- 개발/관리도구
- Inside the log4j2 vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)
- Steam Hardware & Software Survey: November 2021
- Resilience4j를 이용한 서킷 브레이커 기초
- C64 OS has one goal. Make a Commodore 64 feel fast and useful in today’s modern world.
- "20년 넘나드는 '언리얼' 경험" 에픽게임즈 매트릭스 데모를 만나다: 매트릭스 어웨이큰 - 차세대 게임플레이 영상 (언리얼 엔진 5) 참고
- “IT 개발자 모십니다”… 이커머스에 승부 건 유통업계 채용 경쟁
- Log4Shell: RCE 0-day exploit found in log4j, a popular Java logging package
- 자바스크립트는 왜 프로토타입을 선택했을까
- How eBPF will solve Service Mesh - Goodbye Sidecars
- Introducing stack graphs
- Why the Future of Monitoring Is Agentless
- Welcome to the learnshell.org interactive Shell Programming tutorial.
- Smart Home Hacking in Real World
- microStudio - 온라인 무료 게임엔진 (microstudio.dev)
- Windows PowerShell Inventor Jeffrey Snover Interview
- This is the patch series (v2) to add support for Rust as a second language to the Linux kernel.
- Essential Python Code Optimization Tips and Tricks
- PiBox Mini - 라즈베리 Pi 스토리지 서버 (pibox.io)
- Recurse Center Day 24: Hacking Go compiler to add a new keyword
- Find more, search less - With GitHub code search, your code—and the world’s—is at your fingertips.
- How to write idempotent Bash scripts
- 프론트앤드 개발자에게 꼭 필요한 백앤드를 책임질 STRAPI
- '궁극의 애플 실리콘 대결!' 모든 애플 프로세서 성능 비교
- “llvm-libc” C Standard Library
- 교보문고X북커버리 '개발자의 책장'
- Google Chrome Hidden Features Every Developer Should Know
- New data shows up to 60% of users opt-out of push notifications (Guest Post)
- Docker 상에서 jetbrains 제품을 실행하는 방법
- Tips for formatting when printing to console from C++
- Is Azure that bad?: Rant: Fuck Azure도 참고...
- Embedded Software Development in Visual Studio
- GraphJin - 빠른 GraphQL API 만들기
- OpenFaaS - Run Containerized Functions On Your Own Terms
- MiroTalk SFU - 오픈소스 Zoom/Teams 대체제
- "인턴만 해도 월 300만원" IT개발자 입도선매 나선 은행
- Uutils - GNU Coreutils를 Rust로 재작성 (github.com)
- CTO를 어떻게 뽑을까
- [인사이트 노트] 붕어빵 지도앱의 인기를 보면서 느낀 점
- Tech Interview Handbook
- 비전공자 신입개발 면접전략
- Apache Guacamole - 클라이언트 필요 없는 리모트 데스크탑 게이트웨이 (guacamole.apache.org)
- 맥 화면 녹화 소리 포함시키는 방법
- Re-thinking electronic mail
- Fe is an emerging smart contract language for the Ethereum blockchain.
- Kolo - See everything happening in your running Django app. All without leaving VSCode
- widdler is a single binary that serves up TiddlyWikis.
- ZRYTHM - A highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation
- Hacking the Planet (with Notcurses) - A Guide to TUIs and Character Graphics
- Tips on Adding JSON Output to Your CLI App
- Kubernetes at Home With K3s
- USBefuddled: Untangling the Rat’s Nest of USB-C Standards and Cables
- Exodus is a tool that makes it easy to successfully relocate Linux ELF binaries from one system to another.
- Polly.js - HTTP를 녹화/재생하는 라이브러리
- Morning Keynote- Everything You Need to Know About Node.js Event Loop - Bert Belder, IBM
- How to use dig
- Cracking kubernetes node proxy (aka kube-proxy)
- ZSH Completions How To
- 22 Best Practices to Take Your API Design Skills to the Next Level
- Qifi - 자바스크립트로만 개발된 WiFi 접속용 QR코드 생성기
- simplecloud - System for Cross-domain Identity Management
- libtree - A tool that: 🌳 turns ldd into a tree
- Connecting USB devices to WSL
- How to construct a Nature summary paragraph
- Becoming a Great Engineering Manager is Hard
- Rclone ("rsync for cloud storage") is a command-line program to sync files and directories to and from different cloud storage providers.
- 사업·경영에도 구독이 필수…스타트업 1곳, 평균 11개 SaaS 쓴다
- The Jami conferencing system
- 업무 집중력을 높여주는 구글 크롬 확장 프로그램 5가지
- Which is the most powerful OS for programmers?
- The big idea around unikernels
- Co-Designing Raft + Thread-per-Core Execution Model for the Kafka-API
- Emoji to Scale
- Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% JavaScript, fully customizable and developer-first.
- Why Electron is a Necessary Evil
- Risc V greatly underperforms
- The Renaissance of Code Documentation: Introducing Code Walkthrough
- Faster Financial Software Development Using Low Code: Focusing on the Four Key Metrics
- Using API-First Development and API Mocking to Break Critical Path Dependencies
- Keeping Pace with Java
- Automa - 크롬 브라우저 자동화 확장
- n.eko - This app uses Web RTC to stream a desktop inside of a docker container
- Announcing Cryostat 2.0: JDK Flight Recorder for Containers
- This shouldn't have happened: A vulnerability postmortem
- ImageMagick
- 오픈소스 라이선스 변화의 흐름
- [독서광] 만들면서 배우는 클린 아키텍처 (이벤트 있음)(본인이 작성한 글)
- Pglet - 백엔드 개발자를 위한 Web UI 프레임워크
- 로컬의 USB 장치를 원격 머신에 제공하는 방법 - usbip-win
- Fiddler Everywhere - Never Be Confined by Limitations When Debugging HTTP(S) Traffic.
- Useful CLI tools for DevOps Engineers
- lazygit - A simple terminal UI for git commands, written in Go with the gocui library.
- DESQview/X : The forgotten mid-1990s OS from the future
- 4x smaller, 50x faster
- Will Nix Overtake Docker?
- [번역]쿠버네티스 패킷의 삶 - #1
- Record, replay and measure user flows
- Top Open Source CI/CD Tools for Kubernetes to Know
- Why Computer Space Was a Success
- Google Chromium, sans integration with Google
- ASMREPL - This is a REPL for assembly language.
- Welcome to Fleet!
- Announcing Cryostat 2.0: JDK Flight Recorder for Containers
- 지속 가능한 소프트웨어 설계 패턴: 포트와 어댑터 아키텍처 적용하기
- 대규모로 웹 스크래핑하기
- Modern PHP Cheat Sheet
- 다시보는 커링
- Kubernetes and Networks - why is this so dang hard?
- RSS-proxy is a tool that allows you to do create an RSS/ATOM or JSON feed of almost any website, purely by analyzing just the static HTML structure.
- The History of Command Palettes: How Typing Commands Became The Norm Again
- Measuring Software Complexity: What Metrics to Use?
- How we fit an NES game into 40 Kilobytes
- imgproxy is a fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images.
- 닌텐도64용 젤다의 전설 풀 디컴파일 완료 (videogameschronicle.com)
- Monitoring distributed Systems with Grafana and Prometheus
- Dockerizing a Spring Boot Application and Using the Jib Maven Plugin
- Kubernetes + EKS + Blue/Green Deployment
- 키보드 음성 키로거
- Saga Orchestration for Microservices Using the Outbox Pattern
- Smoking a Turkey with Prometheus, Home Assistant, and Grafana
- Microsoft Continues Its Embrace of Java by Joining JCP
- Cloud Native Architecture in Practice (2020-01)
- 손윤환 다나와 대표 "가격비교 핵심은 '소비자'"
- Incident Report : Klaytn 메인넷(Cypress)의 11/13 블록 생성 장애 복구 과정 및 원인 분석
- DevLake - DevOps를 위한 오픈소스 Data Lake
- no u pnp
- 클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Announcing Amazon EMR Serverless (Preview): Run big data applications without managing servers
- What a typical 100% Serverless Architecture looks like in AWS!
- AWS re:Invent introduces, CloudWatch RUM
- [OCI 탐험 일지] 1. 인스턴스 생성(본인이 작성한 글)
- Postgres, Kafka, and the Mysterious 100 GB
- 너무 복잡한 클라우드, 사람 구하기만 더 어려워진다
- 클라우드 '부작용'의 이유와 해법
- MongoDB Compatibility - What’s Really Important ?
- Design Patterns for Serverless Systems
- pg_graphql - PostgreSQL용 GraphQL 확장
- Zinc 검색 엔진 - 경량 ElasticSearch 대체제
- Microsoft Introduces a Fully-Managed Azure Load Testing Service in Preview
- Performance tuning for an AWS Lambda-based API (Detecting Paris’ locked bicycle stations 5/5)
- The Top 5 Apache Kafka Use Cases and Architectures in 2022
- NHN 클라우드, KB금융그룹 서비스에 쿠버네티스 솔루션 적용
- AWS Announces the General Availability and Open Sourcing of Babelfish for PostgreSQL
- Meta is tapping AWS for its cloud expansion and AI collaboration
- AWS Introduces Amazon Redshift Serverless
- Uber 아키텍처와 시스템 디자인
- Announcing preview release for the generational mode to the Shenandoah GC
- Database Replication Explained 3
- Cache warming: Leveraging EBS for moving petabytes of data
- Managing Serverless Spaghetti
- AWS Lambda Performance and Cost Optimization
- Automated AWS Load Balancer Warm-Up
- Serverless offerings like AWS Lambda haven't hit the big time, but Kubernetes can help
- AWS 외부로의 데이터 전송 요금 인하
- Sqitch is a database change management application.
- Kubernetes Logging with Fluent Bit, Elasticsearch and Kibana
토요일, 12월 11, 2021
[B급 프로그래머] 12월 2주 소식(개발/관리도구, 클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: git blame via @_developit)
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