- 빅데이터/인공지능
- 엔비디아, '금융 서비스의 AI 현황' 발표
- 챗GPT는 애플 비즈니스 챗의 종말을 말하는 것일까?
- EP 44: How does ChatGPT work?
- From Zero to Research Scientist 가이드 (github.com/ahmedbahaaeldin)
- Automatisch - 워크플로우 자동화 도구 Zapier의 오픈소스 대체제 (automatisch.io)
- Data Science and Machine Learning - Mathematical and Statistical Methods
- 31 Datasets For Your Next Data Science Project
- t-SNE Machine Learning Algorithm — A Great Tool for Dimensionality Reduction in Python
- Types of Machine Learning Interviews and how to ace them
- ‘문턱 낮아진다’ 중소기업도 초대받는 BI·애널리틱스 잔치
- ‘직원 6,000명, AI가 응대한다’ 사내 헬프데스크에 AI 봇 도입한 美 화학기업
- 챗GPT에 없지만 새로운 빙 검색에 있는 것은? ‘답변의 출처’
- 검색엔진이 수다스러워진다··· MS, 빙(Bing)에 AI 챗봇 통합
- 마이크로소프트, ChatGPT 통합한 새로워진 ‘빙’ 공개…엣지에도 AI 적용
- Microsoft Bing Chat의 전체 프롬프트 유출 (twitter.com/kliu128)
- 7 ways to use ChatGPT at work to boost your productivity, make your job easier, and save a ton of time
- Amazon SageMaker JumpStart를 통해 다양한 생성 AI 모델 활용하기
- ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web
- GPT in 60 Lines of NumPy
- How to use AI and machine learning to personalize and optimize campaigns
- What learning algorithm is in-context learning? Investigations with linear models
- Building explainability into the components of machine-learning models
- Microsoft announces AI-powered Bing search and Edge browser
- Andrej Karpathy, OpenAI로 복귀 (twitter.com/karpathy)
- Runway, 비디오 생성형 AI "Gen-1" 공개 (research.runwayml.com)
- 구글, 검색 결과에서 Explicit 이미지는 흐리게 처리할 예정 (theverge.com)
- In Paris demo, Google scrambles to counter ChatGPT but ends up embarrassing itself
- Five GPT-3 based APIs for your next side project. Thread 🧵👇
- Img2Prompt - Stable Diffusion으로 생성한 이미지에서 프롬프트 유추하기 (img2prompt.io)
- Microsoft will let companies create their own custom versions of ChatGPT, source says
- Let me show you the "exact path" to becoming a Professional Data Analyst & get Certified.
- 구글 AI 챗봇 Bard의 답변 내용 오류로 알파벳 주식 폭락 (reuters.com)
- There are hundreds of machine learning algorithms out there. But you only need a few. Here are 9 of the most useful choices:
- Is Google’s 20-year dominance of search in peril? ChatGPT-like tools could disrupt a lucrative business
- From GPT3 to ChatGPT (and Beyond)
- Solving a machine-learning mystery
- How Causal AI is Reshaping the World
- A Simple Guide on AI Text Prompts: Tell the AI Exactly What You Want to See
- This project summarizes TechCrunch articles for you using AI.
- SQL should be your default choice for data engineering pipelines
- Has Progress on Data, Analytics, and AI Stalled at Your Company?
- Microsoft announces new Bing and Edge browser powered by upgraded ChatGPT AI
- Open Assistant is a project meant to give everyone access to a great chat based large language model.
- openai-to-sqlite - This tool provides utilities for interacting with OpenAI APIs and storing the results in a SQLite database.
- GoogleChatGPT is an innovative and user-friendly chrome extension that combines the power of Google web search with the knowledge of ChatGPT.
- 챗GPT는 어떻게 학습되었을까 - Human Feedback Reinforcement Learning (RLHF)
- Choosing a Baby Name Using Python
- Learn Prompting - A Free, Open Source Course on Communicating with Artificial Intelligence
- Maroofy - AI로 비슷한 음악 찾기 (maroofy.com)
- AI, 이번엔 다릅니다 – 스타트업 vs 기존 기업 (번역) (ebadak.news)
- Gradient Descent With AdaGrad From Scratch
- HUMATA.AI - Ask AI anything about your files
- Storing OpenAI embeddings in Postgres with pgvector
- How to build Google-like AI-powered search using Python in 15 minutes? (A thread) 👇🧵
- Filechat is the perfect tool to explore documents using artificial intelligence. Simply upload your PDF and start asking questions to your personalized chatbot.
- Simpson’s Paradox and Interpreting Data
- Man and machine: GPT for second brains
- An important next step on our AI journey
- How to Calculate Feature Importance With Python
- Universal Summarizer - 모든 것을 요약해드립니다 (labs.kagi.com)
- 인스타그램 공동창업자 "TikTok for Text" Artifact로 돌아오다 (theverge.com)
- Prompt Engineering Guide
- 📖KnowledgeGPT - Accurate answers and instant citations for your documents.(데모(Open AI key 필요)
- Reverse Engineered ChatGPT API by OpenAI. Extensible for chatbots etc.
- The Gradient Descent Algorithm and its Variants
- A Beginner-Friendly Introduction to MLOps
- Machine learning roadmap: 5 Steps to a successful career
- realtime color detection using Python
- Is the Answer to Your Data Science Needs Inside Your IT Team?
- Getty Images v. Stability AI – Complaint
- Three Levels of ML Software
- 3 ways to deal with large datasets in Python
- South Korea: 데이터 크롤링의 한국법상 허용기준
- GPT-3로 자동으로 Anki 덱을 만들어주는 크롬 확장 (github.com/AndrewJudson)
- Adopting AutoML: Let’s do a reality check
- Deep understanding of the ARIMA model
- Solving the cube root of 19,683 mentally
- ChatGPT Passes Google Coding Interview for Level 3 Engineer With $183K Salary
- Exclusive Q&A: John Carmack’s ‘Different Path’ to Artificial General Intelligence
- 구글, 챗GPT 경쟁사 앤트로픽과 동맹...3억달러 투자
- 오픈AI, AI 창작물 탐지 툴 출시…”아직 신뢰 못해”
- “지연 없이 즉시 대화” ChatGPT '월 20달러' 요금제 나온다
- ChatGPT의 시대, ML옵스 인재가 필요하다
- “텍스트를 음악으로” 구글, 설명 듣고 작곡하는 MusicLM 발표
- 아무도 알려주지 않는 ChatGPT에 대한 놀라운 사실 6가지
- “오픈AI GPT-3.5 접목” MS 팀즈 프리미엄 출시
- 클라우드서 GPT-3.5 쓴다, ‘애저 오픈AI(Azure OpenAI)’ 시작하기
- “챗GPT, 곧 사이버 공격 대량생산에 쓰일 것” 영국 IT 의사결정자 경고
- "침대 누워있죠? 제가 카메라 설치했어요" AI챗봇 소름 문자 [팩플]
- I trained an AI model on 120M+ songs from iTunes
- 구글 CEO, "곧 ChatGPT 라이벌이 검색 기능에 ‘Companion’으로 추가될 예정" (bloomberg.com)
- Transformer Grammars are Transformer-like models of the joint structure and sequence of words of a sentence or document.
- Estimating Square Roots in Your Head
- Here’s Who Is Really Making Billions From ChatGPT
- Microsoft Teams Premium: Cut costs and add AI-powered productivity
- ChatGPT Cheat Sheet (drive.google.com)
- Introducing ChatGPT Plus
- 모든 것의 네트워크와 모든 것의 전이학습 - 기계학습 연구가 발견한 인간 학습의 방법론 7가지
- Do more with OpenAI (ChatGPT) integrations by Zapier
- Gos: a declarative library for interactive genomics visualization in Python
- ‘모두를 위한 AI’ 시대 여는 ‘카카오 i 머신러닝’ 출시
- How to visualise different ML models using PyCaret for optimization?
- This repository contains the implementation of BioGPT: Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Biomedical Text Generation and Mining,
- 신경망 개발을 밑바닥부터 코딩하며 배우기
- Multion - A ChatGPT agent that can control the browser and do tasks for you!
- Big Tech was moving cautiously on AI. Then came ChatGPT.
- 7 of the Most Used Feature Engineering Techniques
- 🔥 PyChatGPT
- My journey from R to Julia
- Probability for machine learning
- 💥 An amazing overview of ChatGPT!
- ML Papers Explained
- Diff Models – A New Way to Edit Code
- Colorful ASCII Christmas Tree in C# by ChatGPT
- Adventures in generating music via ChatGPT text prompts
- London-based Flawless AI’s ‘True Sync’ tech is a revolutionary approach to film dubbing
- My AI Safety Lecture for UT Effective Altruism
- The ChatGPT chatbot from OpenAI is amazing, creative, and totally wrong
- AI assisted learning: Learning Rust with ChatGPT, Copilot and Advent of Code
- Large language models help decipher clinical notes
- Why XetData?
- ave I Been Trained? - Search 5.8 billion images used to train popular AI art models
- How AI-generated text is poisoning the internet
- DeepMind’s AlphaCode Conquers Coding, Performing as Well as Humans
- Semi-automated offside technology to be used at FIFA World Cup 2022™
- What is the “forward-forward” algorithm, Geoffrey Hinton’s new AI technique?
- How to... use AI to teach some of the hardest skills
- A Better Developer Experience Requires Better Testing Tools
- BuzzFeed says it will use AI tools from OpenAI to personalize its content
- Scalable Annotation Service — Marken
- Just know stuff. (Or, how to achieve success in a machine learning PhD.)
- ML paper podcast generator using GPT and Tortoise-TTS
- AI-powered summaries for YouTube videos
- Natural language is the lazy user interface
- 최고 AI 책임자가 뜬다? ‘10억 달러짜리 두뇌’가 제시하는 미래
- “AI 품은 윈도우” MS가 그리는 미래 AI 시대
- “나는 누구인가?” ChatGPT가 말하는 ChatGPT
- 머신러닝 스타일 : 인공 신경망과 작동 원리, 함수 구조
- Machine Learning for Beginners: An Introduction to Neural Networks
- 챗봇 만드는 사람이 공부해 본 'chatGPT란?'
- “챗GPT, 게임 기획 좀 해 봐” ①
- ImaginAIry - AI로 이미지 수정하기 (github.com/brycedrennan)
- Simple 4-part explainer on how to query a PDF (or a set of PDFs) using GPT-3
- GPT is all you need for the backend
- Neural Networks : Zero to Hero - 신경망 개발을 밑바닥 부터 코딩하며 배우기 (karpathy.ai)
- Doordash Introduces ML to Understand the Marketplaces Status
- ChatGPT로 Gmail 스팸 필터 우회하기 (neelc.org)
- Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out.
- FMS(차량 관제 시스템) 데이터 파이프라인 구축기 1편. 스트리밍/배치 파이프라인 개발기
- Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and frames
- 딥러닝을 위해 어떤 GPU를 골라야 할까? (timdettmers.com)
- How Facebook encodes your videos
- SAI #14: Data Latency in ML Systems.
- let Copilot decide
- Google Research, 2022 & beyond: Language, vision and generative models
- Who Owns the Generative AI Platform?
- Building Neural Networks with TensorFlow.NET
- CodeGPT: The VSCode Extension with ChatGPT-Like Functionalities
- The Exploited Labor Behind Artificial Intelligence
- Let's build GPT - GPT를 밑바닥부터 만들어 봅시다 [유튜브 영상] (youtube.com)
- Natural Language Playlist - AI generated mixtapes!
- ChatRWKV is like ChatGPT but powered by my RWKV (100% RNN) language model, which is the only RNN (as of now) that can match transformers in quality and scaling, while being faster and saves VRAM.
- Exclusive: OpenAI Used Kenyan Workers on Less Than $2 Per Hour to Make ChatGPT Less Toxic
- ‘AI로 진열대 재고 실시간 파악’ 구글 클라우드, 온·오프라인 커머스용 신기능 발표
- 인사 담당자가 AI 봇? 인공지능으로 채용 강화하는 기업들
- How-To : 애플 기기에서 ‘귀찮은’ 캡차를 안전하게 우회하는 방법
- 게티이미지, AI 이미지 생성기 스테이블 디퓨전 개발사 고소…“저작권 침해” 주장
- "톰 행크스부터 빌 클린턴까지" 음성 AI 모델링의 한계는 어디까지?
- AI 챗봇 ChatGPT가 해커들의 조력자가 되는 과정과 대비책
- Which GPU(s) to Get for Deep Learning: My Experience and Advice for Using GPUs in Deep Learning
- Generative AI and The Future of Work
- 95% of ML tutorials: ...
- How Nvidia’s CUDA Monopoly In Machine Learning Is Breaking - OpenAI Triton And PyTorch 2.0
- Linear programming with Python and Julia
- General availability of Azure OpenAI Service expands access to large, advanced AI models with added enterprise benefits
- Precise Zero-Shot Dense Retrieval without Relevance Labels
- Interactive Linear Algebra
- 💡 Curve-fitting methods and their messages!
- 3 Principles for prompt engineering with GPT-3
- 7 ways ChatGPT can 10x your programming productivity:
- Why TensorFlow for Python is dying a slow death
- ChatGPT-Prompts - ChatGPT prompts for programming
- A PyTorch Tools, best practices & Styleguide
- 하드웨어
- “하드디스크 고장률 가장 낮은 제품은 웨스턴 디지털”
- Apple’s 2½ year old iPhone 12 is 6% faster than the latest Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra for single-core performance
- 삼성 SSD의 안정성에 대한 업데이트 (pugetsystems.com)
- Ghost Boat with Garmin GPS Leads Father-Son Duo to Man Overboard
- “작은 차이가 워크플로우와 가격을 결정한다” M2 프로 vs. M2 맥스 비교 분석
- How AMD killed the Itanium
- “A에서 M, 프로, 맥스, 울트라까지” 모든 애플 실리콘 성능 비교 가이드
- “개인 방송 기기를 업무 회의용으로?” 마이크로소프트, 엘가토 스트림 덱 전용 ‘팀즈’ 플러그인 공개
- On microcode
- Burning a NeXTCube (1993)
- 인텔, 2022년 4분기 두 자릿수 매출 급감
- Is there any difference between front and back USB ports?
- Bell Telephone Launched a Mobile Phone During the 1940s: Watch Bell’s Film Showing How It Worked
- How a CPU works: Bare metal C on my RISC-V toy CPU
- Reverse-engineering the conditional jump circuitry in the 8086 processor
- 애플, 창립 40주년 맞아 애플 '리사' 소스코드 공개
- WiFi Routers Used to Produce 3D Images of Humans
- ECC RAM should be a human right
- HDD 판매가 급감한 반면, 테이프 저장장치 판매는 급증
- Open Circuits : 전자 부품들의 내면의 아름다움 [책] (opencircuitsbook.com)
- 앙카 나사가 고정되는 방식
- Everyone says the Intel 8086 processor has 29,000 tiny transistors. But I counted and found 19,618. Why the difference? It turns out that most counts include "potential" transistors as well as real ones. Let's take a look and find out why.🧵
- 블록체인과 메타버스
- Kraken to end on-chain staking services for U.S. clients
- What is a Virtual World and Who is Going to Build It? (Part 1)
- 100억짜리 그림 1000원씩 쪼개서 거래…한도 제한해 투자자 보호
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- "접속자 달랑 한 명 뿐"…골칫덩이 전락한 '메타버스'
- 마이크로소프트, 가상 및 혼합 현실 사업 정리
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- 테더 "2022년 총 결제액 18조2000억…비자·마스터카드보다 높아"
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- The $20 an hour Cessna 172 experiment
- 애플페이가 온다…"밴 및 카드사 타격 불가피"
- ‘As bad as it gets without body bags.’
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- 점보기는 2층데크를 왜 만들다 말았을까? - 보잉747 이야기
- 1/n The Feynman Technique is a powerful method for learning and understanding complex concepts in physics and other fields. Named after physicist Richard Feynman, the technique helps to break down difficult concepts into simple, easy-to-understand language.
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- NRC Certifies First U.S. Small Modular Reactor Design
- Even a Little Alcohol Can Harm Your Health
- Flying High
- 도미노피자가 배달 플랫폼에 올라타지 않는 까닭은
토요일, 2월 11, 2023
[B급 프로그래머] 2월 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 하드웨어/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
오늘의 짤방: ML diagram via @DataScienceDojo
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