(오늘의 짤방: Every answer on the arch Linux forum via @iammemeloper)
개발 관련 소식
- 팁과 유틸리티
- 프로그래밍
- Unity에서 Unreal 엔진으로 전환하기로 결정하셨나요? (impromptugames.com)
- 게이머와 게임 개발사 모두 ‘유니티 질타’에 연대하는 사연
- Unity는 죽었다 (gamedeveloper.com)
- MARP : Markdown 으로 프레젠테이션(ppt) 만들기
- 유니티 요금 부과 사태, 고도는 기다렸다
- ruffle is a Flash Player emulator built in the Rust programming language.
- Web Platform Baseline brings clarity to information about browser support for web platform features.
- Astro builds fast content sites, powerful web applications, dynamic server APIs, and everything in-between.
- trafilatura - A Python package & command-line tool to gather text on the Web
- deno_python - This module provides a seamless integration between deno and python by integrating with the Python/C API.
- Rust fact vs. fiction: 5 Insights from Google's Rust journey in 2022
- Google Busts, Confirms Common Myths about Rust Programming
- The Inner Workings of Safepoints
- Thread-Safe Counter in Java: A Comprehensive Guide
- How To Approach Dependency Management in Java
- Upgrading From Java 17 To 21: All You Need To Know
- Better Java Compiler Error Messages
- Pitest is a library that helps us do mutation testing.
- JDK 21 G1/Parallel/Serial GC changes
- Introduction: Q-descriptors and v-bytecodes
- OpenJDK's JEP 451: Balancing Serviceability and Integrity in JVM
- Java: JEP Draft: "Computed Constants"
- GN⁺: 리눅스 커널 인터랙티브 맵 (makelinux.github.io)
- GNAT Pro for Rust: 임베디드를 위한 Rust 개발환경 (adacore.com)
- 러스트 개발자 지원 강화··· 젯브레인, ‘러스트로버 IDE’ 프리뷰 버전 출시
- Object-oriented programming in under 5 minutes:
- 뱅크샐러드 Go 코딩 컨벤션
- 🐍📰 Bypassing the GIL for Parallel Processing in Python
- Welcome to the Microsoft Writing Style Guide, your guide to writing style and terminology for all communication—whether an app, a website, or a white paper.
- 빠른 대용량 편집기 ‘엠에디터’를 아시나요? ··· 40년 경력의 개발자 에무라 유타카 대표
- 노드JS 대안 노린다··· 번, 프로덕션 환경 위한 1.0 버전 출시
- Hrequests (human requests) is a simple, configurable, feature-rich, replacement for the Python requests library.
- krypton: Data Encryption at Rest and IAM for Python
- IEEE TPL(Top 프로그래밍 언어) 2023 (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Playing with genetic algorithms in python
- Introducing flake8-logging
- What is wrong with TOML?
- Python: My Favorite Python Tricks for LeetCode Questions
- Filters in Django – filter(A, B) vs filter(A).filter(B)
- The contents of PyPI, in numbers
- The Python dictionary dispatch pattern
- Switching to Hatch
- Dara is a dynamic application framework designed for creating interactive web apps with ease, all in pure Python.
- 🐍📰 Profiling in Python: How to Find Performance Bottlenecks
- Nushell - "A new type shell"
- Unity plan pricing and packaging updates
- Create Your Own Diff-Tool Using Python - How to create your own simple diff-tool using nothing but Python
- Tools & Libraries to Make Your Own C++ Game Engine
- μDSV - 더 작고 빠른 CSV 파서 (github.com/leeoniya)
- Apache Pekko is an open-source framework for building applications that are concurrent, distributed, resilient and elastic.
- 🐍 Your Guide to the Python Print Function
- (번역) 유쾌하게 이상한 자바스크립트 생태계
- Unleash the Power of Open Source Java Profilers: Comparing VisualVM, JMC, and async-profiler
- Dive: A Simple App for Viewing the Contents of a Docker Image
- Copying Container Images Between Container Registries
- shell에서 interactive, non-interactive, login, non-login 차이는?
- Briefcase is a tool for converting a Python project into a standalone native application.
- An Intro to Protocol Buffers with Python
- Bun is a fast, all-in-one toolkit for running, building, testing, and debugging JavaScript and TypeScript, from a single file to a full-stack application.
- “Wasm에 대한 의심 아직 있다” 웹어셈블리 현황 2023 보고서
- Abstracting over Computation
- Useful & Unknown Java Features
- “자바 18 릴리스의 꽃” 심플 웹 서버 시작하기
- 아줄, 프라임 새 기능 발표… “자바 사용 현황 학습해 워밍업 시간 최적화”
- Visualizing the CPython Release Process
- A branchless DOOM - This directory provides a branchless, mov-only version of the classic DOOM video game.
- Graphweaver - 여러 데이터소스를 하나의 GraphQL API로 묶기 (github.com/exogee-technology)
- 모노레포 이렇게 좋은데 왜 안써요?
- Awesome Python - A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- 누구나 할 수 있는 10배 더 빠른 배치 만들기
- Curl 마스터하기: 인터랙티브 텍스트 가이드 (antonz.org)
- Writing a C compiler in 500 lines of Python
- But do you actually know what these terms mean? - CGI - FastCGI - php-fpm - How do they connect to nginx?
- Performance Through Memory Layout
- 리치 히키와의 인터뷰 (마이클 포거스)
- PyFlo - The beginners guide to becoming a Python programmer
- Google maps scraper
- Writing a scientific article: A step-by-step guide for beginners
- Hypothesis is a Python library for creating unit tests which are simpler to write and more powerful when run, finding edge cases in your code you wouldn’t have thought to look for.
- Read the lost thesis of Dennis Ritchie, creator of C programming language & co-creator of Unix
- Introduction To Python's Functools Module - Introducing the functools functions using real world examples
- CS-E4510 Distributed Algorithms
- Hidden Features of Python
- 프론트엔드, 백엔드 개발자 간 소통 돕는 Swagger
- DevOps
- 설계
- 경력 관리와 개발문화
보안/클라우드/데이터베이스 관련 소식
- 보안
- 클라우드
- 데이터베이스
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