- 개발/관리도구
- Reloadr - Python hot code reloading tool.
- Open Sourcing the Netflix Domain Graph Service Framework: GraphQL for Spring Boot
- AWS Application Load Balancer algorithms
- 🍪 프론트에서 안전하게 로그인 처리하기 (ft. React)
- Make your games beautiful! - Godot Shaders is a community-driven shader library for the Godot game engine.
- How to hire senior developers: Give them more autonomy
- datatype99 is a header-only library that augments C99 with sum types.
- @PCBASICBot - The bot accepts programs in GW-BASIC by default (whose code is 100% compatible with BASICA).
- Computer Graphics from Scratch
- FE개발자의 성장 스토리 06 : 2021년 Chrome의 새로운 변화 – Schemeful same-site을 대응하자
- asdf - Manage multiple runtime versions with a single CLI tool
- Rust in Production: 1Password
- Getting better at Linux with 10 mini-projects
- Top Acronyms and Abbreviations Dictionary
- WSL2 기반 docker 사용시 vmmem 프로세스 메모리 소모량 줄이기
- The documentation system - tutorials, how-to guides, technical reference and explanation.
- Think twice before abandoning Xorg. Wayland breaks everything!
- Sinofsky speaks! Former Microsoft exec to publish memoirs online
- 크롬북 화면보호기의 숨은 의미··· ‘포스트 OS’ 시대가 온다
- IT 업계 ‘아무말 대잔치’··· 오남용 심한 유행어 10선
- 클라이언트 서버리스라는 '새 바람'을 환영하며
- Almalinux - An open-source RHEL fork built by the team at CloudLinux, inspired by the community.
- VideoLAN is 20 years old today!
- In Cab Ride you can drive thousands of different train routes
- FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- Learn Algorithms Together - Create a room, invite your friends, and race to finish the problems.
- Opstrace deploys secure, horizontally-scalable open source observability in your own cloud account, combining open APIs with the simple user experience of a large service provider.
- 2021년 미국 최고 직업은 자바 개발자
- Towards an understanding of technical debt
- Product Management for Engineers
- webmoji.xyz - 웹 이모지 입력기
- AI No Silver Bullet for Cloud Security, but Here’s How It Can Help
- S-MQTTT, or: secure-MQTT-over-Traefik
- 개발자를 위한 인프라 기초 총정리
- AWS 자격증 온라인 시험 후기
- traefik - 클라우드 네이티브 어플리케이션 프록시
- Terminalizer - 터미널을 녹화해서 GIF로 만들기
- NES.css - NES-style CSS Framework.
- mattermost - High trust collaboration for your enterprise
- 이미지 포맷 비교 JPEG, JPEG2000, WebP, HEIC, AVIF
- The MIT License, Line by Line
- Docker Engine 20.10 Released: Supports cgroups v2 and Dual Logging
- Chrome 89 Beta: Advanced Hardware Interactions, Web Sharing on Desktop, and More
- GraalVM 21.0 Introduces a JVM Written in Java
- crun - A fast and low-memory footprint OCI Container Runtime fully written in C.
- piku - 초경량 PaaS
- Build your own X, a collection of tutorials (Search engine, Neural Net, etc.)
- 리눅스 아재력 or 할배력 셀프 테스트
- When a Colleague Is Grieving
- 윈도우10 로그인 잠금화면의 멋진 배경이미지를 배경화면으로 저장해 보자.
- The Best Python Tools For Test Automation (Includes A Ready-To-Use Python Environment)
- Top 5 Cybersecurity Tools For A Work-From-Home World
- Dark Patterns at Scale: Findings from a Crawl of 11K Shopping Websites
- Cyclic dependencies are evil
- Toast UI Chart 4.0 출시
- Can you make a basic web app without googling?
- iHateRegex - Now you have two problems.
- 2021 카카오 신입공채 1차 온라인 코딩 테스트 for Tech developers 문제해설
- Top 10 VS Code extensions for 2021
- Microservices test architecture. Can you sleep well without end-to-end tests?
- ~/posts/creating-my-awesome-windows-10-dev-setup
- FastAPI 톺아보기 - 부제: python 백엔드 봄은 온다
- 입문자를 위한 리눅스/맥 커맨드라인 셸 사용법
- 5 questions with Portland-based wiki inventor Ward Cunningham
- Why I'm losing faith in UX
- Open MCT is a next-generation mission operations data visualization framework. Web-based, for desktop and mobile.
- 맥에서 보낸 파일명이 윈도우에서 깨질때 - 파일명 자모 분리 현상
- Become shell literate
- How To Find And Replace Multiple Text Strings Within A Text String
- Protocols, Not Platforms: A Technological Approach to Free Speech
- opensyllabus.org - Mapping the college curriculum across 6,059,459 syllabi.
- Aigo Chinese encrypted HDD − Part 1: taking it apart
- Drop your ebook file here to read it inside the browser!
- 매일 바뀌는 멋진 PC 배경화면, 빙 월페이퍼 앱
- '윈도우 보안의 시작' MS 디펜더의 숨겨진 설정 분석
- 파이썬이 기업을 지배하게 될 8가지 이유와 그렇지 않을 8가지 이유
- 험난한 주니어개발자로의 길
- Publish, ship, and install modern JavaScript for faster applications
- The unreasonable effectiveness of simple HTML
- Low-power Kindle dashboard
- 쿠버네티스가 답이 아닐 때
- Data Fetching on the Web Still Sucks
- WebRTC is now a W3C and IETF standard
- You Don't Really Need Another MOOC
- Vue Native is a framework to build cross platform native mobile apps using JavaScript
- Beyond the Brokers: A Tour of the Kafka Ecosystem
- The Best of Apache Kafka Architecture
- The Pros and Cons of DRY Code
- Best of 2020: When To Use – and Not To Use – Microservices
- With software as currency, containers and serverless are go-to
- A Life in Games
- The Google Cloud Developer's Cheat Sheet
- DNS마스크에 취약점··· 수백만 리눅스 기기, 위험에 노출
- 2021년 SW 개발자 채용 시장 전망… "원격 채용 늘고 클라우드 상한가"
- Explaining the Differences Between UI and UX
- Java on Truffle — Going Fully Metacircular
- The killing of CentOS Linux: 'The CentOS board doesn't get to decide what Red Hat engineering teams do'
- nq: queue utilities
- 여러분의 CS 교육에서 누락된 학기
- Firefox 85 Cracks Down on Supercookies
- kime - Korean IME
- ugrep - Search for anything in everything... ultra fast
- Introducing Twitter Text Editor
- [Windows 컨테이너] 1: Windows 컨테이너에 대한 이해
- Visualize Go process metrics in real-time
- WebRTC는 어떻게 실시간으로 데이터를 교환할 수 있을까?
- Maintaining Psychological Safety under Pressure
- Fun with conversion-operator name lookup
- iconduck - 109,669 free open source icons & illustrations
- aws ec2 nvme disk 의 device 위치 변경을 고정 시키기
- 베이그런트(Vagrant) 튜토리얼
- 30살 비개발자가 3개월만에 풀스택 개발을 하기까지..
- CodeCopy - 코드 복사 버튼을 넣어주는 크롬/FF 확장
- Timeflake - 128bit, 어느정도 정렬된, URL에도 안전한 UUID
- Blind Date: The Reality of Software Engineers Hiring Process
- Powerful data grid component built with StencilJS.
- Seven Hard-Earned Lessons Learned Migrating a Monolith to Microservices
- The Neuroscience of Trust
- Kimchi is an HTML5 based management tool for KVM.
- Site.js - Small Web construction set.
- Firecracker: start a VM in less than a second
- Filmulator - A simple raw photo editor based on the process of developing film
- 7년 차 SI 개발자가 솔루션 회사 이직 후 2년 간 배운 것
- Microsoft Small Basic
- siuba - scrappy data analysis, with seamless support for pandas and SQL
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Talking to Postgres Through Java 16 Unix-Domain Socket Channels
- Where's the fastest place to put my server? How much does it matter?
- “인터넷이 지구 반대편을 연결하는 방법” BGP의 개념과 동작 원리
- Slack fingers AWS auto-scaling failure in January outage postmortem
- Zoom이 오라클 클라우드를 선택한 이유 [2020]
- Google’s cloud business lost more than $5.5 billion last year, but it’s growing fast
- The shifting market for PostgreSQL
- The MySQL Clone Wars: Plugin vs. Percona XtraBackup
- Null Characters: Workarounds Aren’t Good Enough
- A network analysis on cloud gaming: Stadia, GeForce Now and PSNow
- Litestream is a standalone streaming replication tool for SQLite.
- 쿠버네티스를 7500노드로 확장하기
- We Built The World's Largest Real time High-Frequency, Low Latency Streaming System on Golang
- Performance Analysis for Arm vs x86 CPUs in the Cloud
- Reasons why SELECT * is bad for SQL performance
- But how, exactly, databases use mmap?
토요일, 2월 06, 2021
[B급 프로그래머] 2월 1주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: via @dabit3)
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