(오늘의 짤방: Routing table ☺️ 👍 via @OrhanErgunCCDE)
개발 관련 소식
- 팁과 유틸리티
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- 프로그래밍
- Making Cloudflare Pages the fastest way to serve your sites
- UW CSE 391 – System and Software Tools
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- git-graph - A command line tool to visualize Git history graphs in a comprehensible way, following different branching mode
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- Modern way of serving images
- 당신의 컴퓨터가 1초 안에 얼마나 많은 일을 할 수 있는지 아시나요? (computers-are-fast.github.io)
- Making Figma better for developers with Dev Mode
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- murex - 더 똑똑한 쉘 (github.com/lmorg)
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- A regular expression to check for prime numbers
- Our plan for Python 3.13
- DevPod - Codespaces but open-source, client-only, and unopinionated
- The openmoonray repository on GitHub is the top-level repository for MoonRay opensource.
- Learn Makefiles With the tastiest examples
- redbean.systems - Cosmopolitan Libc Sandbox Beta
- Memory in Rust
- Python AsyncIO: Why I Hate It
- Rust VS Zig benchmarks
- Gitless is a Git-compatible version control system
- Extending web applications with WebAssembly and Python
- Why not tell people to "simply" use pyenv, poetry or anaconda
- How do I stop certain formulae from being updated? (brew)
- A Docker Tutorial for Beginners
- Cython vs CPython – Comparing the Speed Difference
- survey - ✨ A simple library for creating beautiful interactive prompts.
- Comic Mono 고정폭 폰트 (dtinth.github.io)
- hexyl is a simple hex viewer for the terminal. It uses a colored output to distinguish different categories of bytes (NULL bytes, printable ASCII characters, ASCII whitespace characters, other ASCII characters and non-ASCII).
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- Novel is a Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletion.
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- userinyerface
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- Test. Automate. Accelerate. - With Cypress, you can easily create tests for your modern web applications, debug them visually, and automatically run them in your continuous integration builds.
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- Patterns: Exhaustiveness, Unconditionality, and Remainder
- A New GraalVM Release and New Free License!
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- The Apache Tomcat team announces the immediate availability of Apache Tomcat 10.1.110.
- Dufs is a distinctive utility file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav...
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- Project Based Learning
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- Introducing UTF-21, a toy character encoding
- grumpyrest is a Java REST server framework that does not use annotations, automatic dependency injection or reactive streams, and minimizes the use of reflection.
- A Comprehensive Guide to Using JSON in Go
- Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool
- Beyond POSIX - Adventures in Alternative Networking APIs
- Go Patterns - A curated collection of idiomatic design & application patterns for Go language.
- r9 - Plan 9 in Rust (github.com/r9os)
- DevOps
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- Understanding networking in Kubernetes
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- Cloud Run now supports sidecar deployments — monitoring agents, proxies and more
- JupyterLab 4.0 is Here
- Pulumi's Infrastructure as Code SDK is the easiest way to build and deploy infrastructure, of any architecture and on any cloud, using programming languages that you already know and love.
- How we learned to improve Kubernetes CronJobs at Scale (Part 1 of 2)
- 설계
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- Datadog Creates Scalable Data Ingestion Architecture
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보안/클라우드/데이터베이스 관련 소식
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- 마이크로소프트 SQL 서버의 보안을 검토해야 하는 이유
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- Revoking Access to JWT tokens with a Blacklist/Deny List
- GitHub Search Syntax for Finding API Keys/Secrets/Tokens
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- 클라우드
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- Boosting MySQL database performance with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis
- GoDaddy, 멀티 리전에서 대규모 이벤트 기반 아키텍처를 운영하는 방법
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- The growing pains of database architecture
- Publicly available SQL standard documents
- LinkedIn’s LIquid Graph Database: Scaling Real-Time Data Access for 930+ Million Members
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- The PostgreSQL Documentation and the Limitations of Community
- In-Process Analytical Data Management with DuckDB
- Log analytics using ClickHouse
- 왜 sqlite 임시파일 이름은 etilqs_로 시작할까
- JunoDB: PayPal Open Sources Key-Value Store Powering 350 Billion Daily Requests
- TableFlow is an open source data import platform