(오늘의 짤방: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ via @GuyBarrette)
개발 관련 소식
- 팁과 유틸리티
- Internet Archive Scholar
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- macOS Command Line
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- PCjs uses JavaScript to recreate the IBM PC experience, using original ROMs, CPUs running at their original speeds, and early IBM video cards and monitors, including the classic green monochrome MDA monitor and the venerable “flickery” CGA monitor.
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- 프로그래밍
- Fireship is a blazingly fast && highly-amusing way to level up your programming skills.
- Gatling vs JMeter - What to Use for Performance Testing
- Uxn is a virtual machine with 32 instructions.
- Nuitka the Python Compiler
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- Julia는 왜 훌륭한가 (viralinstruction.com)
- mybatis jacoco unit test coverage result
- Codon is a high-performance Python compiler that compiles Python code to native machine code without any runtime overhead.
- ezy - Fully-featured desktop gRPC/gRPC-Web client.
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- The Hidden Cost of Software Automation
- Abstraction is Expensive
- Silver Bullet - 마크다운 기반의 개인 지식 관리 시스템 오픈소스 (silverbullet.md)
- Python Debugging Cheat Sheet
- Apollo-11 - Original Apollo 11 guidance computer (AGC) source code for Command Module (Comanche055) and Lunar Module (Luminary099).
- Datasette’s new JSON write API: The first alpha of Datasette 1.0
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- go-coffeeshop - A coffee shop application with event-driven microservices has been written in Golang. Nomad, Consul Connect, Vault, and Terraform for deployment
- Progressive web apps (PWAs)
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- Advent of Code 2022 is nigh
- -10 % 3?
- git gone - 원격에서 삭제된 브랜치를 모두 삭제하는 커스텀 명령어 (erikschierboom.com)
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- Testing errors in Go
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- VM Options Explorer - OpenJDK11 HotSpot
- JSON hero - JSON sucks. But we're making it better.
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- Know Ruby? Enter Crystal!
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- Everything I wish I knew when learning C
- Finch - 아마존이 공개한 컨테이너 개발용 오픈소스 클라이언트 (aws.amazon.com)
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- Scroll animations
- Stack Overflow questions and answers for web-platform technologies
- LuaJIT Remake Project
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- act - Run your GitHub Actions locally!
- The Origins of Python
- DevOps
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- The Kubernetes API architecture
- Steps to emulate k8s Pod Network
- Containers vs. Pods - Taking a Deeper Look
- Chapter 8: Ingress & TLS/HTTPS with nginx, cert-manager & Vault
- How To Publish a Port of a Running Container 🧵
- How To Publish a Port of a Running Container
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- Kubernetes Labels: Expert Guide with 10 Best Practices
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- Building NAS with ZFS, AFP/Samba for Time Machine
- Amazon Releases Time Sync as Public NTP Service
- How to Monitor the Kubelet
- intro - to - k8s
- Infisical - 환경변수를 암호화하여 팀과 공유하는 오픈소스 (github.com/Infisical)
- Forgejo was forked from the well-known Gitea project in 2022
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- The State of APIs in the Container Ecosystem
- When to use gRPC vs GraphQL
- Using Serverless WebSockets to Enable Real-Time Messaging
- Beyond Microservices: Streams, State and Scalability
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- AWS re:Invent 2022 - A closer look at AWS Lambda (SVS404)
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- Announcing Amazon CodeCatalyst, a Unified Software Development Service (Preview)
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- How switching to AWS Graviton slashed our infrastructure bill by 35%
- Data Lake 구조 설계 with Serverless
- AWS Lambda cold starts are about to get faster
- AWS Unveils New AI Service Features and Enhancements at re:Invent 2022
- Quarkus support for AWS Lambda SnapStart
- WasmEdge - Bring the cloud-native and serverless application paradigms to Edge Computing.
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- AWS에서 어떤 컨테이너 서비스를 이용해야 하나요?
- AWS re:Invent 2021 - Enabling workloads for high availability and durability with Amazon RDS
- 데이터베이스
- 개발자를 위한 Next-Level Database Techniques [무료 e북 / 50p PDF] (sqlfordevs.com)
- Welcome to the learnsqlonline.org free interactive SQL tutorial.
- EP30: Why is PostgreSQL the most loved database
- Postgres와 MySQL의 인덱스 머지 vs 컴포지트 인덱스 비교 (sirupsen.com)
- How We Built Fly Postgres
- Pandas vs. SQL — Part 4: Pandas Is More Convenient
- Index Merges vs Composite Indexes in Postgres and MySQL
보너스: found at my cs class via @PR0GRAMMERHUM0R
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