- 빅데이터/인공지능
- 데이터 공유의 위력··· 가상 망원경, 천문학을 바꾸다
- 세상에서 가장 이해받지 못하는 영웅, 데이터 과학자
- 한때 38억장이 인간들 울고 웃겼는데.. 이젠 커피전문점서 문전박대
- A Reuters analysis of 29 global automakers found that they are investing at least $300 billion in electric vehicles, with more than 45 percent of that earmarked for China.
- Good news ! The book is printed and available
- Using Fourier Transforms To Multiply Numbers - Interactive Examples
- Learnability can be undecidable
- Tesla’s Life After Hell: 7 Charts Show Musk on Firmer Footing
- Aurora, the hot self-driving startup, will be worth $2 billion after an investment by Sequoia
- Orientation Without a Master Plan - Human spatial memory is made up of numerous individual maps.
- Qualcomm’s Cockpit Platform promises to make cars smarter
- Hacker's guide to Neural Networks
- Facebook Knows How to Track You Using the Dust on Your Camera Lens
- There Is No Such Thing as Conscious Thought
- Google will defeat its own captchas for you
- TensorFlow.js — Real-Time Object Detection in 10 Lines of Code
- GDP predictions are reliable only in the short term
- Waymo's Autonomous Vehicles Are Reportedly Facing Ongoing Attacks in Arizona
- [단독]현대자동차, 2020년 레벨3 자율주행차 양산
- Hackers use a fake wax hand to fool vein authentication security
- An Idiot’s guide to Support vector machines (SVMs)
- AI Competition Is the New Space Race
- Machine Learning Interpretability in the GDPR Era
- Laser Vision Upstart Luminar Reveals Self-Driving Tech Alliance With Audi's AID Unit
- The hype around driverless cars came crashing down in 2018
- 20 Best Image Datasets for Computer Vision
- 암호화폐/블록체인
- Ethereum is Doomed
- 너와 나의 `블록체인` 연결 고리, 사이드 체인
- ICO Market Research Q3 2018(ICO 동향 파악을 위해 추천)
- 신기술 무장한 새 프라이버시 코인 몰려온다
- "블록체인, 작년보다 지루하지만 유용해질 것이다"
- Meet Grin - the private & lightweight mimblewimble blockchain
- Ethereum Plans to Cut Its Absurd Energy Consumption by 99 Percent
- Still Got Your Crypto: In Response to wallet.fail’s Presentation
- Blockchain study finds 0.00% success rate and vendors don't call back when asked for evidence
- 읽을거리
- How People Learn to Become Resilient
- [독서광] 타이탄의 도구들(본인이 쓴 글)
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- The Average American Is Edging Closer to Being Obese
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- I work with kids. Here’s why they’re consumed with anxiety.
- Recreating the Death Star Trench Run scene with LEGO
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- Don’t Reply to Your Emails - The case for inbox infinity
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- 아마존 3년 출근기 #1 – 하루 일과 및 요약
- 자영업의 미래를 어떻게 찾을까
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- Interesting Markets: 2019 Edition
- The $0.006 Object in Your Sushi Container Is Doing an Important Job
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- How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation
- Apple’s Errors
- Does It Pay to Be a Writer?
- [단독]현역이 모자란다..산업요원 2000명 축소, 의경 3년 뒤 폐지
- '장수(長壽)의 상징' 日 오키나와, '단명의 도시'된 이유
- Microsoft's New Approach to Job Interviews Makes People Really Want to Work There
- GM’s decline truly began with its quest to turn people into machines
- "韓기업 파괴적 혁신해야 성장…전담조직 회사 밖에 만들라"
- A Novel Way to Fight Drug-Resistant Bacteria
- Employees Who Stay In Companies Longer Than Two Years Get Paid 50% Less
- What Everyone Needs to Understand About Millennial Bosses - The only thing these young bosses are entitled to is respect.
- The Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame: Grundig Satellit 650 Radio
- Sublime Domesticity: The Intimate Grandeur That Is ‘Roma’
- You really, really want to go to the gym but still avoid it. New research may explain why.
- Long Life Vehicle
수요일, 1월 16, 2019
[B급 프로그래머] 1월 2주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: What weird things have you used as a bookmark ? via @PhilosophyMttrs)
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