- 개발/관리도구
- “클라우드가 컴퓨터인 세상, 웹 앱과 API 보안의 현실 직시하라” 퀄시스
- A comprehensive guide to 50 years of evolution of strict C programming
- Understanding Kafka with Factorio
- Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask, part 1
- GC progress from JDK 8 to JDK 17
- Substack 유료 구독자 1백만명 돌파 (on.substack.com)
- Jovo - 보이스 & 채팅을 위한 프레임워크 (github.com)
- 10 things I wish I knew before learning Terraform (Part 1)
- 10 things I wish I knew before learning Terraform (Part 2)
- Emscripten 3.0.0 is out!
- Managing schema evolution in the serverless stack
- The IBM 4020 Military Computer – Tracking Missiles with 6-bit Bytes
- The Further Text Adventures of Scott Adams
- Kubernetes Cluster API v1.0, Production Ready
- Distributed Authorization and Wayfair’s Supply Chain of the Future
- Caffeine - Minimum Viable Backend 오픈소스 (github.com)
- Sanitizer API로 안전하게 DOM 조작하기
- Named Pipes in .NET 6 with Tray Icon and Service
- AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) 3.0 is Now Available
- A tale of Java Hash Tables
- Kubernetes CI/CD with Tekton and ArgoCD
- Django, HTMX and Alpine.js: Modern websites, JavaScript optional
- Microservices and Agile made wrong
- PM이 가져야 할 매우 효과적인 습관
- Blueboat is an open-source alternative to Cloudflare Workers.
- 메타버스 핵심 읽기 (c-rocket.net)
- Why and How to Use containerd from the Command Line
- An intro to finding things in Linux
- Remix is a full stack web framework that let’s you focus on the user interface
- 초등학생도 이해하는 NFT 따라하기
- Flutter 기반의 모바일 앱 재개발 회고
- A Python application for tracking, reporting on timing and complexity in Python code
- How Docker broke in half
- NGINXConfig - The easiest way to configure a performant, secure, and stable NGINX server.
- Your Fingerprint Can Be Hacked For $5. Here’s How.
- Firefox's Optimized Zip Format: Reading Zip Files Really Quickly
- Simplifying Dealing with Legacy Systems
- Distroless Container Debugging on K8s/OpenShift
- Here are some tips to speed up your Python program
- Benchmarking the Apple M1 Max
- How is Python Different from Other Programming Languages
- Beartype is an open-source pure-Python PEP-compliant constant-time runtime type checker emphasizing efficiency, portability, and thrilling puns.
- YARP: Yet Another Reverse Proxy by Microsoft
- CSS Layout - Popular layouts and patterns made with CSS
- Only 90s Web Developers Remember This
- History Navigation Vue - Native-like Navigation for Web apps
- .NET 6 vs .NET 5: up to 40% speedup!
- Migrating Data-Intensive, High-Throughput APIs to Microservices
- PDP-11/40 (aka 11/35) emulator for various microcontrollers
- Python-Mini-Projects
- Oil - 새로운 Unix 쉘 (oilshell.org)
- 테크니컬 라이팅 4대 원칙
- Keeping Pace with Java
- Is it stealing to read by the light of your neighbour’s lamp?
- Pablo is a small, open-source JavaScript library for SVG
- Microsoft Edge for Linux Now Stable
- Bring Back Our Knobs: Analog vs. Digital
- jEdit is a mature programmer's text editor with hundreds (counting the time developing plugins) of person-years of development behind it.
- Box64 lets you run x86_64 Linux programs (such as games) on non-x86_64 Linux systems, like ARM (host system needs to be 64-bit little-endian).
- Why Are Topre Keyboards So Expensive?
- How to use Web Storage API?
- Secure development: New and improved Linux Random Number Generator ready for testing
- Pony is a messenger that delivers once a day.
- Back to Microservices with Istio (Part 1)
- Nginx-Ingress in EKS — EKS + nginx-ingress +NLB + TLS
- What we call Duff’s device (named after its creator Tom Duff) is a way to implement manual loop unrolling in the C language.
- Java의 동시성 개선을 위한 Project Loom은 reactive streams를 대체할 것인가?
- BankNext Case Study : ServiceMesh with Docker-K8-Istio-Sidecar
- What's New In DevTools (Chrome 96)
- Demystifying OpenZFS 2.0
- The Megaprocessor is a micro-processor built large. Very large.
- How we protect our most sensitive secrets from the most determined attackers
- The pursuit of software teams autonomy: how we created an Internal Platform at Packlink
- Why Is It So Hard To Launch and Maintain Serverless?
- Creating a serverless API and hosting a frontend with S3 (Detecting Paris’ locked bicycle stations 4/5)
- Joy.js – make happy little programs
- I Analyzed SaaS Billing Dark Patterns
- [알도개] GitHub 보안 개선(본인이 만든 유튜브 콘텐트 소개)
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- The 2021 Web Almanac
- 카카오톡 서버의 스프링 공화국 탈출기
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- Dask provides advanced parallelism for analytics, enabling performance at scale for the tools you love
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- Solutions for Testing Blockchain: Private Blockchains, Permutations, and Shifting Left
- XMPP, A Comeback Story: A 20 Year Old Messaging Protocol For Robust, Private and Decentralized Communications
- Slack Introduces New Platform With Help From Deno
- Mako - C로 작성된 완전한 비트코인 구현체
- Improving Git protocol security on GitHub
- Kubernetes Ingress Tutorial For Beginners
- Detecting a Container Escape with Cilium and eBPF
- Porting Doom to an nRF52840-based USB Bluetooth-LE Dongle
- Real-Time Exactly-Once Event Processing at Uber with Apache Flink, Kafka, and Pinot
- JEP draft: Virtual Threads (Preview)
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- The State of WebAssembly 2021
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- Scaling productivity on microservices at Lyft (Part 1)
- API Architecture — Performance Best Practices for REST APIs
- Event Sourcing with Kafka Streams in Production — Lessons Learned
- The Kubernetes Handbook
- Selecting a programming language can be a form of premature optimization
- cend.me - Direct file transfer with no server involvement.
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- Introducing Turbo: 5x faster than Yarn & NPM, and runs natively in-browser 🔥
- Xerox scanners/photocopiers randomly alter numbers in scanned documents
- 리눅스와 맥에서 홈브루를 이용해 패키지를 설치하는 방법
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- Diagnose connectivity issues with the Linux ping command
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- 4 Linux tools to erase your data
- 7 handy tricks for using the Linux wget command
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- 구글이 따분해졌다
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- Data-Oriented Architecture
- Dropbox Engineering Career Framework
- Windows 2000 on Docker
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- A fork for the time-zone database?
- If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife.
- Why Disaster Happens at the Edges: An Introduction to Queue Theory
- Learning Containers From The Bottom Up - Efficient Learning Path to Grasp Containers Fundamentals
- Advanced Visual Studio Code for Python Developers
- 3 simple tricks for smaller Docker images
- The unmistakable signs you are participating in Fake Agile theater!
- A Hybrid Approach: Why Pure Serverless Isn’t Always the Answer
- Debugging memory corruption: who the hell writes “2” into my stack?!
- Microservices, reasoning about boundaries
- Feature Flags: Good, Bad and Serverless
- Core Services Teams Are Still a Bad Idea
- Python threads synchronization: Locks, RLocks, Semaphores, Conditions and Queues
- Pretendard 프리텐다드(깃허브)
- It's Now Possible To Sign Arbitrary Data With Your SSH Keys
- 클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Amazon Linux 2022
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- 42 things I learned from building a production database
- Get started with a free trial of Amazon MemoryDB for Redis
- Scaling Kafka Consumer for Billions of Events
- Quantum Ledger Database(QLDB) + Serverless
- What is different between traditional infrastructure designs and serverless architectures.
- 고 처리량 분산 비율 제한기
- A Conversation with Margo Seltzer and Mike Olson - The history of Berkeley DB
- Introducing the AWS CloudWatch integration, Grafana Cloud's first fully managed integration
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- Modernizing deployments with container images in AWS Lambda
- Build your next video application on Cloudflare
- EKS (AWS) AND RBAC, step by step
- Database backup using AWS Lambda
- Cloudflare blocked a massive 2 Tbps DDoS attack
- (CloudFlare) Workers, Now Even More Unbound: 15 Minutes, 100 Scripts, and No Egress Fees
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- PlanetScale is now generally available
- 대규모 다중 사용자 온라인 게임(MMOG) 및 멀티리전 게임 아키텍처 패턴 살펴보기
- Deep Knowledge of AWS Lambda
- Flowchart: How should I run containers on AWS?
- Exploring Data Transfer Costs for AWS Managed Databases
- 사례별로 알아본 안전한 S3 사용 가이드
토요일, 11월 27, 2021
[B급 프로그래머] 11월 4주 소식(개발/관리도구, 클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 기술부채 via @PasteCat)
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