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- Printf("%s %s", dependency, injection).
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- Build and load test a multi-tenant SaaS database proxy solution with Amazon RDS Proxy
- Bringing Kafka based architecture to the next level using simple PostgreSQL tables
- Observing gRPC-based Microservices on Amazon EKS running Istio
- Deleting an S3 Bucket Costs Money
- Cockroach Labs Announces CockroachDB Serverless
- M3O(An open source AWS alternative) is an attempt to build a new public cloud platform with higher level building blocks for the next generation of developers.
- Redis Anti-Patterns Every Developer Should Avoid
- Eating the Cloud from Outside In(AWS is playing chess, Cloudflare is playing Go)
- How Time Series Databases Work—and Where They Don’t
- 엔터프라이즈DB, ‘포스트그레SQL 14’ 발표··· "하이엔드 워크로드 지원"
토요일, 10월 30, 2021
[B급 프로그래머] 10월 4주 소식(개발/관리도구, 클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: Docker Containers vs. Kubernetes Pods via @iximiuz)
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