- 빅데이터/인공지능
- AI Can Write Code Like Humans—Bugs and All
- What is Graph Intelligence? How and why the best companies are adopting Graph Visual Analytics, Graph AI, and Graph Neural Networks.
- Yet Another Keyword Extractor (Yake)
- Saving the Scranton Branch with Lead Scoring
- The Search for Better COVID Data Is Not Over
- Competitive programming with AlphaCode
- Avoiding Data Disasters
- Neural-Control Family: What Deep Learning + Control Enables in the Real World
- How to think about the ROI of data work
- Why machine learning hates vegetables
- The Sobering Truth About the Impact of Your Business Ideas
- Stop aggregating away the signal in your data
- Work like an analyst
- The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure
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- Visualizing Algorithms
- Driverless Robotaxi Fleet Paralyzed for Hours in San Francisco
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- Bolt - 10배 빠른 매트릭스 & 벡터 연산 알고리듬 (github.com/dblalock)
- The Nettle Magic Project - This deck of cards has a bar code printed on the edge of each card.
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- Meta has built a massive new language AI—and it’s giving it away for free
- People are pretty bad at perceiving areas. Don’t use them
- Uber’s C.E.O. Plays With Fire
- Why I still recommend Julia
- TensorFlow Lite for Unity Samples
- Amazon CodeWhisperer 공개 - AI 프로그래밍 도우미 (aws.amazon.com)
- Everything Is a Funnel, But SQL Doesn’t Get It
- The Existential Threat of Data Quality
- Framing Feature Engineering for Machine Learning: A Generative Model of Homeowners’ Likelihood to Sell
- Distributed Computing for AI: A Status Report
- One-stop MLOps portal at LinkedIn
- Trino: Open Source Infrastructure Upgrading at Lyft
- Trino, a query engine that runs at ludicrous speed
- In search of the least viewed article on Wikipedia
- Tech firms are making computer chips with human cells – is it ethical?
- OpenAI punished dev who used GPT-3 to ‘resurrect’ the dead — was this fair?
- Facebook Doesn’t Know What It Does With Your Data, Or Where It Goes: Leaked Document
- Amazon CodeWhisperer - Build apps faster with ML-powered coding companion
- YaLM 100B is a GPT-like neural network for generating and processing text. It can be used freely by developers and researchers from all over the world.
- Fitting Presto to Large-Scale Apache Kafka at Uber
- Microsoft to retire controversial facial recognition tool that claims to identify emotion
- Data Unicorns Are Rare, So Hire These 3 People Instead
- The Brain Has a ‘Low-Power Mode’ That Blunts Our Senses
- Does the tank have a future?
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- MLOps System with AutoML and Pipeline in Vertex AI
- The number of ML+AI papers at arXiv grows exponentially with a doubling rate of 23months.
- ‘해킹도 ML로 진화 중’ 머신러닝 해킹 수법 9가지
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- Awesome Data Leadership (github.com/ronikobrosly)
- US releases new driver-assist crash data, and surprise, it’s mostly Tesla
- Microsoft Teams now uses AI to improve echo, interruptions, and acoustics
- Google I/O 2022 ML & AI 발표 영상 페이지
- Make Amazing Data Science Projects using PyScript.js
- New CRISPR-based map ties every human gene to its function
- Taking our next step in the City by the Bay by Waymo
- Announcing AI21 Studio and Jurassic-1 Language Models
- LAION - Large-scale Artificial Intelligence Open Network
- FOMO is a TinyML neural network for real-time object detection
- Google Scanned Objects: A High-Quality Dataset of 3D Scanned Household Items
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- Toward a realistic model of speech processing in the brain with self-supervised learning
- 읽을거리
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- NASA scientists say images from the Webb telescope nearly brought them to tears
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- Laundry symbols make no sense
- Record-Breaking Voyager Spacecraft Begin to Power Down
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- Why I'm now making drugs for cats (and you should, too)
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- The truckers who keep our world moving
- Why is American administrative capacity in decline?
- Why are nuclear power construction costs so high? Part I
토요일, 7월 02, 2022
[B급 프로그래머] 7월 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: Confused? Write. via @OzolinsJanis)
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