오늘의 짤방: Finally, I can understand operating systems. via @oshogbovx
개발 관련 소식
- 팁과 유틸리티
- OCRmyPDF adds an optical character recognition (OCR) text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched.
- Three git tips
- Browsh is a fully-modern text-based browser.
- Goodbye Medium, Hello Ghost
- jscpd - Copy/paste detector for programming source code, supports 150+ formats.
- jsmpeg-vnc - A low latency, high framerate screen sharing server and client, viewable in any modern browser.
- Deprank uses the PageRank algorithm to find the most important files in your JavaScript or TypeScript codebase.
- 모든 애플 기기에서 같은 전화번호로 문자를 주고받는 방법
- How-To : iOS 16에서 잠금 화면 사용자화 설정하기
- Maccy - 맥용 클립보드 매니저 오픈소스 앱 (github.com/p0deje)
- 프로그래밍
- A journey into the Linux scheduler
- Python 3.11 vs 3.10 performance
- Running the Steam Deck’s OS in a virtual machine using QEMU
- 왜 던전을 클리어 한 다음 일정 시간이 지나면 나가야 하나요?
- Chess Engines: A Zero to One
- Python Interactive window (VSCode)
- The Windows malloc() Implementation Is A Trash Fire
- rsync, article 3: How does rsync work?
- virgil: A Fast and Lightweight Programming Language
- Reimagining front-end web development with htmx and hyperscript
- TCP/IP applications for your PC compatible retro-computers
- PureDarwin - Moving the Darwin community in the right direction!
- Open-sourcing SymForce: Skydio's framework for writing algorithmic code
- Htmx: HTML Approach to Interactivity in a JavaScript World
- htmx gives you access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML
- Could Rust be the Future of JavaScript Infrastructure?
- Leveraging Katacoda technology exclusively within O’Reilly And the decision to shutter katacoda.com
- Think twice before abandoning Xorg. Wayland breaks everything!
- Computer Science courses with video lectures
- Hard things in Computer Science
- Things I wish everyone knew about Git (Part I)
- History of Lossless Data Compression Algorithms
- Fresh is a full stack modern web framework for JavaScript and TypeScript developers
- GitJournal - Mobile first Markdown Notes integrated with Git
- Some Assembly Required - An approachable introduction to assembly.
- Programming Books(다양한 책 소개와 독후감)
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- 철도 시간표가 유닉스 시간이 되기까지
- VirtualBuddy can virtualize macOS 12 and later on Apple Silicon
- Google Search Is Dying
- XLite - query Excel (.xlsx, .xls) and Open Document spreadsheets (.ods) as SQLite virtual tables
- The End of the Public API Strangler
- DevOps
- 설계
- 하드웨어
- Why Your Next Home Computer Should Be an Old Xeon Workstation
- Open Circuits – The Inner Beauty of Electronic Components
- What? MORE 8-Bit Microcontrollers?
- "SSD 수명 늘리는 여유 공간" 최적의 오버프로비저닝 비율은?
- X-ray reverse-engineering a hybrid module from 1960s Apollo test equipment
- The Verge의 Starlink RV 리뷰 (theverge.com)
- 경력 관리와 개발문화
- JDD 는 코드 작성보다 변명거리를 미리 생각하여 수많은 버그를 양성할 수 있는 개발 방법론이다.
- 국비지원 5개월차의 회고
- The Trimodal Nature of Software Engineering Salaries in the Netherlands and Europe
- Open Source is Not About You
- Mark Zuckerberg: We’re ‘turning up the heat’ at Meta so employees will quit
- “돈 되는 자격증 없어···자격증 사냥 멈춰라”
- Software development: do good manners matter?
- 엔지니어들이 면접에서 물어야 할 질문들 (posthog.com)
- 신입 백엔드 면접 질문 Ver. 1.9.0
- Unity Laying Off Hundreds Of Staffers
- 2022 상반기 백엔드 개발 취업 회고
- F-Lab 수료생 이력서
- 2022년 개발자 코딩부트캠프 비교 정리
- 블록체인과 메타버스
- ‘Advertising has taken a hit’: The crypto crisis has created an advertising vacuum
- aleph.im - Cloud Computing for DeFi & Web3 Simplified!
- Director's Decision on DID 1.0 Proposed Recommendation Formal Objections
- Solana Mobile Stack begins new era of web3 with mobile-first Android platform
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클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스 관련 소식
- 보안
- 개인정보가 더 위험해진다 '서드파티 쿠키 종말의 역설'
- 구글, iOS 등 모바일 크롬 비밀번호 관리 기능 집중 강화 나선다
- Taking Action Against Scraping for Hire
- Meet the Vigilantes Who Hack Millions in Crypto to Save It From Thieves
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- MZ세대 “유명해진다면 프라이버시 포기”…과정의 투명성은 중요
- 파이어폭스 버전 102, 사용자 추적 문자열 원천 차단 지원
- Sensitive mobile app data found unprotected in the cloud
- 클라우드
- 데이터베이스
- Why SQL Needs Software Libraries
- 클라우드 스케일!··· SQL과의 비교로 알아본 NoSQL
- SQLite or PostgreSQL? It's Complicated!
- PRQL - Pipelined Relational Query Language, pronounced "Prequel".
- Everything Is a Funnel, But SQL Doesn’t Get It
- PostgreSQL Upgrades are hard!
- Dolt is a SQL database that you can fork, clone, branch, merge, push and pull just like a git repository.
보너스: 코드 안에 privateKey 같은거 하드코딩으로 박으면 안된다. 고 말할 때 써야하는 예시 +1 (중국에서 일어난 10억명 개인 정보 유출 사고)
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