru
- git commit accepts several message flags (-m) to allow multiline commits
- New H.266 Video Coding Standard Claims to Be 50% More Efficient Than H.265
- 본격 macOS에 개발 환경 구축하기(2020년 판)
- Building Cloudflare TV from scratch
- [Linux] shell script 작성시 sed 치환패턴 문자열 escapse
- Return of the OpenJDK Developers' Guide
- [Linux] shell script 파일 주석을 그대로 도움말로 사용하기
- Clean Architecture, 2 years later
- Fig - Apps & Shortcuts for Your Terminal
- Null is your friend, not a mistake
- Ten Python development skills
- Before building your next static site with React, consider this
- Top 10 Visual Studio Refactoring Tips
- How To : 구글 드라이브 스토리지 여유 공간을 확보하는 3가지 방법
- 점유율 70% 돌파··· 크롬 브라우저, ‘올타임 레전드’ 반열에 올랐다
- A Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day at Slack
- Cloud-Native Java vs Golang
- Readspike -해외 주요 IT 뉴스 사이트를 한눈에
- Booting a 486 From Floppy with the Most Up-to-Date Stable Linux Kernel
- Weaveworks - Automate Enterprise Kubernetes the GitOps way
- locust - An open source load testing tool.
- Brython - A Python 3 implementation for client-side web programming
- Getting Started with Java in VS Code
- Difference between OpenJDK and Adoptium/AdoptOpenJDK
- Linus Torvalds: 'I Do No Coding Any More'
- 「Clog」 서비스 개발기(React Native, Laravel, Django)
- 시니어 엔지니어로 넘어가기 위한 기술: 코드 읽기
- Microservice.add(observability) != Microservice.add(monitoring)
- One man's mistake, missing backups and complete reboot: The tale of Europe's Galileo satellites going dark
- A Deep Introduction to JIT Compilers: JITs are not very Just-in-time
- Purrito Bin (=♡ᆺ♡=) - ultra fast, minimalistic, encrypted command line paste-bin
- UASP makes Raspberry Pi 4 disk IO 50% faster
- "Castle Game Engine" is an open-source cross-platform 3D and 2D game engine.
- A Journey building a fast JSON parser and full JSONPath, Oj for Go
- k8s의 코드 주석 경고문
- The Rust compiler isn't slow; we are.
- Software engineering 101 - The basics you should hear about at least once
- Standardese aims to be a nextgen Doxygen.
- Beginner’s Guide To Abstraction
- Hard disk hacking - Intro
- 24 Common Mistakes In GO (gotchas) And How To Avoid Them
- SSH Emergency Access
- Barclays Bank appeared to be using the Wayback Machine as a 'CDN' for some Javascript
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- WSJ: GoogleBot can add products to shopping carts
- Websites that look like desktop GUIs
- 성능이 중요한 이유 by 구글
- PuTTY 0.68 through 0.73 has an Observable Discrepancy leading to an information leak in the algorithm negotiation.
- Welcome to MaXX Interactive Desktop
- Ruffle is an Adobe Flash Player emulator written in the Rust programming language. Ruffle targets both the desktop and the web using WebAssembly.
- 유용한 JavaScript 코딩 기법들
- 프론트엔드 면접 문제 은행
- 4세대 애플리케이션 모델을 이끄는 클라이언트-서버리스 탐구
- Windows 10 version 2004 is causing OneDrive Files on Demand issue, and here is how to solve it
- Bitcoin From Scratch - Part 1
- Windows on ARM벤치마크 자료의 해석에 대해
- A Step-by-Step Guide to Go Internationalization (i18n) & Localization (l10n)
- QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming language that retains QBasic/QuickBASIC 4.5 compatibility and compiles native binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- Testing Software Architecture
- Lessons learned from building a commercial open source bot development platform
- JavaScript for impatient programmers (ES2020 edition)
- Nora Jones on Resilience Engineering, Mental Models, and Learning from Incidents
- guietta - A tool for making simple Python GUIs
- High Resolution Time Level 2 Is Now a Web Standard
- Frontend vs Backend
- How to Kill Your Developer Productivity
- 10 Smooth Python Tricks For Python Gods
- ‘더 안전하고 더 편하다’ 윈도우 10 프로로 업그레이드하면 좋은 7가지 이유
- Caporal - A full-featured framework for building command line applications (cli) with node.js
- systemd - Don't fallback to Google NTP and DNS.
- How to measure Linux Performance Avoiding Most Typical Mistakes: CPU
- Why Distributed Systems Are Hard
- Android Sunflower - A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with Android Jetpack.
- Go: Builds & Linker’s Timeline
- Solve Go Performance Issues by Profiling
- The 6 Most Common Accessibility Problems (and How to Fix Them)
- LFortran - Modern interactive LLVM-based Fortran compiler
- Programming language Python: Microsoft's VS Code gets Pylance to 'supercharge' coding
- Apple's Rosetta Move
- Good Code vs Bad Code in Golang
- Why Figma Wins
- Usage statistics of JavaScript libraries for websites
- Announcing OpenJDK for Windows 10 on ARM
- Phonk - https://joshua1988.github.io/web-development/http-part1/Self-contained Creative scripting toolbox for new and old Android devices
- 프런트엔드 개발자가 알아야하는 HTTP 프로토콜 Part 1
- What is Fake Agile? Understanding the Dark Side of Agile and How to Avoid It
- Docker and Kubernetes — root vs. privileged
- Apple Lightning
- Launching docs.github.com
- C# Futures: Null Check Operator
- AWS App2Container – A New Containerizing Tool for Java and .NET Applications
- ‘누출된 벤치마크 결과가 놀랍다고?’ 애플 칩 맥의 성능은 더 찬란할 터다
- 모든 소프트웨어 개발자가 피해야 할 9가지 경력 함정
- How to reply with 200 from Nginx, without serving a file
- 한눈에 보는 타입스크립트(updated)
- Cloud Resource Naming Conventions
- 실수로 잃어버린 파일을 찾는 새로운 툴 ‘윈도우 파일 리커버리’
- JavaScript Reaches the Final Frontier: Space
- System hardening in Android 11
- linear - The issue tracking tool you'll enjoy using
- Apple killed the IDFA: A comprehensive guide to the future of mobile marketing
- hyperapp - purely functional, declarative web apps in javascript
- JetBrains Academy - What would you like to learn?
- 오라클, 자바 마이크로서비스 위한 헬리돈 2.0 출시
- The Analytics Setup Guidebook
- 자체 음식 배달 서비스 Sprig의 실패 경험담
- A Principled Approach to GraphQL Query Cost Analysis
- 다중 서버 환경에서 Session은 어떻게 공유하고 관리할까? - 2편(Sticky Session, Session Clustering, Session Storage 분리)
- The Era of Fragmentation, Part 4: The Anarchists(The History of Usenet and FidoNet)
- Java in Containers - Part Deux
- Spring Boot 2.3.0 Focuses on the Cloud
- CodeSnap - 📸 Take beautiful screenshots of your code in VS Code!
- In February 2020 nearly 65,000 developers told us how they learn and level up, which tools they’re using, and what they want.
- Getting started with CUDA on Ubuntu on WSL 2
- An Early Benchmark Of The NVIDIA CUDA GPU Performance On WSL2
- 좋은 PM이라면 늘 주의해야 할 4가지 의사결정 편향
- Windows98 Running in the Browser
- Speeding up function calls with just one line in Python
- Google OAuth 인증을 이용한 애플리케이션 개발
- A journey in fixing browser history
- Roy Fielding's Misappropriated REST Dissertation
- Mackup으로 시스템 설정 파일(dotfiles) 백업하고 복원하기
- C++ Core Guideline: The Guideline Support Library
- [Linux&Clang] Ubuntu에 Clang 9 설치하기
- 프런트엔드 마스터가되고 싶다면 만들어야 할 프로젝트 9선
- Writing good C++14 by Bjarne Stroustrup
- Foam is a personal knowledge management and sharing system
- The Devastating Decline of a Brilliant Young Coder
- GNU GCC on x86 does not round floating-point divisions to the nearest value
- ARM Mac: Why I'm Worried About Virtualization
- 아마존, 비개발자를 위한 노코드 툴 ‘허니코드’ 발표
- Text to Handwriting
- Real VT102 emulation with MAME
- xi-editor retrospective
- binclude is a tool for including static files into Go binaries.
- 7 Python mistakes all beginner developers make — and how to avoid them
- Hardcoded secrets, unverified tokens, and other common JWT mistakes
- Apple adds support for encrypted DNS (DoH and DoT)
- Examining ARM vs X86 Memory Models with Rust
- A multiplayer board game in Rust and WebAssembly
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Pandas versus SQL Comparison : JOIN
- How to Scale Postgres - Automation, Tuning & Sharding
- Charset and Collation Settings Impact on MySQL Performance
- DB분산처리를 위한 sharding
- JPA 덕분에 DB에서 삽질한 이야기
- gitqlite is a tool for running SQL queries on git repositories.
- Scaling Linux Services: Before accepting connections
- 카카오판 기업용 클라우드 플랫폼 '뼈대' 공개됐다
- 칼럼ㅣ이렇게 많은 ‘데이터베이스’가 필요한가?
- 고 처리량 분산 비율 제한기
- Connect to MySQL after hitting ERROR 1040: Too many connections
- Security Tasks: Only 0.13% of passwords pass the validate_password plugin MEDIUM policy score.
- Our AWS bill is ~ 2% of revenue. Here's how we did it
- SQL Translation
- How does SQLite work? Part 1: pages!
- Types of Indexes in PostgreSQL
토요일, 7월 11, 2020
[B급 프로그래머] 7월 2주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 전설의 자바 콜 스택 짤 via @nameEO)
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