(오늘의 짤방: Eggs start at 0 via @Ashot_)
개발 관련 소식
- 팁과 유틸리티
- iPad calculator (sort of) provided by Google rather than Apple
- Pitchdeck (opens new window)is a premium Figma plugin that lets you magically turn your Figma designs into animated presentable slide decks, or export them to PowerPoint.
- '느리고 불안정한' 아이폰 네트워크·핫스팟 문제를 해결하는 방법
- OpenGL로 만든 러시아워 게임
- Trilium Notes - 개인 KB구축을 위한 계층적 메모 앱 오픈소스 (github.com/zadam)
- ar5iv - arXiv의 PDf를 HTML5로 보기 (ar5iv.org)
- Introducing Email Protection: The easy way to block email trackers and hide your address by DuckDuckGo
- Midnight Commander Tips and Tricks
- Hypercard Simulator
- Setting up OBS for Live Coding in 7 Steps
- Google AutoDraw Turns Your Rough Scribbles Into Beautiful Icons For Free
- Wordle 하는 법, 전세계 사람과 하루 1번 같은 문제를 풀어보자.
- 온라인 시대! YouTube Live로 개발자 행사 운영하기(feat. Developer Relations)
- vim-galore - Everything you need to know about vim
- Cleanup Pictures - 사진에서 필요없는 부분 지우기
- foobar2000 is an advanced freeware audio player for the Windows platform.
- DevToys is PowerToys for Developers
- What’s your Internet speed? (by CloudFlare): 넷플릭스 fast.com 보다 정보가 많음
- FalsiScan: Make it look like a PDF has been hand signed and scanned
- 프로그래밍
- One UI Web is a framework inspired by the Samsung One UI Interface.
- This cheat sheet is automatically generated from GitHub Emoji API and Unicode Full Emoji List.
- Handling argc==0 in the kernel
- Go performance from version 1.2 to 1.18
- 자바스크립트 기본
- Announcing Flutter for Windows
- Gmail’s next big redesign starts rolling out next week
- “깃보다 더 확장 가능하고 빠르다”··· 피줄(Pijul), 베타로 이동
- MS, 비주얼 스튜디오 코드용 자바 로드맵 발표
- 파이썬 패키징의 과거, 현재, 그리고 미래
- 최신 ‘파이썬’ 작성 팁 4가지
- Clean Code 라는 건 없습니다 (steveonstuff.com)
- AWK Command Examples for Beginners | Linux Tutorial
- Postman, gRPC 지원
- Apple Open Sources GCGC: a Tool to Analyze Java GC Logs
- Rustenstein 3D: Game programming like it's 1992
- WebVM is a serverless virtual Linux environment running fully client-side in HTML5/WebAssembly
- Singapore's prime minister Lee Hsien Loong showcased his Sudoku Solver C code.
- An Introduction to PyScripter — The Best Free Python IDE
- Node.js 에 Fetch API 추가 (github.com/nodejs)
- Installing Every Arch Package
- How to explain an idea: a mega post
- The problem with C
- 뉴욕타임스, Wordle 인수
- The GNU Name System
- Lima: Linux virtual machines (on macOS, in most cases)
- DEC VT100 Terminal
- Adblocking People and Non-adblocking People Experience a Totally Different Web
- Fastify Package Generator
- Request bodies in GET requests
- Code Abbey - Collection of programming problems to practice solving, learn to program and code, and win certificates.
- 피터의 룰렛: 룰렛 사이트
- Vanilla List - 순수 JavaScript 플러그인 저장소 (vanillalist.top)
- App Store, Unlisted 앱 배포 기능 추가
- Git 2.35의 주요 변경점
- hyperid - Uber-fast unique id generation, for Node.js and the browser. Here are the benchmarks:
- Dennis M. Ritchie Homepage(2006)
- GoSTL is a data structure and algorithm library for go, designed to provide functions similar to C++ STL, but more powerful.
- Setup a website with Nim
- Stack on a budget (Free Tier Driven Development FTDD)
- Ready Player Me - Cross-Platform 3D Avatar Solution For Your Product
- Blobby - Generative SVG blob characters: 슬라임 캐릭터 생성 서비스
- The case of the mysterious --help directory
- A UX designer walks into a Tesla Bar
- diff2html-cli - Diff to Html generates pretty HTML diffs from unified and git diff output in your terminal
- Backpressure explained — the resisted flow of data through software
- si78c is a memory accurate reimplementation of the 1978 arcade game Space Invaders in C.
- jQuery에 대한 슬픈 고찰
- How FreeDOS Grew Up and Became a Modern DOS
- A Gentle Introduction to eBPF
- Why does Microsoft use Gibibytes instead of Gigabytes like Linux?
- What Is Technical Debt and Why Is It So Painful?
- Docker for Mac - Docker Machine / Vagrant / Ansible
- Windows 11 WSL2 Performance Is Quite Competitive Against Ubuntu 20.04 LTS / Ubuntu 21.10
- If Looks Could Kill
- An open source developer's guide to 12-Factor App methodology
- Tiny Helpers - A collection of free single-purpose online tools for web developers...
- Atari System V was a short lived version of Unix System V Release 4.0 (SVR4) for the Atari TT 030 Workstation.
- Brian Kernighan on the origins of Unix
- Build and use interactive blocks connected to the world of structured data
- Writing an open source GPU driver – without the hardware
- MS, 비주얼 스튜디오 코드용 자바 로드맵 발표
- Master your Java Environment with jenv
- Why are pointers so difficult to work with in C?
- How is the definition of a byte as 8 bits useful? Why not define it as 3 (or 4) Bits? Why is hexadecimal more popular than octal? What would be the problem in choosing a radix and defining a byte as the number of bits required to represent one digit?
- 국내 금융기관의 오픈소스 활용 현황
- 구글, 토픽 API 공개··· "쿠키 대안 '플록' 대체할 IBA 시스템"
- MIT 6.S081 – Operating System Engineering
- 확장 BPF
- SkyBot - 우리집 위로 날아가는 비행기 사진을 자동으로 추적해 찍는 시스템 (skybot.cam)
- Django Vs Flask: Full Comparison of the 2 Python Frameworks
- Jigsaw is a framework for rapidly building static sites using the same modern tooling that powers your web applications.
- Deno in 2021
- WebAssembly Techniques to Speed Up Matrix Multiplication by 120x
- MacOS Monterey introduced AirPlay Receiver running on port 5000. This prevents your web server from serving on port 5000.
- Run containers on Linux without sudo in Podman
- Using Git Commit Message Templates to Write Better Commit Messages
- const all the things? (C++)
- charm_ - We build tools to make the command line glamorous.
- I accidentally used YAML.parse instead of JSON.parse, and it… worked?
- Strict Python function parameters
- The Future of Windows (and Other Platforms) Development
- Faster CPython (2021) [pdf]
- gokrazy packs your Go application(s) into an SD card image for the Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 which — aside from the Linux kernel and proprietary Raspberry Pi bootloader — only contains Go software.
- Quarto® is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc
- This is C++ FQA Lite.
- Multithreaded Python without the GIL
- Mosaic Lite is a responsive dashboard template built on top of TailwindCSS and fully coded in React.
- DevOps
- 'eBPF부터 오픈소스까지' 2022년 '관찰가능성' 주요 트렌드 5가지
- 2022년 1월 100% 할인 이벤트 장애 부검
- Roblox의 작년 73시간 장애 포스트모템 (blog.roblox.com)
- CNCF Publishes State of Cloud Native Development Report
- Working with Kubernetes API - Learning Series
- Rancher Desktop runs Kubernetes and container management on your desktop.
- Two reasons Kubernetes is so complex
- Fixing Performance Regressions Before they Happen
- GitHub Actions by Example (actionsbyexample.com)
- AWS의 Config, GuardDuty, Inspector, SecurityHub,VPC IPAM 등 다양한 보안 서비스를 Organization 레벨에서 적용한 사례
- 초보자를 위한 EKS 맛 보기
- Low-Code Platforms and the Rise of the Community Developer: Lots of Solutions, or Lots of Problems?
- Khue's Homelab - This project utilizes Infrastructure as Code to automate provisioning, operating, and updating self-hosted services in my homelab.
- 설계
- 하드웨어
- SIE, FPS 개발 명가 '번지' 인수 "멀티플랫폼 유지할 것"
- [영상] 반도체 EUV 'High NA' 기술 원리를 알아봅시다
- Burroughs B 5500 Infomration Processing System, 1964 [pdf]
- Heartbreaking: 6509 PSUs fail after a brief 22 years of service
- 중요한 하드웨어에 투자를 아끼지 말라
- Decades of Fun: Computers Built to Last
- Reverse engineering the 1988 NeXT keyboard protocol
- 애플 M1 맥이 그렇게 빠른 이유
- HOW E INK DEVELOPED FULL-COLOR E-PAPER - The road to color e-paper took two decades
- THE LIES THAT POWERED THE INVENTION OF PONG - A fake contract masked a design exercise–and started an industry
- Open Sourcing our Firmware
- Framework Laptop Embedded Controller (EC)
- How I built my own Sega Mega Drive hardware dev kit from scratch
- 경력 관리와 개발문화
- Deming's Red Bead Experiment?
- "주4일 근무 먼저 실험해보니" 기업도 직원도 '윈-윈'
- Why you shouldn’t use @here on Slack
- Slackmojis - an unofficial* directory of the best custom Slack emojis
- “협업 툴을 더욱 가치 있게 사용하기 위한” 시간 개념 확립의 필요성
- 몇년 경력을 원하시나요? (howoldisit.glitch.me)
- How Much Money Has Been Lost on Software Projects That Keep Replanning and Missing Deadlines
- The McNamara Fallacy - When Metrics Mislead
- 스타트업 창업자 “분위기 좋다”는데…직원들 급여·복리후생 ‘불만’
- The unreasonable effectiveness of one-on-ones
- Senior Engineer Jobsearch : 시니어 엔지니어를 위한 구직 가이드 (jobsearch.dev)
- 페이스북을 떠나며 (frantic.im)
- People don't work as much as you think
- Admit it: You’re obsessed with work. Here’s how to change that
- Scaling Engineering @ Trustly
- Letter to a Junior Engineer
- '토양어선'을 아세요? ... 뺏고 빼앗기는 스타트업 개발자 전쟁
- ‘연봉 1억’ 이상도 거뜬… 2022년 美 인기 IT 직종 10선
- 시니어 개발자가 말하는, 프론트엔드 업무와 잘하는 프론트엔드 개발자란
- Senior Engineer Jobsearch : 시니어 엔지니어를 위한 구직 가이드 (jobsearch.dev)
- Ten years against division of labor in software
- 블록체인
- 게임 즐기며 돈 버는 ‘P2E’ 논란… ‘사행성 우려’ 불법 규정이 변수
- 브릿지 알고 쓰자!
- 코인베이스, 마스터카드로 NFT 결제 지원 발표
- Wormhole confirms all $320 million in funds have been restored
- Don’t believe the hype: Web3 is not going to change the world
- In Second Largest DeFi Hack Ever, Blockchain Bridge Loses $320M Ether
- 솔라나 운영 웜홀, 3900억원 해킹‥역대 네번째 규모
- Crypto & NFTs: Network Effects in Web3
- The Worrisome Rise of NFTs
- 오픈시서 취약점 공격 발생…2억짜리 NFT 200만원에 팔려
- The Promise of DAOs, the Latest Craze in Crypto
- This NFT on OpenSea Will Steal Your IP Address
- 위메이드 디파이 '클레바', 이자 과지급 사고.."피해액 회수중"
- MoonPay got its start by radically simplifying cryptocurrency transactions.
- Bitcoin Uses More Electricity Than Many Countries. How Is That Possible?
- JPG를 돈 주고 사는 사람들 (#NFT)
- 미래의 패러다임? 그저 대박의 기회?··· '웹3 개발자', 커리어 관점의 진단
- 잔의 편지 : 유튜브 CEO가 말하는 2022년 우선순위
- Web3에 대한 나의 첫인상 (moxie.org)
- The great renaming: what happened to Eth2?
- 트위터, NFT를 프로필 사진에 이용하는 기능 제공
- 올림푸스다오의 디파이2.0 실험 위기...90% 하락에 폰지 논란 거세
클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스 관련 소식
- 보안
- 클라우드
- IAM Legend - AWS IAM actions autocomplete, documentation and wildcard resolution for Visual Studio Code.
- “어디서나 실행 가능한 관리형 쿠버네티스” 구글 클라우드 안토스의 모든 것
- Storm in the stratosphere: how the cloud will be reshuffled
- Creating Disaster Recovery Mechanisms Using Amazon Route 53
- AWS IAM diagram(PDF)
- Distributed tracing for serverless applications on AWS
- Functions (beta) by Cloudflare
- Serverless로 E-Commerce 만들기 / 블랙프라이데이 트래픽 썰 / 스타트업에서 CTO는 뭘 하는 자리인가?
- Monitoring underlying hardware failures for EC2 instances by logging them with Amazon OpenSearch Service
- How I Discovered Thousands of Open Databases on AWS
- 구글 AppEngine 자바 런타임 오픈소스로 공개
- ‘클라우드’가 효자네…MS, 4분기 실적 ‘기대 이상’
- [OCI 탐험 일지] 4. 객체 저장소(본인이 작성한 글)
- How I Got Pwned by My Cloud Costs
- Guidelines for Implementing AWS WAF [pdf]
- Introducing MicroShift
- 데이터베이스
- Reshape - 다운타임 없는 Postgres용 스키마 이관 도구 오픈소스 (github.com/fabianlindfors)
- dqlite is a C library that implements an embeddable and replicated SQL database engine with high-availability and automatic failover.
- MariaDB 상장 계획 발표
- Planning I/O in Amazon Aurora
- backend.sql + frontend.js =♥ - A simple approach for building single-page-apps with PostgREST which could dramatically simplify self-hosting
- ql - Package ql is a pure Go embedded SQL database.
- PRQL - 데이터 변환을 위한 더 간단하고 강력한 SQL 제안 (github.com/max-sixty)
- SQL 팁 : 나의 SQL 작성 패턴
- Elasticsearch, Nori, FSCrawler를 이용한 문서 검색 엔진 구축
- Wapp - TCL을 위한 웹 어플리케이션 스택 (wapp.tcl.tk)
- Store SQLite in Cloudflare Durable Objects
보너스: Published 2007 via @JacobJanerka
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