(오늘의 짤방: 주요 인공지능 모델들의 트레이닝 비용. 잼민이 트레이닝 시키는데에만 $191M (2600억원) 정도 들었다고 예상함. via @mynameisdjkim)
- 빅데이터/인공지능
- 슬랙 "생성형 AI 추가 요금은 인당 월 10달러"
- 메타, 최신 LLM ‘라마3’ 오픈소스 공개…“기술ㆍ코딩ㆍ역사 등 다양한 데이터 학습”
- Meta, Llama 3 공개 (ai.meta.com)
- Mark Zuckerberg - Llama 3, $10B Models, Caesar Augustus, & 1 GW Datacenters
- Meta Llama 3에 대한 Andrej Karpathy의 평가 (twitter.com/karpathy)
- 메타, 페북 등에 AI 챗봇 '메타 AI' 탑재…최신 라마3 기반
- Llama-3 tokenizer playground
- Pegasus-1 Technical Report by 트웰브랩스
- We are releasing two new open-source reranker models: jina-reranker-v1-turbo-en and jina-reranker-v1-tiny-en, the latter has only 30M parameters and four layers! 🤯 These two new rerankers enjoy 5X faster inference speed than our last jina-reranker-v1-base model at only a very small cost on the quality.
- More technical details on the new Meta Llama 3 models announced today. 🦙🧵
- Imagine Flash: Accelerating Emu Diffusion Models with Backward Distillation
- Meet Your New Assistant: Meta AI, Built With Llama 3
- Vision language models, explained 🧶❤️
- Build a RAG system with Llama 3B-Instruct for your PDFs
- From Image to UML: First Results of Image Based UML Diagram Generation Using LLMs
- #LLaMA3 is out! It's the same architecture as Llama-2, except for some differences:
- LLaMA-3 is a prime example of why training a good LLM is almost entirely about data quality…
- Here's all that we know about Meta Llama 3 so far
- 'AI 사각지대 이해하기'… 하이브리드 환경 전반에서 AI를 식별하고 보호하려면
- "LLM 시장, 2030년까지 연평균 33.2% 성장" 마켓앤마켓 보고서
- 이직할 때 ‘우리 회사 데이터 분석 잘한다’는 말에 낚이지 않는 방법
- The Assistants API is designed to help developers build powerful AI assistants capable of performing a variety of tasks.
- '세금 결산을 지원하는 생성형 AI 환경 구축'… H&R블록 CIO
- 한국어 영향 미칠까?··· 오픈AI, 일본 지사 설립 및 일본어 맞춤 GPT-4 모델 공개
- Stable Diffusion 3 API 이용 가능 (stability.ai)
- LG CNS, ‘DAP 젠AI 플랫폼’ 고도화…“생성형 AI 4대 솔루션 모두 제공”
- “프레임 추가하고 배우 의상까지 바꾼다” 어도비, 프리미어 프로에 AI 신기능 추가
- GN⁺: AI에 호기심 있는 앱 개발자를 위한 좋은 시작점, Embeddings (bawolf.substack.com)
- SOAR: New algorithms for even faster vector search with ScaNN
- GN⁺: Mistral AI, 새로운 오픈 모델 Mixtral 8x22B 공개 (mistral.ai)
- torchtune: Easily fine-tune LLMs using PyTorch
- Video2Game: Real-time, Interactive, Realistic and Browser-Compatible Environment from a Single Video
- Code with CodeQwen1.5
- 👉 PixArt-Σ: Weak-to-Strong Training of Diffusion Transformer for 4K Text-to-Image Generation(데모)
- Magic Clothing is a branch version of OOTDiffusion, focusing on controllable garment-driven image synthesis
- The following examples show how to get started with the unstructured library.
- LLM-Powered Test Case Generation for Detecting Tricky Bugs
- HairFastGAN: Realistic and Robust Hair Transfer with a Fast Encoder-Based Approach
- Current best local model:
- 스탠포드의 2024년 AI 현황을 설명하는 15가지 그래프 (spectrum.ieee.org)
- 구글 딥마인드의 ALOHA Unleashed - 저비용 로봇과 AI로 손재주 한계를 뛰어넘는 중 (twitter.com/tonyzzhao)
- Vision Transformers 비쥬얼 가이드 (blog.mdturp.ch)
- Leave No Context Behind: Efficient Infinite Context Transformers with Infini-attention
- 오라클 DB의 아버지, 앤디 멘델손… “굳이 LLM 만들 필요 없어”
- MMInA: Benchmarking Multihop Multimodal Internet Agents
- Extending Llama to a new language
- 어도비, 동영상 편집기 '프리미어'에 '소라' 등 결합 예정..."획기적 통합"
- 검색에 잘 걸리게 하는 SEO(search engine optimization)에서 이제는 LLM의 추천을 잘 받는 LSO(LLM-based search optimization)의 시대가 온다.
- Colab 101: Your Ultimate Beginner's Guide!
- Compression Represents Intelligence Linearly
- 'AI 헤드셋 착용한 직원'… 리테일 매장을 AI로 혁신 중인 트랙터 서플라이
- “짝퉁 식별부터 AI 패션쇼까지” 명품 시장에 부는 ‘생성형 AI’ 바람
- Pile-T5 - Trained T5 on the Pile
- Introducing Idefics2: A Powerful 8B Vision-Language Model for the community
- Build a Large Language Model (From Scratch) source code
- OpenAI, 일본 지사 설립후 일본어 최적화 GPT-4 모델 출시 (openai.com)
- Welcome to the Gemini API Cookbook
- We’re excited to release a brand-new tutorial series 💫 : an introduction to agents and tools 🎬🤖
- 당근에서 LLM 활용하기
- “AI가 변환한 흑백 사진·영화 멋진데”... GIST, 사진·영상을 전문가 수준으로 컬러에서 흑백 보정하는 AI 기술 개발
- LLaMA Now Goes Faster on CPUs
- Introducing OpenAI Japan
- Scaling (Down) CLIP: A Comprehensive Analysis of Data, Architecture, and Training Strategies
- "문장 입력하면 영상 뚝딱"…구글·어도비 동영상 생성 AI 참전
- CS 886: 파운데이션 모델의 최신 연구 동향 (cs.uwaterloo.ca)
- Using Python for Data Analysis
- Building LLMs for Code Repair by replit
- Can GPT Optimize My Taxes?
- ⚡ LitGPT - Pretrain, finetune, evaluate, and deploy 20+ LLMs on your own data
- Open-Sora: Democratizing Efficient Video Production for All
- AIChat - All-in-one chat and copilot CLI that integrates 10+ AI platforms.
- MiniCPM-V - MiniCPM-V 2.0: An Efficient End-side MLLM with Strong OCR and Understanding Capabilities
- The Anatomy of Autonomy: Why Agents are the next AI Killer App after ChatGPT
- Gemini Agent Example
- Grok-1.5 Vision Preview: 고급 시각 처리 기능을 갖춘 최초의 멀티모달 모델 소개 (x.ai)
- Adobe's Firefly Image Generator Was Partially Trained on AI Images From Midjourney, Other Rivals
- Building a better repository map with tree sitter
- Show GN: AI 한영/영한 번역기 도다리 (github.com/vEduardovich)
- AI를 활용하는 데 도움이 되는 챗GPT 프롬프트 프레임워크
- Rho-1: Not All Tokens Are What You Need by Microsoft
- 📘 LangChain 한국어 튜토리얼
- 멀티모달 검색 증강 생성 101
- Linear Regression is one of the most important tools in a Data Scientist's toolbox. Here's everything you need to know in 3 minutes.
- 생성 AI를 통해 모델 이미지 문제 해결하기 - AI를 활용한 이미지 생성부터 문제 해결까지
- Deep-Learning-in-Production - In this repository, I will share some useful notes and references about deploying deep learning-based models in production.
- “복잡한 쿼리 작성 AI에 맡기세요”··· 스노우플레이크, AI 기반 SQL 어시스턴트 출시
- MusicGen is a text-to-music model capable of genreating high-quality music samples conditioned on text descriptions or audio prompts.
- Introducing MusicGen Web: AI-powered music generation directly in your browser, built with 🤗 Transformers.js! 🎵
- LLMs Can Do Regression(참고: Game Over for traditional ML methods)
- Dot - 로컬 LLM과 RAG을 쉽게 사용하게 해주는 스탠드얼론 오픈소스 앱 (github.com/alexpinel)
- LaVague is an open-source project designed to automate automation for devs!
- CLIcK: A Benchmark Dataset of Cultural and Linguistic Intelligence in Korean
- 단계별로 알아보는 완전 로컬 검색 증강 생성(RAG)
- GPTScript is a new scripting language to automate your interaction with a Large Language Model (LLM), namely OpenAI.
- The Era of 1-bit LLMs: All Large Language Models are in 1.58 Bits
- ToxicChat: Unveiling Hidden Challenges of Toxicity Detection in Real-World User-AI Conversation
- I used generative AI to turn my story into a comic—and you can too
- Lore Machine is a story visualization systems
- Character Consistency in Stable Diffusion
- Prompt injection and jailbreaking are not the same thing
- Researchers jailbreak AI chatbots with ASCII art -- ArtPrompt bypasses safety measures to unlock malicious queries
- ASCII art elicits harmful responses from 5 major AI chatbots
- You can now train a 70b language model at home(using 2 GPUs)(FSDP and QLoRA)
- LLM4Decompile - Reverse Engineering: Decompiling Binary Code with Large Language Models
- LLM4Decompile: Decompiling Binary Code with Large Language Models
- Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang: AI will take over coding, making learning optional
- Nvidia announces “moonshot” to create embodied human-level AI in robot form
- Machine Learning University (MLU) is an education initiative from Amazon designed to teach machine learning theory and practical application.
- GPT-4 Turbo with Vision is a step backwards for coding
- GN⁺: Aider - 터미널에서 AI와 페어 프로그래밍 하기 (github.com/paul-gauthier)
- This repository contains a lightweight library for evaluating language models. We are open sourcing it so we can be transparent about the accuracy numbers we're publishing alongside our latest models (starting with gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09).
- Chronon - AirBnb가 공개한 오픈소스 ML 피쳐 플랫폼 (github.com/airbnb)
- Jan - Rethink the Computer. Turn your computer into an AI machine
- The tech industry can’t agree on what open-source AI means. That’s a problem.
- [독서광] 쉽고 빠르게 익히는 실전 LLM(본인이 작성한 글)
- narwhals - Extremely lightweight and extensible compatibility layer between Polars, pandas, Modin, and cuDF (and more!).
- “앱 구축하는 것보다 어렵다” LLM을 테스트하는 4가지 전략
- AI의 발전, LLM을 넘어서는 사고가 필요하다
- “AI에 효과적으로 말 걸기” 똑똑한 프롬프트 엔지니어링의 10가지 비밀
- In this paper, we introduce TimeGPT, the first foundation model for time series, capable of generating accurate predictions for diverse datasets not seen during training.
- OpenAI, GPT-4 Turbo with Vision 일반 공개(GA) (platform.openai.com)
- Open-Parse - LLM을 위한 PDF 레이아웃 분할(Chunking) (github.com/Filimoa)
- UBS "AI 랠리 지속"…올해 기술주 이익 18% 급증 전망
- 올거나이즈, ‘금융 전문 LLM 리더보드’ 공개
- Multilingual Large Language Model: A Survey of Resources, Taxonomy and Frontiers
- Anthropic, Claude에 함수 호출(Tool Use) 기능 베타 공개 (docs.anthropic.com)
- Distributed tuning with Gemma using Keras
- LiveCodeBench: Holistic and Contamination Free Evaluation of Large Language Models for Code
- GLiNER is a Named Entity Recognition (NER) model capable of identifying any entity type using a bidirectional transformer encoder (BERT-like).
- LG유플러스도 AI챗봇 경쟁 합류…6월부터 자체 LLM 적용
- 운전자 습관·행동 읽어 `척척`… 티맵, AI로 진화한다
- Gemini 1.5 Pro Now Available in 180+ Countries; With Native Audio Understanding, System Instructions, JSON Mode and More
- March RAGness - We pitted the top RAG systems against each other and used Tonic Validate to rank their performance.
- 오픈AI-메타, 차세대 LLM 곧 출시...추론 역량 중무장 예고
- 비자, 플레이드, 네트워크, 과업 (번역)
- MiniGPT4-Video: Advancing Multimodal LLMs for Video Understanding with Interleaved Visual-Textual Tokens
- GN⁺: 진정한 개방형 LLM, Hello OLMo 등장 (blog.allenai.org)
- CodeGemma - an official Google release for code LLMs
- JP모건 회장 "AI, 증기기관 발명에 비견…산업 지형 바꿀 것"
- Text Generation Inference (TGI) is a toolkit for deploying and serving Large Language Models (LLMs).
- SwapAnything: Enabling Arbitrary Object Swapping in Personalized Visual Editing
- Navigating LLM Deployment: Tips, Tricks and Techniques by Meryem Arik at QCon London
- MA-LMM: Memory-Augmented Large Multimodal Model for Long-Term Video Understanding
- llm.c - raw C/CUDA 로 LLM 훈련하기 (github.com/karpathy)
- llm.c - LLM training in simple, pure C/CUDA. There is no need for 245MB of PyTorch or 107MB of cPython.
- ML for Developers - Learn how to combine machine learning with software engineering to design, develop, deploy and iterate on production ML applications.
- GN⁺: Meta, 다음 주에 Llama 3의 소형 버전 출시 예정 (theinformation.com)
- lumentis - AI로 녹취록과 비정형 정보에서 자동 문서 생성 (github.com/hrishioa)
- Ollama supports embedding models, making it possible to build retrieval augmented generation (RAG) applications that combine text prompts with existing documents or other data.
- OneLLM: One Framework to Align All Modalities with Language. 📌 Through a unified multimodal encoder and progressive alignment pipeline, OneLLM connects vision, audio, video, and more to language seamlessly.
- Using LlamaParse for Knowledge Graph Creation from Documents
- AI-Powered Search: Embedding-Based Retrieval and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)
- Ferret-UI: Grounded Mobile UI Understanding with Multimodal LLMs
- LLM-Based Multi-Agent Systems for Software Engineering: Vision and the Road Ahead
- 5 GitHub repositories that will give you superpowers as an AI/ML Engineer:
- GN⁺: AI에 패한 후 프로 바둑 기사들, 더 뛰어나고 창의적으로 변화 (henrikkarlsson.xyz)
- 2024년 ML/AI/Data 업계 지도와 최신 트렌드 (mattturck.com)
- Loki by LibrAI - 사실 여부 검증 프로세스를 자동화하는 오픈소스 도구 (github.com/Libr-AI)
- Running OCR against PDFs and images directly in your browser
- 🤖 Machine Learning Tutorials Repository 🤖
- InstantStyle: Free Lunch towards Style-Preserving in Text-to-Image Generation
- More Agents Is All You Need
- Open-Sora-Plan - We are thrilled to present Open-Sora-Plan v1.0.0, which significantly enhances video generation quality and text control capabilities.
- FreeAskInternet is a completely free, private and locally running search aggregator & answer generate using LLM, Without GPU needed.
- In this tutorial, we'll see how to use LlamaIndex Instrumentation module to send intermediate steps in a RAG pipeline to the frontend for an intuitive user experience.
- GN⁺: Cohere의 Command R+ - 비즈니스를 위해 구축된 확장 가능한 LLM (txt.cohere.com)
- SWE-bench - Can Language Models Resolve Real-World GitHub Issues?
- Opera 브라우저, 사용자가 LLM을 다운받아 로컬로 실행하는 기능 추가 (techcrunch.com)
- JetMoE: Reaching LLaMA2 Performance with 0.1M Dollars
- LLM Visualization
- StarCoder2 is a family of code generation models (3B, 7B, and 15B), trained on 600+ programming languages from The Stack v2 and some natural language text such as Wikipedia, Arxiv, and GitHub issues.
- The Illustrated Stable Diffusion
- Praison AI, leveraging both AutoGen and CrewAI or any other agent framework, represents a low-code, centralised framework designed to simplify the creation and orchestration of multi-agent systems for various LLM applications, emphasizing ease of use, customization, and human-agent interaction.
- Engineering household robots to have a little common sense
- Build an LLM RAG Chatbot With LangChain
- Evalverse - The Universe of Evaluation. All about the evaluation for LLMs. by Upstage
- How to Combine Vector Search and SQL for RAG
- Scaling AI/ML Infrastructure at Uber
- RAG 애플리케이션을 파일럿 단계에서 프로덕션 단계로 전환하는 4가지 방법
- 하드웨어
- 우리집 '전기도둑'은 누굴까? 가전제품별 소비전력 알아보기
- 다시 뜨거운 데스크톱 CPU 시장…'윈텔'의 아성은 언제까지 공고할 것인가
- 인텔 ‘AI 에브리웨어 전략’, 엔비디아의 시장 독점 허물까
- GN⁺: AMD, Ryzen Pro 8000 시리즈 프로세서 공개 (tomshardware.com)
- Vortex - OpenCL 호환 가능한 RISC-V 아키텍처 기반의 풀스택 오픈소스 GPGPU (vortex.cc.gatech.edu)
- 메타, ‘차세대 MTIA’ 발표··· "1세대 AI 칩 대비 3배 성능"
- “인텔의 최근 혁신은 솔직히 지루했다"··· 겔싱어, 인텔 AI 로드맵 발표
- 로봇 청소기는 어떻게 길을 찾고 장애물을 피할까
- '가우디 기반 생태계 구축'… 네이버클라우드-인텔, AI 공동연구센터 설립
- 다이슨, 청소 궤적을 실시간 시각화하는 AR 도구 다이슨 클린트레이스™ 공개
- Meta, 차세대 학습 및 추론 가속기 MTIAv2 공개 (ai.meta.com)
- GN⁺: 인텔 Gaudi 3 AI 가속기 출시 (intel.com)
- 읽을거리
- 성인 10명중 6명, 1년에 책 한 권도 안 읽는다…독서율 최저치 경신
- A chunk of metal that tore through a Florida home definitely came from the ISS
- [단독] ‘메타버스 서울’ 혈세 60억원 날렸다
- '세계 최초' 기술이라더니…한국 연구진 조작 논란에 '발칵'
- 매달 15만원 내면 '월 60만원' 준다더니…日 기초연금 결국
- 2024 보통사람 금융생활 보고서 - 신한은행
- Korean Won Topped Dollar as Preferred Currency for Crypto Trades in First Quarter
- Can you build a Biden/Trump voter?
- The cheaper the brand, the more polyester they use
- 신선식품은 어쩌다 빈부격차의 상징 됐나 [마켓톡톡]
- 12년째 이어진 수학계 '초전도체급
- 맹모'삼천만원'지교 시대... 자녀교육과 노후준비 균형 맞추려면
- 돈이 얼마나 있어야 생각없이 소비할 수 있을까?
- 조중동 매출이 한겨레‧경향 5배.
- "그냥 멍청히 서 있어요" 통화주의 반격…이래야 경제 돌아간다?
- 60세 이상 감독은 10% 감점, 전작 망했으면 가점… 수익률 176%의 비결
- [친절한 경제] 고물가·고금리 당분간 더 간다…멀어지는 금리인하 기대
- What "Made in China" Means Today
- 여의도 전업 트레이더 썰.ssul
- Audio Dialogues: Dialogues dataset for audio and music understanding
- 설마했는데…“이건 쇼크다” 발칵 뒤집힌 ‘국민 메신저’
(보너스: Expectation vs Reality. via @levikul09)
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