- 개발/관리도구
- create-node-cli - 📦 Create a Node.js CLI in a minute
- PHP 8.0.0 Released!
- 임베디드 리눅스 프로그래머의 처우, 전망은 어떨까? – 코드도사
- 25 JavaScript Tricks You Need To Know About
- ZIP 계열 데이터 압축 기법을 설명한 발표 자료
- hCaptcha Is Now the Largest Independent CAPTCHA Service, Runs on 15% Of The Internet
- quiver: a modern commutative diagram editor
- A Port of “The Last True Unix” to x86
- Apache OpenMeetings
- Apple Silicon M1: Black. Magic. Fuckery.
- A kernel extension that enables total store ordering on Apple silicon, with semantics similar to x86_64's memory model.
- Check M1 compatibility for all your Mac apps with this free open source tool
- M1 Mac workaround appears to allow up to 6 external displays
- Tips for Performant TypeScript
- 7 Reasons Why Software Development Is So Hard
- Why AWS loves Rust, and how we’d like to help
- Deno 1.5 Sees 3x Bundling Performance Improvement Due to Rust-Based JavaScript/TypeScript Compiler
- “우리도 있다” 업무용 오픈소스 화상회의 툴 10선
- DOM Recording For Web Application Demos
- The Twelve-Factor App (한국어)
- 번역 | 장고에서 리퀘스트를 처리하는 방법
- Next.JS 10 Brings Automatic Image Optimization, Internationalized Routing, and Web Vitals Analytics
- What We Know about Java 16 and 17 So Far
- 5 things before you venture into your maiden Golang Project
- The Tech Stack of a One-Man SaaS
- Django Doctor - Django code improvement bot
- Node.js MySQL tutorial: a step-by-step getting started guide with Express js REST API
- Introducing another free CA as an alternative to Let's Encrypt
- How to waste your career, one comfortable year at a time
- jnotebook-reader by Line
- InfoQ Live Roundtable: Microservices - Are They Still Worth It?
- Node JS Full Course | Learn Node.js | Node JS Tutorial For Beginners
- 윈도우 10 에서 ssh 서버 구성하기
- 누구나 원하는 개발자되기
- Booting from a vinyl record
- 파이썬으로 테스트 데이터 만들기
- The Birth of Unix with Brian Kernighan
- glsnip - Copy-paste across machines using GitLab Snippets as a storage backend.
- 7 Best Hosting Platforms for Python Application
- The Code That Controls Your Money
- A Curated List of 57 Amazing GitHub Repositories for Every Python Developer
- Welcome to The Core Project - Tiny Core Linux
- errgroup으로 goroutine 10배 잘 활용하기
- Production Oriented Development
- As a programmer/software engineer, what are 10 things you wish candidates would stop saying during an interview?
- node-prune - Easily pruning unneeded files from node_modules.
- flaticon - Access 3,673,000 vector icons
- 2020: The Year of the Linux Desktop - Moving from Macbook to Linux
- Is Apple silicon ready?
- Transitioning from Docker to Podman
- Why Japanese Web Design Is So… Different
- Top 11 Github Repositories to Learn Python
- 10 Inspiring Ideas for Your Next Front-End Project
- 신입개발자가 생각하는 개발 문서
- XcodeBenchmark contains a large codebase to measure the compilation time in Xcode.
- Streamline your JavaScript code with top-level await
- Understand your Python code with this open source visualization tool
- PHP Annotated – October 2020
- Java Annotated Monthly – November 2020
- 10 Years of PyCharm
- Meet Educational Products
- isomorphic-git is a pure JavaScript reimplementation of git that works in both Node.js and browser JavaScript environments.
- 좋은 git commit 메시지를 위한 영어 사전
- Windows Subsystem for Linux: The lost potential
- [해결] 워드프레스 웹호스팅 수작업 이전하기
- Announcing TypeScript 4.1
- Loki 2.0 released: Transform logs as you’re querying them, and set up alerts within Loki | Grafana Labs
- Web Development for Beginners - A Curriculum
- Log Management in Apache Kafka
- Skija - 자바를 위한 Skia 바인딩
- Manage your network more effectively with the Azure Networking Cookbook
- Writing a technical book: from idea to print
- Open EMR
- Redpanda is a streaming platform for mission critical workloads. Kafka® compatible, No Zookeeper®, no JVM, and no code changes required. Use all your favorite open source tooling - 10x faster.
- Diffchecker is a diff tool to compare text differences between two text files. Enter the contents of two files and click Find Difference
- k0s - Zero Friction Kubernetes
- Todo Tree - This extension quickly searches (using ripgrep your workspace for comment tags like TODO and FIXME, and displays them in a tree view in the explorer pane.
- A Cloud-Native Architecture for a Digital Enterprise
- In the Search of Code Quality
- Old systems, new world: How to make decisions about legacy
- Apple Silicon M1 Chips and Docker
- How (and when) to acquire SaaS users - Building a growth funnel for fun and profit.
- What distinguishes great software engineers?
- Bundling Web Workers for NPM
- Announcing Playwright for Python: Reliable end-to-end testing for the web
- pydis is an experiment to disprove some of the falsehoods about performance and optimisation regarding software and interpreted languages in particular.
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- AWS outage impacts thousands of online services
- Google Launches a New Serverless Database Migration Service
- cloudquery exposes your cloud configuration and metadata as sql tables, providing powerful analysis and monitoring without writing code.
- HopsFS: 100x Times Faster than AWS S3
- PostgREST serves a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database.
- SQLite briefing for Linux kernel hackers
- DataStax releases K8ssandra, the Kubernetes peace offering to the open-source community
- PostgreSQL Benchmarks: Apple ARM M1 MacBook Pro 2020
- Announcing InfluxDB IOx – The Future Core of InfluxDB Built with Rust and Arrow
- PostgreSQL 튜닝 - Autovacuum 최적화에 대하여
- psql command line tutorial and cheat sheet
- Cloud SQL now supports PostgreSQL 13
- SQLite 개념/구조/멀티 DB 실사용기
토요일, 11월 28, 2020
[B급 프로그래머] 11월 4주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 딱 ER diagram이나 class diagram. 한국인에겐 관계를 표현한 화살표 방향이 반대 아닌가 싶은 경우가 있는데 영어 문장으로 생각하면 딱딱 맞아떨어짐을 알 수 있다. via @ryudaewan)
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