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- hop - Simple archive format designed for quickly reading some files without extracting the entire archive.
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- Announcing Grafana OnCall, the easiest way to do on-call management
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- workflow86 - All-In-One Operations Automation Platform
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- codespaces - Visual Studio Code backed by high performance VMs that start in seconds.
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- Don’t Do Interviews, Do Discussions!
- Develop, test, and deploy Cloudflare Workers with Deno
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- Odyssey - Advanced multi-threaded PostgreSQL connection pooler and request router.
- DBCore - DB기반으로 빠르게 프로토타입 앱 생성하는 오픈소스 (dbcore.org)
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- Using Debezium, CDC for Apache Kafka, with PostgreSQL and MongoDB
- Practical Change Data Streaming Use Cases with Apache Kafka & Debezium
- Lesser Known PostgreSQL Features
- Microsoft Announces the General Availability of Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server
- Microservices Database Management Patterns and Principles
- MangoDB - MongoDB의 오픈소스 대체제 (github.com)
- 잇단 고객사 정보유출 사고에 AWS 책임론 급부상
토요일, 11월 13, 2021
[B급 프로그래머] 11월 2주 소식(개발/관리도구, 클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: via @EmberFoxie)
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