- 개발/관리도구
- QUIC 버전 1의 RFC 승인
- "더 빠르고 편리해" 아직도 유효한 윈도우 명령 프롬프트 6가지
- Microsoft releases Windows Package Manager at Build 2021
- QUIC is now RFC 9000
- New Windows 10 test build adds first preview of Linux GUI apps on WSL
- Sparkplug — A non-optimizing JavaScript compiler
- Download the official release of Rocky Linux from one of our trusted mirrors.
- Stacked Git, StGit for short, is an application for managing Git commits as a stack of patches.
- Getting Started with Amazon ECS Anywhere – Now Generally Available
- Beads uses the State-Action-Model pattern of software development.
- Comby - 코드 검색 및 구조 변경 도구
- 잘못 구현한 다익스트라 알고리즘 저격하기
- A simpler building block for Go CLIs
- What’s new for Microsoft Edge at Microsoft Build 2021
- Your browser and my browser see different colors
- Why (and how) GitHub is adopting OpenTelemetry
- Why I still like C and strongly dislike C++
- How To Write Ansible Playbooks
- Finally understanding PNG
- Gio implements portable immediate mode GUI programs in Go.
- 웹 크롤러 아키텍쳐
- WASM SYNTH, or, how music taught me the beauty of math
- localizer - A no-frills local development approach for Kubernetes powered Developer Environments.
- It's probably time to stop recommending Clean Code
- 406: Mars Goes to Shell
- Fig adds VSCode-style autocomplete to your existing terminal. Move faster with Fig. (for MacOS X)
- (EBOOK) Designing and Deploying Microservices
- 10 Quick Clean Coding Hacks in Python
- GraalVM 21.1 Supports JDK 16
- Vim Modes Transition Diagram
- rf is an experimental refactoring tool. It is very much a work in progress. (for Go)
- Flashcards to learn AWS skills
- Your E-Mail Validation Logic is Wrong
- Evidence-based Software Engineering
- Magic Wormhole - Get things from one computer to another, safely.
- Pyodid - Python with the scientific stack, compiled to WebAssembly. Pyodide may be used in any context where you want to run Python inside a web browser.
- “브라우저에서 바로 수학 계산” MS, 엣지에 ‘매스 솔버’ 추가 예정
- Claude Shannon: Tinkerer, Prankster, and Father of Information Theory
- Game Programming Patterns is a collection of patterns I found in games that make code cleaner, easier to understand, and faster.
- Why is Java considered a hard programming language?
- Why I prefer making useless stuff
- The Limits to Blockchain Scalability
- Clinic.js - 오픈소스 Node.js 성능 이슈 분석도구
- Creating the Perfect Python Dockerfile
- What’s your API’s “Time To 200”?
- Rust heads into the kernel?
- How was the first programming language created without an operating system?
- How to port your OS to EC2
- Bootstrap/386 is a Twitter bootstrap v2/31/4 theme to make webpages look like they are from the gentler, less distracting time of the 1980s.
- C 프로그래밍: 현대적 접근
- Learn CSS by Google
- Case Study: a Decade of Microservices at a Financial Firm
- Extreme HTTP Performance Tuning: 1.2M API req/s on a 4 vCPU EC2 Instance
- DOS SMB Client Performance
- SimpleVisor is a simple, portable, Intel VT-x hypervisor
- 구글 디벨로퍼 라이브러리
- 🚀 Demystifying JVM Memory Management
- Experiences from Having Developers Write E2E Tests
- Browser Market Share Republic Of Korea
- The Payara Platform is a cloud-native open source server runtime which provides support for containers out-of-the-box so you can reduce your infrastructure and maintenance costs of existing applications.
- Learn Fullstack | 2021
- Apache Kafka for Industrial IoT and Manufacturing 4.0
- An Engineer’s Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep
- The Development of the C Language*
- From Monolith to Microservices
- 마이크로서비스 도입 이렇게 한다
- Integration Tests with Spring Boot and @SpringBootTest
- Stubbing and Mocking with Mockito and JUnit
- Why are Java server-side developers not adopting Kotlin?
- Java is criminally underhyped
- AWS Instance Price Guide
- Tips For Leaders On Running Successful One-On-One Meetings
- Sherlock Holmes and the case of a crashing devenv.exe
- Visual Studio Code C++ Extension April 2021 Update: CUDA C/C++ IntelliSense and Apple Silicon Support
- Docker For .NET Developers - A jump-start guide for .NET developers interested in Docker and containerization.
- File Descriptor Limits
- JUnit5로 계층 구조의 테스트 코드 작성하기 - 5의 @Nested 어노테이션을 쓰면 된다
- Sharing learnings about our image cropping algorithm
- DOM EVENTS - Learn about the DOM Event system through exploration
- 5 steps to faster web fonts
- Deno 1.10 Released with Shared Wasm Memory and Web Storage Support
- AWS Serverless Patterns
- 디노 1.10 출시··· “테스트 러너 개선 및 웹 스토리지 API 추가”
- Atuin - 쉘 히스토리를 SQLite에 저장하기
- A country's worth of power, no more! - TL;DR: Ethereum will use at least ~99.95% less energy post merge.
- 칸아카데미 CTO "비싸도 서버리스 컴퓨팅 쓰겠다"...왜?
- Uxn is a portable 8-bit virtual computer capable of running simple tools and games programmable in its own little assembly language.
- 최신 JavaScript: 지난 10년간 놓친 모든 것
- Building a Personal [Origami] Website in 2021
- 개발자들을 위한 검색 엔진 - Devbook
- Humanity wastes about 500 years per day on CAPTCHAs. It’s time to end this madness
- HTML NOTEPAD - HTML WYSIWYG editor for the rest of us
- hyperscript is an experimental scripting language designed for the web, inspired by HyperTalk
- systemd: The Good Parts
- matomo - Google Analytics alternative that protects your data and your customers' privacy
- 맥북 프로 터치바에 CPU 프로세스 현황 보여주기 스크립트
- Design structured diagrams, built to increase your teams trust in your docs.
- 20년간 양성된 백만 IT인재는 어디로 갔나
- NodeGUI - 고성능 크로스플랫폼 데스크탑 앱 프레임워크
- Modern Javascript: Everything you missed over the last 10 years (ECMAScript 2020)
- Parsix - High level parsing to ensure your input is in the right shape and satisfies all constraints that business logic requires.
- Commodore’s Assemblers: Part 1: MOS Cross-Assembler
- Overcoming Tab Overload - CMU Researchers Develop Tool To Better Manage Browser Tabs
- The Engineer's Guide To Industrial IoT And Industry 4.0
- How Do Kubernetes and Docker Create IP Addresses?!
- URL Lengthener
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- NocoDB ✨ The Open Source Airtable Alternative
- The Cost of Cloud, a Trillion Dollar Paradox
- An early look at Postgres 14: Performance and Monitoring Improvements
- SQLite in production with WAL 🔥
- Announcing PlanetScale: The database for developers.
- Boosting Dropbox upload speed and improving Windows’ TCP stack
토요일, 5월 29, 2021
[B급 프로그래머] 5월 4주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 이 아이디의 제일 웃긴점: 기본아이디 아니고 서장님이 만든 아이디임 via @B05172)
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