- 개발/관리도구
- Functional Terminal (X) User interface - A simple C++ library for terminal based user interface.
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- Python at Netflix
- Is there a better tool for debugging a program than a conventional debugger? I have found "annotated" print statements almost always to be far more useful and less time-consuming than using a debugger, especially when debugging anything graphical.
- In C++, member functions of a class do not have any size. Why is it so?
- What are the most common mistakes junior Python developers should avoid?
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- Link shorteners: the long and short of why you shouldn’t use them
- How Software Is Eating the Car
- Raspberry Pi 4 Model B WiFi Ethernet Bridge
- Playwright for .NET v1.12 is now stable!
- Deep JavaScript
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- What's in email tracking links and pixels?
- How Universal Control on macOS Monterey works
- novelWriter is a plain text editor designed for writing novels assembled from many smaller text documents.
- Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in
- One Fastly customer triggered internet meltdown
- I wrote a linker everyone can understand!
- Althttpd - C파일 1개로 된 간단한 웹서버 (sqlite.org)
- 이중 인증을 해킹하는 5가지 방법
- What the Fastly outage can teach us about writing error messages
- Introducing Astro: Ship Less JavaScript
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- IPVS: How Kubernetes Services Direct Traffic to Pods
- Design Patterns in JavaScript - Commonly Used Design Patterns With Code Examples
- A guide to linting Go programs
- JDK 17 features
- Ren'Py is a visual novel engine – used by thousands of creators from around the world
- Chrome is up to 23% faster in M91 and saves over 17 years of CPU time daily
- Go Performance Tools Cheat Sheet
- 5 projects to master Front End Development
- Web Publications — LaTeX Style: Give your Web Publications LATEX Style
- FreeBSD from a NetBSD user’s perspective
- An incomplete list of skills senior engineers need, beyond coding
- Why We Need Build Systems
- Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
- Amazon debuts CloudFront Functions for running lightweight code at the edge
- POKEGB - 포켓몬블루만 실행 가능한 게임보이 에뮬 개발기 (binji.github.io)
- Deep dive into Visual Studio Code extension security vulnerabilities
- Snyk uncovers supply chain security vulnerabilities in Visual Studio Code extensions
- Kubernetes: 6 open source tools to put your cluster to the test
- Functional Terminal (X) User interface - A simple C++ library for terminal based user interface.
- 소유권이 뭔가요? - 러스트의 핵심 기능은 바로 소유권입니다.
- IconVG is a compact, binary format for simple vector graphics: icons, logos, glyphs and emoji.
- The faster you unlearn OOP, the better for you and your software
- Password Managers.
- Rustpad is an efficient and minimal open-source collaborative text editor based on the operational transformation algorithm.
- OpenReplay is a session replay stack that lets you see what users do on your web app, helping you troubleshoot issues faster.
- Html5-QRCode - 크로스플랫폼 QR코드 리더 (github.com)
- Unix Shell Programming: The Next 50 Years
- This is the story of the most unbelievable demo I've been given in world of open source. You can't make this stuff up.
- [B급 프로그래머] Dev-C++ 윈도우에서 사용 가능한 간단한 C/C++ IDE(직접 쓴 글)
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- History of ZFS - Part 2: Exploding in Popularity
- A new Protocol Buffers generator for Go
- How a Jenkins Job Broke our Jenkins UI
- Patents in Open Source
- Half a million lines of Go
- 518일동안 단 하루도 빠지지 않고 알고리즘을 풀었다.
- 블룸버그가 TypeScript를 대규모로 도입하며 배운 것들 (techatbloomberg.com)
- 개발자와 디자이너의 협업을 위한 LINE 디자인 시스템, LDS 소개
- Leaky Abstractions
- Making JavaScript run fast on WebAssembly
- Reverse Engineering a Docker Image
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- 17 true stories about switching to Linux
- Delft Students on Software Architecture - A blog on the architecture of open source software systems written by students from Delft University of Technology
- API 공개- 무료 대용량 파일첨부/전송 (dev.file.kiwi)
- Some useful websites for programmers.
- Use console.log() like a pro
- Unattach - Gmail 첨부파일 지워서 구글 계정 용량 아끼기 (unattach.app)
- Why is Google still using leetcode style interviewing when their own research recommends against it?
- Welcome to DIY Book Scanner
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- ipTIME - 제품별 비교표
- Why doesn’t V8 fit on my microcontroller?
- Pynguin, the PYthoN General UnIt test geNerator, is a tool that allows developers to generate unit tests automatically.
- 한RSS를 홀로 만든 개발자, 월 거래액 370억의 전세계 최초 음악 저작권 거래소를 만들기까지: 뮤직카우 CTO 서성렬 인터뷰
- The Most Expensive Number in Engineering
- ls* Commands Are Even More Useful Than You May Have Thought
- Crossbar - 분산 & MSA 앱을 위한 오픈소스 플랫폼 (crossbar.io)
- File Permissions: the painful side of Docker
- Linux Terminal Tools [103p PDF] (ketancmaheshwari.github.io)
- JavaScript 개발자를 위해 Microsoft에서 제공하는 모든 것 (docs.microsoft.com)
- kalker - A scientific calculator that supports math-like syntax with user-defined variables, functions, derivation, integration, and complex numbers.
- All the best engineering advice I stole from non-technical people
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- Why interruptions are frustrating to developers
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- The Unix Game is a fun, low-barrier-to-entry programming contest where players solve coding challenges by constructing "pipelines" of UNIX text processing utilities to compute the solution.
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Why Uber Engineering Switched from Postgres to MySQL
- How Facebook deals with PCIe faults to keep our data centers running reliably
- The modern web on a slow connection
- DBSeeder - Relational Database Data Generator.
- 오라클 데이터베이스 21c, 고루한 RDBMS가 다시 새로워졌다
- PolarDB for PostgreSQL (PolarDB for short) is an open-source database system based on PostgreSQL. It extends PostgreSQL to become a share-nothing distributed database
- Slicer: Auto-Sharding for Datacenter Applications
토요일, 6월 12, 2021
[B급 프로그래머] 6월 2주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 이거 레알임. via @elfinxx)
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