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- What I learned from interviewing at multiple AI companies and start-ups
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- The Real Reason behind all the Craze for Deep Learning
- Help! I can’t reproduce a machine learning project!
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- Honda will use GM’s self-driving technology, invest $2.75 billion
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- Improving Search for the next 20 years
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- GE shifts strategy, financial targets for digital business after missteps
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- Why GE Digital Failed
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- Autonomous-vehicle technology is advancing ever faster
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- Data mining reveals the hidden laws of evolution behind classical music
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- Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning
- 2018 AI predictions - 8 insights to shape business strategy
- Attacking Object Detectors via Imperceptible Patches on Background
- The say of the land
- China's 'Big Brother' surveillance technology isn't nearly as all-seeing as the government wants you to think
- AI 스피커 직접 만들고 써보니
- Why it doesn't get dark when you blink
- AI learns to decipher images based on spoken words—almost like a toddler
- Why building your own Deep Learning Computer is 10x cheaper than AWS
- Google Details, and Defends, Its Use of Electricity
- United States Data Center Energy Usage Report
- Efficient tuning of online systems using Bayesian optimization
- Meet Horovod: Uber’s Open Source Distributed Deep Learning Framework for TensorFlow
- Data centers get fit on efficiency
- Deep Learning Achievements Over the Past Year
- Faster Data Science Education
- Amazon just pulled an Apple on the smart home
- TensorFlow Hub
- Machine Learning Confronts the Elephant in the Room
- Deep Learning with Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems
- AI Company Accused of Using Humans to Fake Its AI
- 암호화폐/블록체인
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- Making sense of the Supermicro motherboard attack
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- Fitbit may have helped catch a killer, again
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- The Spy Who Came Home
- QnA by Patrick Collison
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- I got your cheese right here
- DuckDuckGo Traffic
- When the Supply of Uber and Lyft Drivers Rises, Their Earnings Fall
- How China Systematically Pries Technology From U.S. Companies
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- Apple stole Qualcomm chip secrets and gave them to Intel, Qualcomm claims
- Facebook is hiring moderators. But is the job too gruesome to handle?
- (행운 없이도) 부자가 되는 방법
- One small change to New York’s intersections is saving pedestrians’ lives
- "절반은 사표 품고 다녀" 삼성 최초 여성 부사장 고백
- Inside the eight desperate weeks that saved SpaceX from ruin
토요일, 10월 06, 2018
[B급 프로그래머] 10월 1주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: A minimal Turing test (McCoy & Ullman, 2018):“Say one word that convinces us you're human.”via @drjuliashaw)
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