시원한 맥주짤을 올리면서 소식을 정리해드리겠다(via https://twitter.com/DANIEL_AeHoBak).
- 웹/앱 소식
- 개발/관리도구 소식
- The JVM Architecture Explained
- How to Generate Secure Random Numbers in Various Programming Languages
- Getting Started with ASP.Net Performance Monitoring and Optimization
- Sonification for monitoring and debugging distributed systems
- invesdwin-context modules that provide persistence features - performance of database synchronous channel: Memory Mapping 15x faster than Named Pipes and 2x faster than Queue (Java)
- Websocket Shootout: Clojure, C++, Elixir, Go, NodeJS, and Ruby
- 500 Byte Images: The Haiku Vector Icon Format
- 11 Simple npm Tricks That Will Knock Your Wombat Socks Off
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 소식
- "2018년, 기업 워크로드 60%가 클라우드에서" 451 리서치 조사
- 리디북스 서비스 장애 복구 후기
- Me, too: 마이크로소프트 익스체인지 서버가 터질뻔한 사고 후기
- MHA Quick Start Guide
- 빅데이터/인공지능 소식
- Neocognitron Movie - Part #1
- WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio
- vgg-benchmarks - Simple benchmark of deep learning frameworks on VGG-16
- 구글의 자율주행테스트와 자율모드해제 보고서의 의미분석
- Reverse Network Effects: Why Today’s Social Networks Can Fail As They Grow Larger
- scikit-learn - Machine Learning in Python
- A Neural Network in 11 lines of Python (Part 1)
- Neural Network Architectures: LeNet 5, AlexNet, VGG
- 기타 읽을거리
- People are still bad at gauging their own interview performance. Here’s the data.
- How to Raise a Genius: Lessons from a 45-Year Study of Supersmart Children
- The pilot who stole a secret soviet fighter jet.
- Booting the Final GameCube Game
- 당신이 틀렸음에도 당신이 옳다고 생각하는 이유
- The parlance of pilots
- The great mystery of mathematics is its lack of mystery
- Loneliness can be depressing, but it may have helped humans survive
- 사이언티픽 게이머즈 시즌2 #10 구식 마이크로 칩을 발굴하다
- On Average: 평균의 함정...
- This is what happens to your brain when you give up sugar
- How Do Criminals Launder Money Through a Restaurant?
마무리 짤방 하나: 노르웨이 사진가 셀 산베가 나비 무늬에서 찾아낸 알파벳(via https://twitter.com/waitoreke)
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