- 개발/관리도구
- A mini assembler for x86_64, written for fun and learning.
- A viable solution for Python concurrency
- Implementing form filling and accessibility in the Firefox PDF viewer
- How Adobe became Silicon Valley’s quiet reinventor
- SpaceCadetPinball - Reverse engineering of 3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet, a game bundled with Windows.
- How to win at CORS
- Remember this XKCD graphic?
- Java News Roundup: Roadmap for Spring 6.0 and Spring Boot 3.0, OpenJDK and Quarkus Updates
- Why and How to Upgrade to Java 16 or 17
- Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program.
- Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
- How APT does its fancy progress bar
- 온보딩 ‘구름타기’ 수료 후기
- Seven Deadly Sins of Introductory Programming Language Design
- The 100 MHz 6502
- Fast character case conversion
- Container security best practices: Ultimate guide
- Using ASCII waveforms to test real-time audio code
- Multithreaded Python without the GIL
- Operations is not Developer IT
- Ethereum Services are Centralized
- [알도개] 무한 루프에 빠진 개발자 논쟁 시리즈: 2편 추상화의 허와 실(본인이 쓴 글)
- 어떤 버전의 JDK를 써야 할까? (whichjdk.com)
- Microsoft says it mitigated one of the largest DDoS attacks ever recorded
- Convert your Raspberry Pi into a trading bot with Pythonic
- Using Ansible with REST APIs
- Oracle Proposes Shorter Java LTS Cycle of Two Years
- rancherdesktop - Kubernetes and container management on the desktop
- How to create Kubernetes YAML files
- React Internals Part One: Basic Rendering
- The State Of Web Scraping in 2021
- And You Will Know Us by the Company We Keep
- I keep making things out of checkboxes
- How to Show Seconds on the Windows 10 Taskbar Clock
- V7 Unix had no stack size limit, and when Unix acquired one
- Go is a terrible language
- Hello IPv6 : IPv4 사용자를 위한 최소한의 자습서 (metebalci.com)
- A comprehensive, feature-rich, open source, and portable, collection of Solitaire games
- 스타트업 부트스트래핑 가이드 (jotform.com)
- ScummVM 20주년 (scummvm.org)
- bashcrawl - Learn Linux commands by playing a simple text adventure.
- Understanding all of Python, through its builtins
- Are iPhones Really Better for Privacy? Comparative Study of iOS and Android Apps
- Faster Maven builds in Docker
- Which Version of JDK Should I Use?
- LocalStack 💻 is a cloud service emulator that runs in a single container on your laptop or in your CI environment.
- SSH Tunneling Explained
- GPU font rendering for PDF
- WebAssembly는 어떻게 JavaScript를 빠르게 실행할 수 있는가 (bytecodealliance.org)
- MaryJane - 30줄의 파이썬코드로 작성된 MJPEG 서버 (github.com)
- Parsing JSON Really Quickly: Lessons Learned
- Why Did Satoshi Decide To Use Secp256k1 Instead Of Secp256r1?
- The Xterm Window Manager Homepage
- Gmail password first character is case insensitive on mobile device
- 애플, 내년 1월 31일부터 앱 내 계정 삭제 기능 필수
- GMMK Pro로 커스텀 기계식 키보드에 입문하다 – 1. 기초공부 & 부품 선택
- 중국의 단일 스택 IPv6 계획··· 서방 기업들의 대응은?
- 개발자 취업을 위한 국내 부트캠프 비교분석 요약(2021년 8월 기준)
- "유치원생부터 교사까지" 애플, 코딩 커리큘럼 자원 확장
- 회사 기밀 '줄줄' 샌다··· 깃허브 저장소에 숨겨진 데이터 유출 위험
- 페이스북 서비스 중단 사태 “불운의 연속이 만들어낸 참사”
- 패턴 매칭 지원 外··· '파이썬 3.10', 무엇이 달라졌을까
- 코드씨(CodeSee), 오픈소스 개발자용 코드베이스 온보딩 포털 공개
- GPU.JS - GPU accelerated JavaScript
- Git as a storage
- Lots to see in Firefox 93!
- dos-like is a programming library/framework, kind of like a tiny game engine, for writing games and programs with a similar feel to MS-DOS productions from the early 90s.
- [B급 프로그래머] 윈도우 지원이 약한 SDKMan!을 대신할 JDKMon(본인이 쓴 글)
- quickemu - Quickly create and run highly optimised desktop virtual machines for Linux, macOS and Windows
- Explaining explaining: a quick guide on explanatory writing
- 대한민국 정보통신망 발전사(PDF)
- CloudFront + CloudFront functions 이용하여, Next.js 번들파일 효율적으로 서빙하기! 🧞
- Software at Scale 34 - Faster Python with Guido van Rossum
- Why I'm donating $150/month (10% of my income) to the musl libc project
- How Android Wallpaper Images Can Threaten Your Privacy
- Python in Visual Studio Code – October 2021 Release
- Aho - A Git implementation in AWK
- Front-End Testing is For Everyone
- x86 assembly doesn’t have to be scary (interactive)
- RenderingNG: an architecture that makes and keeps Chrome fast for the long term
- The Insane Innovation of TI Calculator Hobbyists
- Build internal tools, remarkably fast - Stop wrestling with UI libraries, hacking together data sources, and figuring out access controls. Start shipping apps that move your business forward.
- 유저 주문 취소 기능 Java 전환기
- 기술 기업 연봉 테이블
- It's Time to Retire the CSV
- Go is Korean, Lisp is Japanese
- Don't write bugs
- 로그인 기능 없이 제품을 런칭 해야하는 이유 (casparwre.de)
- Moving Google toward the mainline
- macOS: convmv 를 사용한 유니코드 문제(풀어쓰기) 해결(?)
- Deno 1.8 Release Notes
- The Best of Programming on Medium (September 2021)
- 3 Things Go Needs Right Now More Than Generics
- The NAND gate. One gate to rule them all.
- Apple II Audio and the Mockingboard
- Use this Linux command-line tool to learn more about your NVMe drives
- 3 ways to test your API with Python
- Python for JavaScript developers
- Understanding How Facebook Disappeared from the Internet
- Python Lists Are Overrated
- JEP 400 and the Default Charset
- endoflife - maintains quick links for checking End Of Life dates for various products.
- Hermit Programmers Are Dead
- Always-On Processor의 마법: 아이폰 전원이 꺼져도 찾기가 가능한 이유 (naehrdine.blogspot.com)
- String Hashing in C++
- What Are Namespaces and cgroups, and How Do They Work?
- Understanding I/O Wait (or why 0% Idle can be OK)
- "Static Linking Considered Harmful" Considered Harmful
- Running Apache Spark on Kubernetes
- ugit: DIY Git in Python
- Effective Go
- IT부서 ‘업의 본질’일 수도… ‘기술 아키텍처’ 가이드
- "RISC-V 하드웨어용 자바 포트 올해 말 공개" 오픈 JDK 커뮤니티
- Converting images into text using the 95 printable characters defined by the ASCII Standard
- Mac SE/30 odyssey
- 클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- ElasticSearch Fork OpenSearch is Generally Available
- AWS Lambda battle 2021: performance comparison for all languages (cold and warm start)
- A Design Analysis of Cloud-based Microservices Architecture at Netflix
- '클라우드에서의 쿠버네티스 보호하기'··· 뮌헨재보험 아키텍트가 깨달은 교훈
- SQLime - 온라인 SQLite Playground (sqlime.org)
- Do not use AWS CloudFormation
- sqlfluff - 📜 The SQL Linter for humans.
- Will Cloudflare R2 Win Customers from Amazon S3?
- Herding elephants: Lessons learned from sharding Postgres at Notion
- Debezium is an open source project that provides a low latency data streaming platform for change data capture (CDC).
- Yugabyte Cloud: a Managed Distributed SQL Database
- 개발 라이프사이클 전반에 걸쳐 클라우드 인프라를 보호하는 방법
- 마이크로소프트 애저 클라우드 취약점이 알려주는 클라우드 보안의 4가지 교훈
토요일, 10월 16, 2021
[B급 프로그래머] 10월 2주 소식(개발/관리도구, 클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: Kubernetes experts be like via @memenetes)
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