(오늘의 짤방: Hello world in @nodejs has changed a lot over the years. via @bengl)
- 개발/관리도구
- Introducing npx: an npm package runner
- A gRPC C++ introduction
- What does gcc main.c do?
- qawolf - Convert your actions to Playwright/Jest code. Stop writing boilerplate, start finding bugs.
- ts-migrate is a tool for helping migrate code to TypeScript. It takes a JavaScript, or a partial TypeScript, project in and gives a compiling TypeScript project out.
- Learn Puppeteer & Playwright - Tips, tricks and in-depth guides from the trenches
- Flask 에 uwsgi 서버 적용하기
- Picture to QR code converter
- Can't you just right click?
- 매출 손실을 줄여주는 외부링크 관제 Bot, 'URL Checker' 개발기
- Responsible Microservices
- Most "mandatory requirements" in corporations are imaginary
- isoflow - Create beautiful cloud diagrams in minutes
- From Docker to Kubernetes: Container Networking 101 (By O’Reilly)
- [5분 따라하기] 3차원 지구본을 콘솔에 그리기(본인이 쓴 글)
- Home Automation with Power Platform - Part 1
- umami is fast own your website analytics
- APL386 Unicode
- Discover the latest iOS UI design patterns
- What is a Docker container vs. an image?
- Managing Kubernetes resources: 5 things to remember
- The Right Way of Tracing AWS Lambda Functions
- 7 Developer Tools to Make Work That Little bit Easier
- Learn C++ Multi-Threading in 5 Minutes
- Pure Skill Minesweeper
- Hiding messages in x86 binaries using semantic duals
- opds - Easy to use, Open & Decentralized Content Distribution
- Algorithmic Thinking
- MicroPython
- Factorio and Software Engineering
- Mozilla’s uncertain future
- The Rise of Worse is Better
- This patch adds NTFS Read-Write driver to fs/ntfs3.
- MiniFB (Mini FrameBuffer) is a small cross platform library that makes it easy to render (32-bit) pixels in a window.
- 링크드인이 카프카를 직접 개발한 이유
- Using an old BlackBerry as a portable SSH (or Telnet) terminal
- Write your Own Virtual Machine - lc3
- Unicode In Five Minutes ⌚
- PyIDM is a python open source (Internet Download Manager) with multi-connections, high speed engine
- SSL 및 TLS 인증서를 관리하고 추적하는 4가지 모범 사례
- Subpar is a utility for creating self-contained python executables. It is designed to work well with Bazel.
- Container Image Retention Policy
- Timeline: 2006-2020 in 20 JavaScript projects
- Building Another Website, This Time in C
- Lessons learned on writing web applications completely in Rust
- gix is a command-line interface (CLI) to access git repositories. (Written by Rust)
- Can we do better than our C compiler?
- Redirect tracking protection: 모질라 파이어폭스, 향상된 추적 방지 강화…리다이렉트 추적 차단도 참고
- https://www.cloudforecast.io/blog/aws-tagging-best-practices/
- Rob Pike's 5 Rules of Programming
- Typora — a markdown editor, markdown reader.
- Announcing the new Jupyter Book
- "PC 뱅킹의 주적은 뱅킹 프로그램" – 구라 제거기 제작자 인터뷰
- 라즈베리 파이를 리모트 콘트롤러로 활용하기
- 나의 웹개발 20년 역사-1부
- Best Figma plugins for 2020 which deserve your attention
- 10 Key Learnings in Rust after 30,000 Lines of Code
- 당근마켓의 푸시알림을 지탱하고 있는 Node.js 서비스
- Playwright is a Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
- 👑 JavaScript 번들러로 본 조선시대 붕당의 이해
- 응답하라 1988, 1988년 컴퓨터 잡지, 컴퓨터학습으로 들여다본 1988년의 컴퓨터
- WSJ: TikTok used a loophole to track MAC addresses on Android
- Creating a QR Code step by step
- Boeing 747s still get critical updates via floppy disks
- 서비스 지표 정리
- Why the C Language Will Never Stop You from Making Mistakes
- 2020년과 이후 JavaScript의 동향 - JavaScript(ECMAScript)
- Dropbox Improves Sync Performance Using a Modified Brotli
- Go와 함께하는 전화망 서비스 구축 1편
- GitHub Arctic Code Vault: Tech Tree
- vue-state-store - Simple state management system that full supports for typescript.
- Kowl (previously known as Kafka Owl) is a web application that helps you to explore messages in your Apache Kafka cluster
- dorking (how to find anything on the Internet)
- 패스트캠퍼스 Vue.js 수업 자료
- DTwitter (iOS13 & iOS14) - Download photos, videos and GIFs from a public tweet
- Vertigo is a public domain flight simulator
- C++ moves for people who don’t know or care what rvalues are 🏘️
- C Programming FAQs(한국어 번역)
- Fast Virtual Functions: Hacking the VTable for Fun and Profit
- Introducing Rome
- An attempt to make a font look more handwritten
- enders graph of Google's auto-complete
- Bootstrap 5 Removes jQuery Dependency
- [AWS] EC2 인스턴스에 부하 생성하는 간단한 방법
- Programming Microcontrollers with JavaScript -- Q&A with Peter Hoddie and Lizzie Prader
- PHP 7 – Functions Improvements
- Lessons Learned from Reviewing 150 Infrastructures
- Some awesome modern C++ features that every developer should know
- (한국) MSX 탄생 비화
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
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