- 개발/관리도구
- Dissecting the Apple M1 GPU, part I
- Nissan source code leaked online after Git repo misconfiguration
- The Journey from Monolith to Microservices at GitHub: QCon Plus Q&A
- Why is my ethernet interface called enp0s10 instead of eth0?
- ‘역설투성이'··· 우리가 클라우드를 싫어하는 11가지 이유
- How NAT traversal works
- What I’ve Learned in 45 Years in the Software Industry
- PeerJS simplifies WebRTC peer-to-peer data, video, and audio calls.
- Web Development for Beginners - A Curriculum (한국어판)
- 2020년과 이후 JavaScript의 동향 - 라이브러리와 프레임워크 1
- A Look At The CPU Security Mitigation Costs Three Years After Spectre/Meltdown
- https://bert.org/2021/01/04/t2-pin-cracking/
- How to set environment variable in systemd service?
- Explore the night sky with this open source astronomy app
- Show progress in your Python apps with tqdm
- 10 examples of using Python in 2020
- 루비(Ruby) 버전 3.0.0, 병렬실행 및 타입설명 지원
- https://repl.leaningtech.com/?nodejs
- Learn Go in ~5mins
- System Design Interview Book Review: Finally, a Book for Getting Better at Architecting Systems
- The Offline Cookbook
- Stimulus, the "JavaScript Framework for the HTML You Already Have", Releases 2.0
- MsQuic is a Microsoft implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol.
- Why Performance Matters, Part 2: Perception Management
- An Incomplete Guide to Rollups (Ethereum Scalability Solution)
- Unclack is the small but mighty Mac utility that mutes your microphone while you type.
- mint - The programming language for writing single page applications.
- Open source RGB lighting control that doesn't depend on manufacturer software. Supports Windows and Linux.
- WhatsApp Beaten By Apple’s New iMessage Privacy Update
- muzzleapp - a simple mac app to slience embarrassing notification while screensharing
- GTK4 for Graphical User Interfaces
- Ryzen 9 5000 series processor by Linus Torvalds
- How to open a file in Emacs
- URL shorteners set ad tracking cookies
- Which programs are fastest?
- CodeSwing - VSCode용 대화형 코딩 환경
- JSON Lines 포맷
- A half-hour to learn Zig
- New 2021 GPS Accuracy Issue Impacting Some Garmin, Suunto, other GPS Devices
- Speed up Docker build time with cache warming
- Seven Hard-Earned Lessons Learned Migrating a Monolith to Microservices
- A review of endianness bugs in Qt, and how they were fixed
- Virtual Environments Demystified
- A half-hour to learn Rust
- The Lasting Lessons of John Conway's Game of Life
- 순수하게 CSS로만 만든 디지털 시계
- The Great Software Stagnation
- Getting started in Robotics
- horrifying-pdf-experiments
- [Python] REST API 개발로 알아보는 WSGI, ASGI
- distcc: a fast, free distributed C/C++ compiler
- Lichee Nano Pi – Will it run Debian?
- Embed Flash SWF content without the Plugin
- State machines are wonderful tools
- An onlinejudge system based on Python and Vue. (온라인 코딩 테스트 플랫폼)
- TabFS is a browser extension that mounts your browser tabs as a filesystem on your computer.
- The Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code.
- 🌳🚀 CS Visualized: Useful Git Commands
- The Big Little Guide to Message Queues
- Uber’s Real-Time Push Platform
- bpytop – Awesome Linux, macOS and FreeBSD resource monitor
- How we built the GitHub globe
- '배시(Bash) 5.1' 출시, 업데이트 주요 내용
- In the Search of Code Quality (Code Review)
- A fork of Puppeteer running on Deno.
- How to Build Rest API with Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB
- CTL is a fast compiling, type safe, header only, template-like library for ISO C99/C11.
- SikuliX automates anything you see on the screen of your desktop computer running Windows, Mac or some Linux/Unix.
- 네이버 클라우드 플랫폼의 Live Station과 OBS로 온라인 행사 운영하기
- Archivy - 셀프호스팅 지식 저장소
- 쿠버네티스 클러스터 운영자를 위한 모니터링
- YAML cheatsheet
- NumPy Illustrated: The Visual Guide to NumPy
- Teaching the Unfortunate Parts
- How AWS Added Apple Mac Mini Nodes to EC2
- In-depth: Functional programming in C++
- Why the iPhone Timer App displays a Fake Time
- Deview 2020 (Day 2/Day 3)
- Raspberry Pi PCIe Devices - Raspberry Pi PCI Express device compatibility database
- 어느 위치에서 실행하든 경로를 유지하는 배치 파일 만들기
- cosmopolitan libc - build-once run-anywhere c without devops
- 기업 무료 라이선스 S/W
- bar jar is also known as fat jar i.e. jar with dependencies.
- Welcome to the learnshell.org interactive Shell Programming tutorial.
- JavaScript 에서 TypeScript 로
- Systems design explains the world: volume 1
- Upptime - GitHub-powered open-source uptime monitor and status page
- The Genius of RISC-V Microprocessors
- Tokio 1.0 발표 - Rust용 비동기 런타임
- Run More Stuff in Docker
- Fun with IP address parsing
- 리멤버 서버/웹 팀은 어떻게 일을 하는가? (Code Review 포함)
- How much math you need for programming
- A Complete Guide to LLVM for Programming Language Creators
- How an obscure British PC maker invented ARM and changed the world
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Linux /proc Filesystem for MySQL DBAs - Part I, Basics
- json-sql
- minikeyvalue is a ~1000 line distributed key value store, with support for replication, multiple machines, and multiple drives per machine.
- Understanding Connections & Pools
- MySQL Challenge: 100k Connections
- PostgreSQL Database Security: What You Need To Know
- SQL Correlated Subqueries
- Creating a Java off-heap in-memory database
- his is a simple graph database in SQLite, inspired by "SQLite as a document database".
- PostgreSQL to ClickHouse
토요일, 1월 09, 2021
[B급 프로그래머] 1월 1주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 디지털 시대의 시 via @ham_zzal)
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