- 개발/관리도구
- “자바 상태 API로 앱 시작 속도 높인다”··· 새 오픈JDK 프로젝트 제안
- On writing clean Jupyter notebooks
- On anyone-can-spend Pay-to-Taproot outputs before activation
- All Programming is Web Programming
- History of Infra as Code
- Turn based roguelike in python
- teletext - A Vue.js app that renders Hacker News as a teletext service.
- urlpack - Pure JavaScript toolkit for data URLs
- KT 스파이 막기 KT의 iframe을 사용한 인터넷 연결 컴퓨터 제한 페이지를 막습니다.
- Python News Brief (Q2 2021)
- Infrastructure as Code
- 0x7FDE623822FC16E6 : a magic constant for double float reciprocal
- GPL의 종말
- (정성글) 백신예약 서버가 터지는 이유에 대한 상세한 해설
- microk8s - High availability k8s - Low-ops, minimal production Kubernetes, for devs, cloud, clusters, workstations, Edge and IoT.
- Simple to use image handler for python sqlite3
- An Illustrated Guide to Fusion Development
- Daptin - 오픈소스 Backend as a Service & Headless CMS
- AVPress - 인-브라우저 비디오 압축 도구 (avpress.zaps.dev)
- Startup Concepts - 만화책 스타일의 스타트업 단어 설명 (ajuniorvc.com)
- 2. Docker Compose로 Nodejs 개발/배포환경 구성하기 - Docker Compose로 개선하기
- '익숙한 작업을 새로운 방식으로' 아이패드로 노트북을 대체하는 팁 5가지
- ‘NVMe SSD와 V램 직결하는’ 다이렉트스토리지, 윈도우 10에서도 지원된다
- MS, ‘비주얼 스튜디오 2022’ 두 번째 프리뷰 출시
- VS 코드 1.58 출시··· 디버깅 및 주피터 노트북 지원 개선
- 도태될IT 역량 6가지··· 새 치즈를 찾는 법
- Facebook에서의 Graalvm
- CATS - OpenAPI 스펙 기반 테스트 자동 생성 오픈소스
- Digger automatically generates infrastructure for your code in your cloud account. So you can build on AWS without having to learn it.
- sudo.fm - Yet another background music for developer, if you missed working at cafe
- Summer Blog Backlog: Distributed Systems
- MoviePy (full documentation) is a Python library for video editing
- Java 8에서 Java 11로 전환
- HTTP traffic mocking and testing made simple in Python
- Java News Roundup: JDK 17, JDK 18, Open Liberty, Payara, Quarkus and Spring
- Python in Visual Studio Code – July 2021 Release
- Sioyek is a PDF viewer designed for reading research papers and technical books
- RISC-V Assembly for Beginners
- 6 Python f-strings tips and tricks
- JVM Anatomy Quark #26: Identity Hash Code
- 10 Papers Every Developer Should Read
- 지금 백신 예약 67,68년생 백신예약 안되는 이유
- Best practices for deploying Gateway Load Balancer
- Gorse - 추천 시스템 오픈소스 (gorse.io)
- codegym - Learn Java by doing, Start coding from scratch
- 실용주의 데브옵스 for MSA
- Brython (Browser Python) is an implementation of Python 3 running in the browser, with an interface to the DOM elements and events.
- 개발자 온보딩 가이드 : 첫 90일을 어떻게 계획해야 할까 (codesubmit.io)
- A beginner's guide to cookies
- How To Set Up Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for PHP Development
- 맥OS와 iOS 15 앱 실행 속도 "비약적으로 개선된다"
- CI/CD 파이프라인을 보호하는 6가지 모범 사례
- LiveKit - 실시간 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼 오픈소스 (livekit.io)
- How prevalent is Arduino in the industry for embedded systems?
- convert between NFC and NFD Unicode normalization (e.g. for Korean)
- Python Cheatsheet
- With its state of the art Fan Simulation Engine (patent pending), FanFan can bring back that soothing sound of computer fans to your Apple Silicon Mac.
- Zorbi - 무료 플래시 카드 (zorbi.cards)
- fullstaqruby - Ruby, built for production
- React's UI State Model vs Vanilla JavaScript DOM State — A Beginner's Introduction
- In what ways is Windows better written or better designed than Linux (in the sense of relatively low level operating system features, or overall design methodology, not necessarily accessibility or anything else at the end user level)?
- Simulating the Apollo 11 LM Ascent Stage Orbit [pdf]
- only-stackoverflow - (구글/덕덕고) 검색 결과에서 스택오버플로 사이트 긁어다가 번역기 돌려놓은 이상한 사이트들을 모조리 숨겨요
- Stonks Watcher - This sample console application uses WebSocketClient to stream stock information to the console window in real-time!
- Jenkins - Jenkins dood(docker out of docker)로 실행시켜 agent docker 사용하기
- 마이크로소프트 리눅스 배포판 'CBL-마리너' 공개됐다
- xargs considered harmful
- Microsoft, IoT for Beginners 강의 공개
- 압축률이 100%에 가까운 원주율 파일 시스템
- Navigating the 8 fallacies of distributed computing
- Accelerating SREs to On-Call and Beyond
- KubeStack — A Must Use
- The stack overflow of death. How we lost DNS and what we're doing to prevent this in the future.
- Practical Guide to SRE: Incident Severity Levels
- $64,944 to support 25,000 customers in August — A full breakdown of ConvertKit's AWS bill
- Architecting Kubernetes clusters — choosing the best autoscaling strategy
- Seven guiding principles of serverless systems
- [B급 프로그래머] 도커와 k8s 디버거
- '인기 급상승' 온라인 IDE '코드샌드박스' 시작하기
- 코드형 인프라, 보안이 필요한 이유와 베스트 프랙티스
- 내 PC 하드웨어 사양과 제품 정보, 윈도우 10 기본 도구로 알아보기
- 애피안 CEO가 말하는 넥스트 챕터 ‘로우코드 자동화’
- Migrate virtual machines to Kubernetes with this new tool
- Dandified YUM (DNF) is the next upcoming major version of YUM.
- time(1) and CPU frequency scaling
- We’re delighted to announce the release of mitmproxy 7, a free and open source interactive HTTPS proxy.
- 29CM 로그 수집 시스템 소개
- Conway's Game of Life implemented in PyGame
- '업무 줄이고 퇴근 당기는' 크롬 브라우저 활용 팁 8가지
- Kool - 더 나은 로컬 개발 환경 (kool.dev)
- Kubernetes Ingress Controllers
- Quick and Seamless Release Management for Java Projects with JReleaser
- Software Engineering at Google: Practices, Tools, Values, and Culture
- Microsoft's Low-Code Strategy Paints a Target on UIPath and the Other RPA Companies
- RabbitMQ Streams
- 2021 개발자 필독서
- Monodraw: ASCII art editor for the Mac
- The unreasonable effectiveness of just showing up everyday
- ghidra-sre - A software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools developed by NSA's Research Directorate in support of the Cybersecurity mission
- 드롭박스의 엔지니어링 커리어 프레임워크 (dropbox.github.io)
- The Logfile Navigator (lnav.org)
- 83% of Developers Suffer From Burnout, Haystack Analytics Study Finds
- 한글과 유니코드
- Getting a Gig: A Guide - This is a guide for getting a gig in college as a tech major.
- Beating TimSort at Merging
- Give me /events, not webhooks
- The NGINX Real-Time API Handbook
- Managing costs in the cloud – Why you can end up paying more
- The Big Book of Small Python Projects
- Deno supports Web Worker API.
- How a college student founded a free and open source operating system
- Tech Giant가 되려면 뭐가 필요한가 ? (miguelrochefort.com)
- 모바일 쇼핑 이용자 73% ‘개인화 추천 앱 선호’
- No Way, JOSE! Javascript Object Signing and Encryption is a Bad Standard That Everyone Should Avoid
- Updating the Go Memory Model
- DevTron - k8s용 소프트웨어 딜리버리 워크플로우 (devtron.ai)
- Against Performative Positivity
- WriteFreely - An open source platform for building a writing space on the web.
- Ribbon filter: Practically smaller than Bloom and Xor
- Embedded C/C++ Unit Testing Basics
- Behind the scenes,AWS Lambda
- hck is a shortening of hack, a rougher form of cut.
- bpytop – Awesome Linux, macOS and FreeBSD resource monitor
- 25 Gigabit Linux internet router PC build
- Gotchas in the Go Network Packages Defaults
- Uses PyPDF3 for reading and writing PDF files written in python
- ClearOS – OS for Your Server, Network, and Gateway Systems
- Athena is a web application developed in Python-Flask-SQLite for testing your skills as a Hacker, Coder and Warrior.
- Against SQL
- 기술 & 스타트업 뉴스레터 및 블로그 모음
- Creep – a pretty sweet 4px wide pixel font
- A git repository with a commit for every seven-character git commit shorthash (all 228 of them).
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스
- Migrating Facebook to MySQL 8.0
- SQLBolt - 인터랙티브 예제로 SQL 배우기 (sqlbolt.com)
- 35% Faster Than The Filesystem
- 데이터베이스 보안을 향상시키는 11가지 기술
- The Official MongoDB Node.js Driver v4.0
- Cut Out the Middle Tier: Generating JSON Directly from Postgres
- A beginner’s guide to database multitenancy
- Millions of Tiny Databases
- announce the first general availability (GA) release of OpenSearch 1.0
- EdgeDB - 개발자를 위한 차세대 오픈소스 ORDB (edgedb.com)
- PostgreSQL, Memory and the Cloud™
토요일, 7월 24, 2021
[B급 프로그래머] 7월 3주 소식(개발/관리도구, 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 부문)
(오늘의 짤방: 프로그래밍 via @flaviocopes)
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