- 개발/관리도구
- 위시켓, IT SW 프리랜서 구인·구직 현황 발표
- Lessons from DAZN: Scaling Your Project with Micro-frontends
- The Ultimate List of YouTube Channels to Boost your Web Development and Programming Skills
- Java 8 Method reference
- CSRankings: Computer Science Rankings
- AnyLeaf - Lab-grade digital pH and ORP circuit
- From Zero to a Working Twitter Bot in Python – All You Need to do in 6 Easy Steps
- We Didn't Encrypt Your Password, We Hashed It. Here's What That Means:
- PicoRio Linux RISC-V SBC is an Open Source Alternative to Raspberry Pi Board
- Modern C
- Teach Yourself Computer Science
- More in Sorrow than in Anger: A Requiem for a Dying Operating System
- Libvirt - The Unsung Hero of Cloud Computing
- 2020년과 이후 JavaScript의 동향 - WebAssembly
- 10 Awesome Chrome Flags You Should Enable Right Now
- Build Your Own WebAssembly Compiler
- The AWS Serverless LAMP Stack: the Future of PHP or Vendor Lock-in?
- Deno Loves WebAssembly
- 웹사이트 속도가 왜 중요한 것인가
- AWS, 컨테이너 전용 리눅스 OS 보틀로켓 1.0 릴리스
- meta: Docker log driver plugin, explerimental to GA
- What's new in HTOP version 3.0.0
- '대세' 쿠버네티스, 문제는 '보안'··· 베스트 보안 프랙티스 5가지
- (Naver fe-news) 2020-09 링크 & 읽을거리
- Dual-monitor 4K@60hz KVM switch for $30
- Web Application Security(Free PDF, O'Reilly) by Nginx
- responsively - Develop responsive web apps 5x faster!
- Why I Actively Discourage Online Tooling like jwt.io and Online JSON Validators
- [일상다반사] 오프라인으로 PDF 파일을 회전/결합/압축하려면?(본인이 쓴 글)
- Autoruns for Windows v13.98
- Google Cloud Application Modernization Program: Get to the future faster
- How To : 고급 지메일 템플릿으로 시간을 절약하는 방법
- 글로벌 칼럼 | EV 인증서로 바꿔야 하는 이유
- '오류 줄이고 보기도 좋은' 파이썬 코드 정리 툴 5가지
- Senior to a Lead software developer
- How Unix Works: Everything You Were Too Afraid to Ask
- Figma to Code
- Mozilla research: Browsing histories are unique enough to reliably identify users
- Getting started with Linux kernel development
- FreeCol - Colonization Strategy Game
- 90년대 슈팅 게임들은 왜 우울했을까
- [번역] 모든 길은 Rome으로 통할까?
- Prometheus와 Python GC 모듈을 이용해 동작중인 애플리케이션의 힙 사용량 측정해 본 이야기
- A grim outlook on the future of browser add-ons
- Microservice Architecture at Medium
- The Business of Open Source
- WebRTC for the Curious
- present - A terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects.
- Players are fixing Microsoft Flight Simulator’s missing monuments with Google Maps
- Fluid-Size - 🖥️ 💻📱 A method of fluidly resizing in response to various devices. (with SASS) 💞 👀
- 10 most common mistakes using kubernetes
- Exploring mullender.c - A deep dive into the first IOCCC winner
- Deep Dive into PHP 8's JIT
- SC-IM is a spreadsheet program that is based on SC
- danfojs: powerful javascript data analysis toolkit
- [TIP] 개발 실력을 향상시켜줄 IT기업 기술 블로그 45곳 모음 (2020.08 Update)
- Malloc geiger is a hook for malloc that plays geiger counter blips in proportion to the amount of calls to malloc as a way of knowing what an application does.
- Inside the Hidden World of Legacy IT Systems
- Optimized shot-based encodes for 4K: Now streaming!
- The Joy of Cryptography - Undergraduate textbook by Mike Rosulek
- Debug Visualizer - A VS Code extension for visualizing data structures while debugging.
- Game Design Curriculum
- Technical Debt Doesn’t Exist
- Ultralight is a lightweight, cross-platform, HTML rendering engine for desktop apps and games.
- fd is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
- ipgrep is a line-oriented search tool that recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern.
- A new report claims Apple might be working on its own search engine
- The Modern Platform in 2020
- New Case Studies About Google’s Use of Go
- A Short Guide to Minimal Web Development
- Chromium devs want the browser to talk to devices, computers directly via TCP, UDP. Obviously, nothing can go wrong
- pywinauto is a set of python modules to automate the Microsoft Windows GUI.
- Git 협업 가이드
- Uber Open-Sources Tool to Automatically Clean Up Stale Code
- Engineering Successful Cloud Migrations
- Configuration File Validation Check
- What happens when you load a URL?: What happens when you type in a URL in an Address bar in a browser도 참고
- ARWES - Futuristic Sci-Fi and Cyberpunk Graphical User Interface Framework for Web Apps
- Golang Network File Server
- Learn Vim (the Smart Way)
- iOS 14 privacy settings will tank ad targeting business, Facebook warns
- Common Apache Errors
- 클라우드 기반 IDE 플랫폼 ‘깃파드(Gitpod)’, 오픈소스로 전환
- 국가 검열에 저항하는 해킹 방법과 TLS 공격 시연…데프콘
- Understanding "same-site" and "same-origin"
- Hands-on WebAssembly: Try the basics
- The Ultimate Go Study Guide
- Our 80 Favorite PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts
- Jerry Hargrove - AWS Cloud Diagrams & Notes
- Upgrading GitHub to Ruby 2.7
- Kindle Collects a Surprisingly Large Amount of Data
- Zalando RESTful API and Event Scheme Guidelines
- 플라이트 시뮬레이터 2020 사양이 너무 높다면? 1982 버전으로 '추억 여행'
- '느려지지 않을까?' 신형 맥의 '파일볼트+T2 칩' 작동 방식의 이해
- [5분 따라하기] 비주얼 스튜디오 C++에서 JSON 파서 설치하기(본인이 쓴 글)
- SourMint Malicious SDK
- Dynamic SVG Components
- I Heart Logs: Event Data, Stream Processing, and Data Integration(Free PDF, O'Reilly) by confluent
- 👨💻 엔지니어링 매니저가 꼭 읽어야 할 도서&아티클 📚✏️
- Challenge to scientists: does your ten-year-old code still run?
- 클라우드플레어 라이브 개발TV 일정표
- Delivering HTTP/2 upload speed improvements
- Scaling Docker to Serve Millions More Developers: Network Egress
- Portable Shell and VIM Customization
- Why Do We Interface? - The Past, Present, & Future of Interfaces
- 개츠비의 이미지 처리 방식
- How to Use AVIF: The New Next-Gen Image Compression Format
- ipTIME A9004M 공유기에 Windows XP 올리기
- [분석정보] 모바일 SoC에서 다크 실리콘의 속박
- aws-cost-saver - A tiny CLI tool to help save costs in development environments when you're asleep and don't need them!
- VTM - Text-based Desktop Environment, aka Monotty Desktop (desktopio)
- moreutils is a growing collection of the unix tools that nobody thought to write long ago when unix was young.
- 사라지는 쿠키, 디지털 광고를 위한 차세대 ‘추적’ 기술은 무엇?
- DotNet Core Benchmarks Consistently Beat JVM
- GCC x86 Performance Hints
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Please stop using this UPSERT anti-pattern
- Streaming backups in parallel using tee (for MariaDB)
- The MySQL Cheatsheet We All Need
- Zero Downtime Release: Disruption-free Load Balancing of a Multi-Billion User Website by Facebook
- 캐시 성능 향상기 (Improving Cache Speed at Scale)
- The database I wish I had
- Upgrading MySQL (Percona Server) from 5.7 to 8.0
- Things I Wished More Developers Knew About Databases
- “코로나19 여파 거의 없다”··· 올 2분기 클라우드 지출 300억 달러 돌파
- Google Meet’s Scaling Challenges during COVID-19
- Doing the Impossible, using ASSISTANT to make a SQL Linter (and how you can make it lint whatever you want)
- Why Uber Engineering Switched from Postgres to MySQL
- 애플을 압도하는 MS의 매력…年47% 성장하는 클라우드 매출
- Handling NULL Values in PostgreSQL
토요일, 9월 05, 2020
[B급 프로그래머] 9월 1주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 2020년인데 파이썬 2 코딩하는 드라마를 만들다니 via @lyomi)
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