- 빅데이터/인공지능
- First In-Depth View of Wave Computing’s DPU Architecture, Systems
- Mental processes of chess masters revealed how people get good in other fields
- Deep Learning with OpenCV
- [구축사례] 관악구 CCTV 고도화, 이렇게 추진됐다
- Designing a Deep Learning Project
- 딥러닝 교육 자료 (Deep Learning Lecture)
- Tesla’s Push to Build a Self-Driving Car Sparked Dissent Among Its Engineers
- Microsoft unveils Project Brainwave for real-time AI
- Inside Waymo's Secret World for Training Self-Driving Cars
- Hot Chips: Google TPU Performance Analysis
- 머신러닝을 마스터하는 데 필요한 13가지 프레임워크
- Machine Learning Mindmap / Cheatsheet
- [4차 산업혁명 기획시리즈] 4차 산업혁명 시대의 경제 작동 메커니즘
- 4차 산업혁명과 GPU(Graphics Processing Unit)의 성장
- Machine Learning & Data Science technical interview questions(Amazon)
- What Happens to Creativity as We Age?
- Thoughts on Internet 인공지능(AI)의 약속
- How computers learn to recognize objects instantly | Joseph Redmon
- 딥러닝 강의 자료 - 패스트캠퍼스의 비전공자를 위한 데이터 사이언스 스쿨에서 진행한 한국어 딥러닝 강의 자료
- Why Your Brain Needs More Downtime
- New hands-on labs for scientific data processing on Google Cloud Platform
- PyTorch vs TensorFlow — spotting the difference
- Neural Network Console by Sony
- Facebook Transitioning to Neural Machine Translation
- The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data
- AI 노린 적대적 공격, 어떻게 대비할 것인가
- 머신러닝을 위한 기초 수학 살펴보기
- Model hallucinations - Psychedelics have a remarkable capacity to violate our ideas about ourselves. Is that why they make people better?
- IBM’s Watson is bringing cutting-edge cancer treatment to every corner of the earth
- There’s no cure for cancer but there could be 1,000 algorithms to better treat it
- CNN with own Dataset
- Effective Tensorflow - TensorFlow tutorials and best practices
- Google Announces Tensor2Tensor for TensorFlow
- Stocks with Outperform Ratings Beat the Market
- Predict the future with Machine Learning
- 가상화폐
- 블록체인 광고 생태계 구축'··· 브레이브 브라우저의 야심
- '카톡 플랫폼' 등에 업은 가상화폐 거래소 생긴다
- Don't Mine Bitcoin. Mine Altcoins fool!
- Build-a-Coin Cryptocurrency Creator
- China’s Bitmain dominates bitcoin mining. Now it wants to cash in on artificial intelligence
- Hackers nab $500,000 as Enigma is compromised weeks before its ICO
- Microsoft Announces Coco Framework for Enterprise Blockchain Networks
- Proof of Stake FAQ
- 블록체인 기술 튜토리얼
- 비트코인 채권 나왔다…제도권 진출 시도
- 우리은행, 디지털화폐 진출… '위비코인' 발행한다
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- Here's What Goldman Is Telling Big Money Clients About Bitcoin
- The Blockchain Problem Space
- Photos: Life inside of China’s massive and remote bitcoin mines
- 읽을거리
- A better way to talk about love.
- Threading the celestial needle: Catching the Great American Eclipse at 35,000 feet
- [테드X강의]6개월동안 어떤 언어도 배울 수 있는 방법 - 크리스 론스데일
- 서울 vs 도쿄 직장인의 하루 씀씀이 비교
- The Dark Side of Resilience
- Learning to Learn: You, Too, Can Rewire Your Brain
- People Start Hating Their Jobs at Age 35
- Employees Who Stay In Companies Longer Than Two Years Get Paid 50% Less
- What is Amazon, really?
- Voyager: Inside the world's greatest space mission
- How the Voyager Golden Record Was Made
- The Strange Disappearance of Cooperation in America
- 광어와 도다리회, 남보다 맛있게 먹는 방법(광어회 부위 구별법)
- Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich
- Dilution of whisky – the molecular perspective
- What facts about South Korea do foreigners not believe until they visit South Korea?
- Assume Positive Intent
- How setting “anti-goals” can keep work from being miserable
- 리더에게 가장 적합한 ‘중년의 뇌’…탁월함은 중년에 이르러서야 갖춰진다
- Why we’re switching Ulysses to Subscription
- The secret to office happiness isn’t working less—it’s caring less
- KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 지도
- Sex makes babies
- How to learn a new language: 7 secrets from TED Translators
- How A Theory Of Crime And Policing Was Born, And Went Terribly Wrong
토요일, 8월 26, 2017
[B급 프로그래머] 8월 4주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 가상화폐, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: Why software engineers can’t fall asleep counting sheep via @InfoQ)
토요일, 8월 19, 2017
[B급 프로그래머] 8월 3주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: think plan execute via @archillect)
- 개발/관리도구
- Top 20 C++ multithreading mistakes and how to avoid them
- AWS 신규 서비스 및 기능 출시 목록 – AWS NY Summit
- FreeQration - 저작권 걱정없는 무료이미지
- (GitHub) Introducing embedded code snippets
- Blizzard/s2client-proto
- Kubernetes at GitHub
- LetsEncrypt companion container for nginx-proxy
- 파이콘 한국 2017 키노트 : Back to the Basic
- Great Product Managers are “Outcome Thinkers”
- The Java Evolution of Eclipse Collections
- New – High-Resolution Custom Metrics and Alarms for Amazon CloudWatch
- Microsoft’s Lightweight Linux Runtime Environment Comes to Windows Server
- Top 7 Myths about HTTPS
- (PyPy) Let's remove the Global Interpreter Lock
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Optical Networking – But Were Afraid to Ask
- An Intro to Compilers - How to Speak to Computers, Pre-Siri
- Efficient Immutable Collections(PDF)
- (MDN) HTTP caching
- Logs and Metrics
- In DevOps Incident Response, Plans Are Worthless, But Planning Is Everything
- An uroboros program with 100 programming languages
- Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle
- Google Is Giving Away Its Best Tools for Managers Absolutely Free
- Adventures in SRE-land: Welcome to Google Mission Control
- Monitoring Distributed Systems - Case Studies from Google's SRE Teams
- Justifying the cost of application monitoring tools
- Container resource consumption—too important to ignore
- Java 9, OSGi and the Future of Modularity (Part 2)
- Java 9, OSGi and the Future of Modularity (Part 1)
- '쿠베르네티스 활용을 쾌적하게'··· 눈길 끄는 오픈소스 프로젝트 3선
- 좋은 소프트웨어 개발자 선언문
- What a High Performing Team Looks Like and How to Create One
- How complex systems fail
- How to Program an NES game in C
- Testing Microservices
- Online Mathematics Editor - a fast way to write and share mathematics formula
- Java Futures: Modules and More
- Papers I like: 여러 가지 흥미로운 논문 큐레이션
- Orchestrating Chaos: Applying Database Research in the Wild
- Does OO really match the way we think (1997) [pdf]
- Fenix - Finally, a simple static desktop web server.
- Small Functions considered Harmful
- Java Still Number One, But What’s Taking Over?
- Learn Regex - The Easy Way
- mdp - A command-line based markdown presentation tool.
- wrk - Modern HTTP benchmarking tool
- Building a Modern Bank Backend
- Page speed optimization
- Text Editor Performance Comparison
- Linux Load Averages: Solving the Mystery
- When Women Stopped Coding
- “과거는 잊어라” 소프트웨어 개발의 본질을 바꾸는 21가지 기술
- Preventing server overload: limit requests being processed
- Dijkstra was right — recursion should not be difficult
- A Crystal Ball to Prioritize Technical Debt
- Creating Custom Inputs With Vue.js
- A Series of Unfortunate Container Events @Netflix
- Ten Things A Serious JavaScript Developer Should Learn
- Are You a Software Architect?
- Knowledge Breadth versus Depth
- Detecting Chrome Headless
- exa is a modern replacement for ls.
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Introducing WAL-G by Citus: Faster Disaster Recovery for Postgres
- Cloud Native Landscape Project
- '구름' 탄 알리바바, 성장마법 통했다
- Migrating 1200 db from Mysql to Postgres
- Plans for Partitioning in PostgreSQL v11
- Thread Pools in NGINX Boost Performance 9x!
- Scaling with Apache Spark
- TimeScale - time series database management system based on PostgreSQL
- Serverless: A lesson learned. The hard way.
- AWS 비용 얼마까지 줄여봤니?
- Principles of Sharding for Relational Databases
- TiDB is a distributed NewSQL database compatible with MySQL protocol
토요일, 8월 12, 2017
[B급 프로그래머] 8월 2주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 가상화폐, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 고양이 모양 via @SarahCAndersen)
- 빅데이터/인공지능
- Leaving town at rush hour? Here’s how far you’re likely to get from America’s largest cities.
- 세상에 있는 (거의) 모든 머신러닝 문제 공략법
- 머신러닝의 뿌리와 원리 “데이터에서 파생된 소프트웨어”
- “잘하면 대박, 못하면 쪽박” 빅데이터 분석 실패 방지를 위한 6가지 조언
- The evolution of machine learning
- Using pandas with large data
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Machine Learning in Python
- 클라우드에 딱 맞는 MXNet의 5가지 딥러닝 학습 기능
- CEO가 되면 뇌가 손상된다는 연구 결과가 나왔습니다...
- IBM, 딥러닝 학습 속도 높이는 새 기술 개발
- DeepMind and Blizzard open StarCraft II as an AI research environment
- BuzzFeed News Trained A Computer To Search For Hidden Spy Planes. This Is What We Found.
- World's Smallest Self-Driving Car - a Raspberry Pi Zero on wheels..
- Jeff Dean’s Lecture for YC AI
- "표지판에 스티커만 붙여도 자율차 바보돼"
- (Big-)Data size estimates
- An internet company has found a single manager for 60,000 employees
- MNIST 시각화 - 차원 감소
- Lecture 9: CNN Architectures: 모델 별로 설명 잘 되어 있음.
- 딥러닝을 위한 Tensorflow
- deeplearn.js - a hardware-accelerated machine intelligence library for the web
- Nvidia and Remedy use neural networks for eerily good facial animation
- Uber Starts Charging What It Thinks You’re Willing to Pay
- Image Classification using Deep Neural Networks — A beginner friendly approach using TensorFlow
- A Comparison of Distributed Machine Learning Platforms
- CS 598 LAZ: Cutting-Edge Trends in Deep Learning and Recognition
- Cutting Edge Deep Learning for Coders—Launching Deep Learning Part 2
- 사람이 놓치는 악성코드, AI는 찾아낸다··· 사일런스 설립자 일문일답
- How to train your own Object Detector with TensorFlow’s Object Detector API
- Artificial Intelligence Is Stuck. Here’s How to Move It Forward.
- Google Released Facets: A Visualisation Tool for Big Data
- 가상화폐
- tinychain - A pocket-sized implementation of Bitcoin
- Bitcoin cash is already the third most valuable cryptocurrency
- Making Bitcoin work better
- 모든 블록체인, 하나로 연결하면 어떻게 될까
- 지금이 바로 블록체인의 골든타임
- Why aren’t distributed systems engineers working on blockchain technology?
- Cryptocurrency miners are renting Boeing 747s to ship graphics cards
- Why the feds took down one of Bitcoin’s largest exchanges
- 읽을거리
- The $74 Trillion Global Economy in One Chart
- The Truth About Japanese Tempura
- [Why] 폭탄주, 회식, 눈치… '푸상무'의 한국 향수병
- 최첨단 혁신 머신 vs 그냥 머신, F1 레이스 뜻밖의 승자는?
- Scientists made people turn off their notifications for a day, and saw an effect years later
- ‘행복 배달’ 앞세운 자포스, 직원·고객 만족으로 급성장
- 전자책시장 평정한 리디북스의 비결은?…‘압도적 수준의 가독성’
- 카뱅처럼 성공하려면? 실패에서 배우고 몸놀림은 가볍게…
- 웹 아웃소싱 후기( 위시켓후기, 프리모아후기..) vol.6- 최종회
- Why a Birth Control Pill For Men Is Still Not Here
- Why Do Women Bully Each Other at Work?
- [김지수의 인터스텔라] "자신이 대단한 존재라는 잘못된 믿음을 버려라" '에고' 전문가 라이언 홀리데이
- South Korea’s inequality paradox: long life, good health and poverty
- It goes completely against what most believe, but out of all major energy sources, nuclear is the safest
- Amazon’s Expansion Costs Take a Toll as Profit Falls 77%
- Summer of Samsung: A Corruption Scandal, a Political Firestorm—and a Record Profit
- 삼성이 애플을 뛰어넘은 의외의 이유
토요일, 8월 05, 2017
[B급 프로그래머] 8월 1주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: adapting a legacy codebase to new business requirements via @yogthos)
- 개발/관리도구
- our quest to build the most effective teams at Google
- Nightwatch.js - Browser automated testing done easy.
- “컨테이너 주도권 노린다” 마이크로소프트 애저 컨테이너 인스턴스의 이해
- 단일 책임 원칙(The Single Responsibility Principle) 번역
- Docker vs. Kubernetes vs. Apache Mesos: Why What You Think You Know is Probably Wrong
- Checklist: Node.JS production best practices
- 10 Neat Python Tricks Beginners Should Know
- Steps to better code
- Data Structures for Coding Interviews
- Sonarqube introduction
- "What happens when you type google.com into your browser's address box and press enter?"
- NativeScript Vue.js template with webpack and .vue file support
- Microsoft Introduces New Azure Container Instances Service and Per Second Billing
- Python Entry Points Explained
- Wasabi - Amazon S3 clone
- The JavaScript Way book
- boxes - Command line ASCII boxes unlimited!
- Defining the Undefinedness of C ∗
- Four Reasons Developers are Unproductive
- IPv6 Adoption: 20%!
- A collective list of public JSON APIs for use in web development.
- 9 Open Source DevOps Tools We Love
- Enterprise Docker 소개
- Games on GitHub
- Snowman is a native code to C/C++ decompiler
- Rancher is an open source software platform that enables organizations to run and manage Docker and Kubernetes in production.
- Linux Graphics Demystified (2014)
- The Difference between SOA and Microservices?
- K8Guard is an auditing system for Kubernetes clusters.
- Creating a Jupyter notebook widget
- 16-Bit VM in javascript
- More Good Programming Quotes
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- 클라우드에는 출구 전략이 필요하다
- 클라우드 컨설턴트의 실력을 확인하는 질문 15가지
- Altibase 오픈소스
- "업타임 99.5%" 클라우드 업체의 주장이 꼼수인 이유
- 더 빠른 SQL 쿼리를 위한 21가지 데이터베이스 튜닝 규칙
- Postage - A fast PostgreSQL admin tool
- Amazon Redshift Spectrum – Exabyte-Scale In-Place Queries of S3 Data
- AWS Web Application Firewall: Bolt-on Security for Insecure Websites
- Docker operations slowing down on AWS (this time it’s not DNS)
- Survival of the Fittest - Streaming Architectures
- 폭염 속의 데이터센터 운영 팁 “열기를 받아들여라”
- How Microsoft brought SQL Server to Linux
- '퍼블릭 클라우드 전체를 데이터센터 안으로' 오라클 기업 공략 전략
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