오늘의 짤방: I ❤️ this perspective: Extreme Programming via @bibryam
개발 관련 소식
- 팁과 유틸리티
- “어쩐지 빨라졌더라니⋯” 구글, 맥용 크롬 조용히 개선
- 0x0: Share Files from Terminal
- Visual Studio Code for Mac (M1) 에서 한글 씹힐때
- iPhone, iPad 또는 iPod touch에서 Wi-Fi 암호를 공유하는 방법
- 안드로이드 문자 메시지 PC로 확인하는 가장 쉬운 방법 '메시지 웹'
- Programmer's Notepad
- screego/server - screen sharing for developers
- Ouch - 통합 압축 도우미 CLI (github.com/ouch-org)
- macOS 화면 공유(feat. Tailscale)
- Taildrop is a feature that makes it easy to send files between your personal devices on a Tailscale network.
- 프로그래밍
- Top frameworks to build applications:
- The early days of Linux
- Anatomy of Containers: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide
- Why Java is like German
- How Gradle Works: Inside the Daemon
- Do You Trust Profilers? I Once Did Too.
- Getting started with Spring Security and Spring Boot
- Keep Your Application Secrets Secret
- Comparing Map.of() and New HashMap() in Java
- Optional in Java: A Swiss Army Knife for Handling Nulls and Improving Code Quality
- Pitfalls To Avoid When Switching To Virtual Threads
- Netflix on Java: How to build a 1TB Non-Heap, ultra-efficient application for video streaming - an example
- Quiz yourself: Deserialization of Java enum types and records
- 9 Outdated Ideas About Java
- It’s Java 20 Release Day! Here’s What’s New
- C# Performance tips and tricks
- Solve Sudoku using Linear Programming (Python — PuLP)
- Journey to Containers
- Crawling 성능 40배 올리기, 160분에서 4분대로 -도구 선택의 중요성-
- JavaScript or WebAssembly: Which Is More Energy Efficient and Faster?
- Automerge is a CRDT, or "conflict-free replicated data type"
- Weather Machine - Your one-stop shop for the best weather APIs on Earth.
- The Market for Lemons
- What to Expect from Vue in 2023 and How it Differs from React
- "발전과 안정성 고루 갖춰" 바딘 기업 자바 현황 보고서의 의미와 분석
- pysnooper 소개 및 기록...
- echoip - A simple service for looking up your IP address.
- Show GN: 가상키보드(vKeyboard) 우회를 도와주는 파이썬 라이브러리 (github.com/soulee-dev)
- Hocus - GitHub Codespaces의 오픈소스 대체제 (github.com/hocus-dev)
- Create CLIs For 2023 Using Deno
- Compiler Explorer is an interactive compiler exploration website.
- JEP 444: Virtual Threads Arrive in JDK 21, Ushering a New Era of Concurrency
- Java improved its 'Hello World' experience
- Miniredis - Pure Go Redis test server, used in Go unittests.
- WordGrinder is a simple, Unicode-aware word processor that runs on the console.
- Deck of Cards(HTML5)
- Nolibc: a minimal C-library replacement shipped with the kernel
- go/links - 사내용 짧은 주소 플랫폼 (golinks.io)
- Deep Scatterplots for the Web
- The inventory and organization system built for the Home User.
- Hacker Scripts
- Advanced Linux Programming
- Sampler - 쉘 커맨드 실행, 시각화 및 알림 도구 (sampler.dev)
- a 1.5GB string
- Faust - Programming Language for Audio Applications and Plugins
- High-performance JSON parsing in Go
- Mac Auto Setup Script
- Sapling SCM is a cross-platform, highly scalable, Git-compatible source control system.
- Python 3.12 Preview: Ever Better Error Messages
- youki: A container runtime in Rust
- Simple Icons - 유명 브랜드 로고 SVG 아이콘 모음 (simpleicons.org)
- 크롬의 쿠키를 가져다가 cURL에 사용하는 Bash 스크립트 (github.com/fipso)
- 메타, 벅2 빌드 시스템 오픈소스로 공개 “두 배 빨라졌다”
- Programming-language popularity by GitHub pull requests
- Nuitka User Manual
- Go Styleguide - This serves as a supplement to Effective Go, based on years of experience and inspiration/ideas from conference talks.
- deno Compiling Executables
- Grid World
- An open source, modern SaaS template built with Fresh and Deno.
- Kivy is an open source, cross-platform Python framework for the development of applications that make use of innovative, multi-touch user interfaces.
- Ruff - An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
- How WebAssembly is accelerating new web functionality
- 카카오톡 서버의 스프링 공화국 탈출기
- gops is a command to list and diagnose Go processes currently running on your system.
- Orbstack - Say goodbye to slow, clunky containers and VMs
- The Secret Life of fsync
- Dockerfile vs docker-compose: What's the difference?
- Optimizing Open Addressing
- The Jenkins Code Coverage Plug-in collects reports of code coverage or mutation coverage tools.
- Rod is a high-level driver directly based on DevTools Protocol. It's designed for web automation and scraping for both high-level and low-level use
- Azure SDK for Go
- Top 10 Essential Maven Plugins for Java Projects
- Node.js vs Java: Native HTTP server performance comparison for hello world case
- Dockerfile on Windows
- The API Landscape
- Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.
- Comprehensive keyboard handling in terminals
- nbdev VSCode - An experimental nbdev extension for VSCode
- 파이썬을 처음 사용하는 동료와 효율적으로 일하는 방법
- These 17 Projects Will Teach You Python Way Better Than “Hello World”
- Catch-23: The New C Standard Sets the World on Fire
- containers-from-scratch
- Fabric is a high level Python (2.7, 3.4+) library designed to execute shell commands remotely over SSH, yielding useful Python objects in return.
- ws - RFC6455 WebSocket implementation in Go.
- trurl - command line tool for URL parsing and manipulation
- DevOps
- Kubernetes: Network Policies
- Step by Step Guide: How to create a Dynamic Service Endpoint via K8S API
- Kubernetes: Container Network Interface(CNI)
- 쿠버네티스, 서버리스, 마이크로서비스 등 DevOps 트렌드 관련 시장조사 내용 (insight.infograb.net)
- 2023년에 주목할 DevOps 트렌드 5가지
- A Brief DevOps History: The Roots of Infrastructure as Code
- ARP (which stands for "Yet Another Reverse Proxy") is a project to create a reverse proxy server.
- E6: SigNoz the open-source DataDog alternative
- Building organization-wide governance and re-use for CI/CD and automation with GitHub Actions
- Woodepecker CI - 놀라운 확장성을 가진 심플한 CI 엔진 오픈소스 (woodpecker-ci.org)
- Divisor - A fast and easy-to-configure load balancer
- Microservices and Kubernetes: A Gardening Guide to Software Ecosystems
- The Future of Service Mesh is Networking
- How to Implement GitLab CI/CD Pipeline with Terraform
- 5 GitOps Best Practices
- Docker Networking Model — Introduction
- 무지성으로 사용한 헬스 체크가 불러일으킬 수 있는 참사
- k8s_ssrf_portscanner - This is a Proof of concept idea for using the Kubernetes API server as a port scanner via SSRF.
- 설계
- 경력 관리와 개발문화
- 한쪽선 ‘정리해고’, 다른 쪽선 ‘구인난’... 채용 시장의 묘한 풍경
- Coding Sucks Anyway — Matt Welsh on the End of Programming
- If you’ve raised venture capital, you have to pay yourself
- 누가 기업가가 되는가? (generalist.com)
- 네이버 창업주가 밝힌 ‘다이아 수저’ 무는 법
- “직원 연봉 2천만원 올려주더니” 결국 나락, 유명한 회사에 무슨일이
- How to break the “senior engineer” career ceiling
- 20년차 IT 관리자가 k-digital 국비지원 교육 참석후 느낀점
- 토스·두나무·야놀자 시총 5분의 1토막…데카콘 탈락
- Everything is a Practice
- Treat your to-read pile like a river, not a bucket
- Reflections on a decade of coding
- The entrepreneurs who regret starting businesses
- How to be a -10x Engineer
- Why Technical Experience Matters: Sven Reimers at QCon London
- Own Your Work
보안/클라우드/데이터베이스 관련 소식
- 보안
- Introduction to Java Encryption/Decryption
- JDK 20 Security Enhancements
- Consent-O-Matic - Automatic cookie management
- Havoc is a modern and malleable post-exploitation command and control framework
- Phylum Discovers Revived Crypto Wallet Address Replacement Attack
- "비밀번호 1분만에 깬다" AI 시대에 비밀번호 관리에 더욱 주의해야 하는 이유
- PassGAN: The New AI Can Crack Passwords in Less Than Half a Minute
- How Smart App Banners can be used to reveal Apple ID region
- “심각성 줄었다 비용은 늘었지만...” 데이터센터 사고의 '10가지 현실’
- Windows Sandbox
- "전세계 7억명 사생활 훔쳐봤다"…中쇼핑앱 악성코드에 발칵
- Introducing PSUnveil
- hakoriginfinder - Tool for discovering the origin host behind a reverse proxy. Useful for bypassing WAFs and other reverse proxies.
- emp3r0r - A post-exploitation framework for Linux/Windows
- 클라우드
- Adding Zonal Resiliency to Etsy’s Kafka Cluster: Part 1
- “비용 차이 10배 이상” 클라우드보다 코로케이션이 HPC에 더 적합한 이유
- firecracker-microvm / firecracker: Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
- Announcing Azure Firewall enhancements for troubleshooting network performance and traffic visibility
- Distributed Managed PostgreSQL Database Alternatives in the Cloud
- 중견 SI 기업들의 ‘클라우드 대전’
- A Guide to S3 Logging
- IP and pod allocations in AWS EKS.
- 데이터베이스
- The Database Package Manager For PostgreSQL trusted language extensions (TLEs)
- Meilisearch 1.0: the next stage in search
- “꽤 이례적 행보다, 등장 이유는..." 오라클 데이터베이스 23c 개발자용 무료 버전 분석
- SQLite4 LSM Design Overview: 참고 1과 참고 2
- Strong Consistency with Raft and SQLite
- NoiSQL — Generating Music With SQL Queries
- How does database sharding work?
- Outerbase - Collaborative Interface for your relational database
- SQL Translator - (SQL to Natural Language and Natural Language to SQL)
- sqlTranslate - Human Language to SQL Translator
- SQL:2023 is finished: Here is what's new
- Make ChatGPT Stop Chatting and Start Writing SQL
- The Wonders of Postgres Logical Decoding Messages
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