- 빅데이터/인공지능
- Better Ways to Predict Who’s Going to Quit
- Exploring DNA with Deep Learning
- Facebook paid people to listen to voice recordings, too
- SickZil-Machine - Manga/Comics Translation Helper Tool: 만화 대사 제거하는 도구(딥러닝 기술!)
- 파이썬 포 에브리바디! 『데이터를 다루며 배우는 파이썬』
- This AI startup claims to automate app making but actually just uses humans
- This colab demonstrates the steps to use the DeepLab model to perform semantic segmentation on a sample input image.
- Extensive EDA and Modeling XGB Hyperopt
- DeepMind’s losses display the challenges of the AI industry
- Deep Learning for Recommender Systems
- [독서광] 시간은 흐르지 않는다(직접 작성한 글)
- Quiz: Test Your Knowledge about AI and Machine Learning
- NN-SVG - Publication-ready NN-architecture schematics. : 신경망 아키텍처 다이어그램을 쉽게 그리는 멋진 도구
- '바보야, 문제는 데이터야!' AI가 프로젝트가 폭망한 6가지 이유
- 패턴 찾기·노이즈 추적에 효과적인 비지도 학습 알아보기
- Theories of Error Back-Propagation in the Brain
- We Analysed the 527,350 Facebook Ads placed by the US Presidential Candidates. Here Are The Results.
- Facebook Open-Sources Deep-Learning Recommendation Model DLRM
- N-Shot Learning: Learning More with Less Data
- Game music training using Pytorch
- 약속을 지키지 못한 인간뇌 프로젝트(Human Brain Project)
- IoT Signals by Microsoft
- Use Kaggle to start (and guide) your ML/ Data Science journey — Why and How
- The Data Engineering Cookbook
- A (Very) Technical Look at Creating an AI to Restore and Colorize Photos
- Faster Neural Network Training with Data Echoing
- Accenture Technology Vision 2019
- ADAS와 자율주행, 그리고 SOTIF
- 자율주행에 대한 사고의 전환
- A more human approach to artificial intelligence
- 챗봇 구축 플랫폼 19선… 일부는 코딩 몰라도 가능
- The Hidden Costs of Automated Thinking
- Tesla will add Netflix and YouTube streaming to its cars
- The forgotten part of memory
- 딥 러닝을 이용한 자연어 처리 입문
- lyft autonomous vehicle dataset
- Facial Recognition Is Already Here: These Are The 30+ US Companies Testing The Technology
- Gil Strang is still going strong, online and in print
- Amazon’s Most Ambitious Research Project Is a Convenience Store
- Uber made a blueprint for safe self-driving cars it wants the rest of the industry to follow
- Why did you quit machine learning?
- Arrow of time and its reversal on the IBM quantum computer
- KEIT PD 이슈리포트 2019-7월호 : 이슈3(자율주행차 인공지능 상용화기술과 산업전망)
- 암호화폐/블록체인
- 읽을거리
- [펌] 고양이에게 스마트밴드를 채워보니
- The Fearless Organization(심리적 안전에 대한 책 정리(한국어))
- Cloudflare S-1
- Generation Z is stressed, depressed and exam-obsessed
- 'ZPD(Zero Party Data)'란? 마케터에게 필요한 이유는?
- Résumés Are Starting to Look Like Instagram—and Sometimes Even Tinder
- Could the Apollo 11 moon landing be duplicated today? ‘Lots of luck with that’
- Don’t Put a Digital Expert in Charge of Your Digital Transformation
- Boeing 737 MAX accident description (PDF)
- '가장 불규칙한 언어'인 영어로 글을 잘 쓰기 위한 팁
- The US Navy will replace its touchscreen controls with mechanical ones on its destroyers
- How Perfectionists Can Get Out of Their Own Way
- Blue Shuttle – How the Air Force influenced the STS design process
- 보잉 비행기 네트워크 망에서 취약점 다수 나오긴 했는데
- The Metamorphosis
- Backblaze Hard Drive Stats Q2 2019
- AP Sources: Boeing changing Max software to use 2 computers
- How to onboard a new hire
- 상대 논의 내부로 들어가 묻되 ‘옆길’로 빠지진 말아야
- These Images Of An F-22 Raptor's Crumbling Radar Absorbent Skin Are Fascinating
- The Slackification of the American Home
- The coming mass extinction of Fortune 500 companies
- Work on production line of Boeing 737 Max ‘not adequately funded’
- The Roots of Boeing’s 737 Max Crisis: A Regulator Relaxes Its Oversight
- Here’s Why We’ve Failed to Figure Out Why Infrastructure Costs So Much
- The Rise of Coffee Shaming
- Half a century after Apollo, why haven’t we been back to the Moon?
- 2012-2018 스마트폰 사용률, 현재 사용 & 향후 구입 예정 브랜드 by 갤럽
토요일, 8월 17, 2019
[B급 프로그래머] 8월 2주 소식(빅데이터/인공지능, 암호화폐/블록체인, 읽을거리 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 등산의 비중이 18%나 됐었던것도 놀랍고..
쇼핑/외식 12.4% -> 5.2%로 감소도 놀랍다....
음주도 11.6%에서 2.8%로 감소 via @heisland)
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