- 개발/관리도구
- Understanding How UUIDs Are Generated
- Declarative Shadow DOM
- egghead - Learn the best JavaScript tools and frameworks from industry pros. Video tutorials for badass web developers.
- Escaping strings in Bash using !:q
- Heapothesys - an Open-Source GC Latency Benchmark by Amazon Corretto
- Typography in 8 bits: System fonts
- Getting started with Svelte
- Bringing the browser developer tools to Visual Studio Code
- Server-side Showdown: Apache vs NGINX
- Level up your shell history with Loki and fzf
- A Year with Java 11 in Production!
- C++: The Good Parts
- kitty - the fast, featureful, GPU based terminal emulator
- Code scanning is now available!
- 3270font: A font for the nostalgic
- Cloudflare Web Analytics
- From Zero to main(): How to Write a Bootloader from Scratch
- Design Notes(디자인에 사용할 여러 가지 자원을 모아놓은 사이트)
- How To Reduce Your Kubernetes Cost
- pollo - an extensible Docker-based Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- How India Censors The Web
- Elsa is a minimal, fast and secure runtime for Javascript and Typescript written in Go, leveraging the power from QuickJS.
- C’s Biggest Mistake
- 가상 머신, 거의 모든 IT 혁신의 출발점
- What's new with rdiff-backup?
- 3 open source alternatives to Confluence
- Analyze Linux startup performance
- 미래의 리더에게 필요한 3가지 중추 '머리, 심장, 손'
- Wireflow - flow chart collaboration app
- TIC-80 tiny computer 0.80.1344
- AVC - AWS Video Catalog is a website that collects all the official Amazon videos related to each individual AWS Service and categorizes them in a way that makes it easy to find what you are looking for.
- Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless
- 국내 (개발) 블로그를 모아서 보여주는 사이트
- All duckduckgo bang operators on one page (metasearch tool)
- 파이썬 모듈과 패키지(동영상)
- Go: Goroutine Leak Detector
- It used to be simpler to teach (UNIX)
- devhints - Rico's cheatsheets
- PHP Annotated – September 2020(한국어 번역)
- Fully documented source code for Elite on the BBC Micro
- 개발자를 위한 정보 검색 팁
- RemNote – 공부하고 글쓰는 사람을 위한 강력한 노트 도구
- duf - Disk Usage/Free Utility (Linux, BSD & macOS)
- Adobe unveils ambitious multi-year vision for PDF: Introduces Liquid Mode
- Stevey's Google Platforms Rant
- Welcome to the learnsqlonline.org free interactive SQL tutorial.
- Stop Asking Me to "Sign Up"
- A Short Story for Engineers
- LEd is an open-source 2D level editor, with a strong focus on user-friendliness.
- jitsi - More secure, more flexible, and completely free video conferencing
- urlcat - Build correct URLs easily.
- Ruby 3.0.0 Preview 1 Released
- Visual and interactive way to learn Git
- Welcome to the learncs.org free interactive C# tutorial.
- Liteboard provides a decentralized lightweight online lecture experience.
- 뱅크샐러드는 어떻게 레거시 서비스를 박살 내는가
- 컴파일러 최적화의 힘
- Introducing Luna, Amazon's cloud gaming service where it's easy to play great games on devices you already own. No waiting for lengthy downloads or updates — just play.
- 크롬 확장프로그램 개발⛏️ 회고
- Monitoring Linux Logs with Kibana and Rsyslog
- Oracle Cloud 방화벽 설정 (http/https 특정 포트 열기)
- Spring Professional Certification Study Guide
- How expensive is integer-overflow trapping in C++?
- Microservices Adoption in 2020
- Costs and Benefits of .NET Application Migration to the Cloud
- 5 Key Ways the Kubernetes Architecture Has Evolved in 5 Years
- From Monolith to Event-Driven: Finding Seams in Your Future Architecture
- Enabling Distributed Tracing for Microservices With Jaeger in Kubernetes
- C++ 14 기능 지원부터 벡터 API까지··· JDK 16, 기능 구체화
- Java 15 Released
- Biscuit: An OS kernel in a high-level language
- Cloud Native is about Culture, Not Containers
- Modern Banking in 1500 Microservices
- Porting ScreenPlay from QMake to CMake: A story on why CMake is actually pretty nice in 2020.
- 군더더기 없는 파이썬 코드를 위한 타입 체커 4종
- 업데이트 : 누구나 할 수 있는 실용적인 라즈베리 파이 프로젝트 10선
- The Ultimate Guide to Web Performance 🚀
- How To : iOS 14의 앱 보관함 사용법
- JVM 메모리 해부학
- Welcome to the LearnPython.org interactive Python tutorial.
- Here’s How I Solved a Weird Bug Using Tried and True Debugging Strategies
- A Picture of Java in 2020
- View PDF files in Firefox or choose another viewer
- How to install software with Ansible
- Essential Cheat Sheet: Convert jQuery to JavaScript
- What's the largest amount of bad code you have ever seen work?
- Get my free ebooks: JavaScript, Node, React, C
- James Bottomley's random Pages
- Game Source Code Collection
- ErrorLens turbo-charges language diagnostic features by making diagnostics stand out more prominently,
- Klipse is a Javacript plugin for embedding interactive code snippets in tech blogs.
- 유용한 테스트 케이스를 위한 개발자의 자세
- Rubyspeed is a basic proof of concept (horribly hacked together) that allows annotating method declarations to automatically be specialized and compiled to C.
- Shape Up v 1.8, 2019 edition - Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters
- Lessons from DAZN: Scaling Your Project with Micro-Frontends
- Principles for Microservice Design: Think IDEALS, Rather than SOLID
- Best Practices for Web Developers with Webhint - Rachel Simone Weil at OpenJS World
- Performance vs. New Features: It Doesn’t Have to Be a Zero-Sum Game
- Is the AWS Free Tier Really Free?
- Introduction to Computer Graphics
- Why Not Rust?
- The Little Things: Speeding up C++ compilation
- IP Address Tools Online
- Vue 3 가볍게 훑어보기
- 개발자를 위한 추천 도서(마인드맵)
- CDK Patterns is more than "just AWS CDK examples"
- Java 9 – Javadoc Improvement
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Store and Access Time Series Data at Any Scale with Amazon Timestream – Now Generally Available
- dbcrossbar is an open source tool that copies large, tabular datasets between many different databases and storage formats.
- MySQL: Import CSV, not using LOAD DATA
- urkel - An optimized and cryptographically provable key-value store. Written in C.
- MySQL 쓰면서 하지 말아야 할 것 17가지
- Mastering PostgreSQL Administration(PDF)
- B-tree indexes - learn more about the heart of PostgreSQL
- Ora2Pg - Moves Oracle and MySQL database to PostgreSQL
- How we(Timescale) are building a self-sustaining open-source business in the cloud era (version 2)
- Database Version Control With Liquibase
- Lessons Learned from Running Postgres 13: Better Performance, Monitoring & More
토요일, 10월 03, 2020
[B급 프로그래머] 9월 5주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: A professional at work via @ZephrFish)
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