- 개발/관리도구
- Ensuring that a shell script runs exactly once
- Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 21277
- vftool - Here lies a really minimalist and very noddy command-line wrapper to run VMs in the macOS Big Sur Virtualization.framework.
- Atheris: A Coverage-Guided, Native Python Fuzzer
- 리눅스 엔지니어 기술 면접 질문지
- cypress - The web has evolved. Finally, testing has too.
- You Don't Know JS Yet (book series) - 2nd Edition
- AWS Lambda의 새로운 기능 — 컨테이너 이미지 지원
- Advice to my young self: don't expect too much from side projects
- GitHub Universe 2020의 주요 신규 기능 정리
- Choose Your EC2 Instance Type Wisely on AWS
- Why is the Google Cloud UI so slow?
- "deno compile" into executable
- '서버리스 컴퓨팅, 벌써 거품 빠졌나'…좋은 사용례와 도구 필요한 시점
- FastoCloud Media Part
- Detecting the use of "curl | bash" server side
- 개발자가 회사에 지원할 때 점검해야 할 것 5가지
- ImHex - A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people that value their eye sight when working at 3 AM.
- Nannou – A Creative Coding Framework for Rust
- RHEL 클론 '센트OS' 사라진다
- Qt 6.0 Released
- map[string]interface{} in Go
- CloudConvert is an online file converter.
- SOPS: Secrets OPerationS - sops is an editor of encrypted files that supports YAML, JSON, ENV, INI and BINARY formats and encrypts with AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault and PGP.
- 카카오 서비스의 모든 시스템과 트래픽을 책임지는 ‘인프라팀’ 이야기
- A Distributed Systems Reading List
- Hexagonal Grids from Red Blob Games
- 타입스크립트, 깃허브 개발자 인기 급상승 - C #, PHP, C++ 제치고 인기 4위 기록
- Grafana Announces Grafana Tempo, a Distributed Tracing System
- Why I Love Tailwind
- Boltstream - Self-hosted Live Video Streaming Website + Backend
- How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love with You
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- Stop Saying PHP Is Dead.
- 효율적인 마테크 스택을 갖추기 위한 구성요소와 프로세스
- Why Programming is Hard to Fundamentally Improve
- bind(), call(), and apply() in JavaScript
- RealWorld - 풀스택 실전 블로그 예제코드
- Linked lists, pointer tricks and good taste
- Depix is a tool for recovering passwords from pixelized screenshots.
- On Choosing Boring Technology
- POOM - PICO-8에서 동작하는 둠(Doom)
- The year is 2017 - Is the preprocessor still needed in C++?
- Public APIs - A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.
- 도커 허브, 절반 이상이 심각한 취약점을 갖고 있다
- 🔹 Developer Handbook 2020 🔹 was created to cover the most common technical questions and requirements appearing prior to job interviews
- Kaitai Struct - A new way to develop parsers for binary structures.
- Deno / React / MongoDB TODO app
- 구글이 수료자를 대졸 대우하는 코스를 개설, 교육산업의 전환기?
- Clean Application — Block Positions
- Time to Say Goodbye to Google Fonts
- Answer to Why is everyone not a programmer? by Ken Gregg
- Google will delete all your data on Gmail, Drive and more if you are inactive for 2 years
- TinyCheck allows you to easily capture network communications from a smartphone or any device which can be associated to a Wi-Fi access point in order to quickly analyze them.
- Monitoring Microservices the Right Way
- M1 Macs: Truth and Truthiness
- 네트워크 관련 총정리(블로그)
- Stripe: Platform of Platforms: Treasury - Invite only Embed financial services in your platform도 참고
- Computer latency: 1977-2017
- Address bar autocomplete in Firefox
- 실습 컴퓨팅 교육
- Professional Software Development
- Visual Studio Code에서 Docker 컨테이너를 개발 환경으로 사용
- Screenity - 스크린/카메라 녹화용 크롬 확장
- ‘PHP 8’ 정식 출시, 유니온 타입 및 JIT 컴파일러 도입
- oasis is a small linux system.
- Why scientists are turning to Rust
- 5 strategies to shift your career from sysadmin to architect
- How to use Serializers in the Django Python web framework
- Getting started with btrfs for Linux
- Microsoft Releases Git Experience in Visual Studio
- Busybox-based Linux distro from scratch
- 이직하려는 친구에게 보내는 프런트엔드 개발 면접 질문
- Why Is Apple’s M1 Chip So Fast?
- pdfcpu - A PDF processor written in Go.
- New – Use Amazon EC2 Mac Instances to Build & Test macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS Apps
- What do I care the open web is dying?
- Explore the benefits of containers on bare metal vs. on VMs
- How many registers does an x86-64 CPU have?
- How x86 to arm64 Translation Works in Rosetta 2
- Python Traceback (Error Message) Printing Variables
- The Tech Monopolies Go Vertical
- This month I Learned - 2020년 11월
- A better Kubernetes, from the ground up
- DwarFS - A fast high compression read-only file system
- A learning-first approach to getting a FAANG software engineering job |
- Server-Rendered Web Applications in Deno with Aleph.js
- gallery-dl is a command-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites
- Fingerprinting by Mozilla Wiki
- #19: Blogging vs. blog setups
- Counting your followers - How Medium counts your followers, and the backfills that disrupted it
- Good Bye Web APIs
- A Seven-Step Guide to API-First Integration
- Apple Silicon M1: A Developer's Perspective
- Please is a cross-language build system with an emphasis on high performance, portability, extensibility and correctness.
- Please disable JavaScript to view this site.
- VuePress - Vue-powered Static Site Generator
- k6 - Like unit testing, for performance
- ReStuff is a SaaS that automatically converts StuffIt version 4 & 5 archives to a format readable in StuffIt 3.
- reveal.js enables you to create beautiful interactive slide decks using HTML.
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- typesense - 오픈소스 검색 엔진
- 2백만개 음식 레시피 검색 엔진 (recipe-search.typesense.org)
- If All You Have Is a Database, Everything Looks Like a Nail
- Supabase 공개 베타 시작 - 오픈소스 Firebase 대체제 (supabase.io)
- AWS Announces New Database Service Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL in Preview
- School of SRE
- Kafka is not a Database
- How to Build a Production Grade Workflow with SQL Modelling
- SQL Indexing and Tuning e-Book
- Amazon S3 업데이트 — 강력한 쓰기 후 읽기 일관성
- 혁신의 한계에 부딪힌 퍼블릭 클라우드
- How to use Indexing for SQL Query Optimization
- Stored Procedures as a backend
- Handling SQL Databases With PyQt: The Basics
- pg-shortkey - This installs a trigger and type which allow you to use YouTube-like short IDs (e.g. 1TNhBqYo-6Q) as Postgres Primary Keys. J
- TimescaleDB vs. Amazon Timestream: 6000x higher inserts, 5-175x faster queries, 150x-220x cheaper
- Percona PMM – A beginner’s guide
- SQLite as a document database
- Parallel queries in PostgreSQL
토요일, 12월 12, 2020
[B급 프로그래머] 12월 2주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: Debugging Tactics... via @richcampbell)
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