금주부터 독자 여러분들을 위해 정리해오던 소식 글의 형태를 변경하기로 했다. 정리하는 데도 시간이 많이 걸리고 읽는 분들도 멘붕(!) 수준에 이를 정도로 양이 늘어나고 있기 때문이다. 격주로 절반씩 부문별 소식을 나눠 전해드기로 하겠다. 이렇게 해도 길다는 느낌이 든다면 4개로 나눌 생각도 있으므로 독자 여러분들께서 의견을 댓글로 달아주시기 바란다.
- 개발/관리도구 부문
- Most software at Google gets rewritten every few years
- [독서광] 마이크로서비스 아키텍처 구축: 본인이 쓴 글
- Google Makes Public Their API Design Guide
- Illustrated Redirection Tutorial
- 20 Funny Commands of Linux or Linux is Fun in Terminal
- CPython internals: A ten-hour codewalk through the Python interpreter source code
- Troubleshooting Memory Issues in Java Applications
- New Features in C# 7.0
- Django REST framework 3.6
- ctop - concise commandline monitoring for containers
- VisualStudioUninstaller - Visual Stdio clean uninstallation
- Building Microservice Architectures by Neal Ford(PDF)
- Understand the Basics of HTTP
- GIT tip : Keep your branch clean with fixup and autosquash
- Go 2016 Survey Results
- Gravity Programming Language
- The Last Frontier in Java Performance: Remove the Garbage Collector
- List of resources about programming practices for writing safety-critical software.
- MVVM 아키텍처 패턴
- 자바 9 발표 일자, "7월 27일"…오라클 관계자
- Elastalert로 로그 알람 구축하기
- vi를 진정으로 이해해라
- mosh - mobile shell: SSH 대신 사용!
- The Seven Circles of Developer Hell [Infographic]
- A Programmer’s Introduction to Unicode
- Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.
- V8: Behind the Scenes (February Edition feat. A tale of TurboFan)
- Postmodern Error Handling in Python 3.6
- The Collapse of the UNIX Philosophy
- Developing Quality Software: Differentiating Factors
- CS department updates introductory courses
- (Firefox) Containers Come to Test Pilot
- 4 JavaScript Design Patterns You Should Know
- Spring Tips: Apache MyBatis
- Why Most Organizations Should Stop Hiring Software Testers as Employees
- (Google security) Operation Rosehub
- Spring Boot 1.5 and Pivotal Cloud Foundry
- 에자일 적용 이야기
- store.js - Cross-browser storage for all use cases • Used across the web
- Java Memory and CPU Monitoring Tools and Techniques
- RESTful APIs, the big lie
- What makes WebAssembly fast?
- The mythical 10x programmer
- _head_ tag Cheat Sheet
- Command line tracing tool(a.k.a strace) for Windows, based on ETW.
- Docker Swarm을 이용한 쉽고 빠른 분산 서버 관리
- Cerebro: Open Source Productivity Booster for MacOS, Windows and Linux
- JavaScript Garden(한국어 번역)
- Use your OS X terminal shell (command line) to do awesome things.
- Upspin: A framework for naming everyone's everything(for sharing files and other data).
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문
- The end-to-end refresh of our server hardware fleet
- How to Scale PostgreSQL on AWS–Learnings from Citus Cloud
- Scaling Ruby Apps to 1000 Requests per Minute - A Beginner's Guide
- Google Cloud SQL Documentation(for PostgreSQL)
- 엘라스틱서치(ES) 클러스터 재시작 혹은 업그레이드 Tip
- How Bad Was CloudBleed? 1.2 Million Leaks Bad
- Tenets of SRE(Site Reliability Engineering)
- usql is a universal command-line interface for SQL databases
- (Gitlab) Why we are not leaving the cloud
- (Joyent) Postmortem for outage of us-east-1 at 2014 May
- Summary of the Amazon S3 Service Disruption in the Northern Virginia (US-EAST-1) Region
- Open Source Databases on Big Machines: Disk Speed and innodb_io_capacity
- Dodging S3 Downtime With Nginx and HAProxy
- Amazon AWS S3 outage is breaking things for a lot of websites and apps
- 퍼블릭 클라우드 3대 업체 비교 'AWS·애저·구글의 장단점은?'
- “2017년 전세계 퍼블릭 클라우드 시장 18% 성장” 가트너
- Incident management at Google — adventures in SRE-land
- The Unofficial MySQL 8.0 Optimizer Guide
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