(금주의 짤방: 리더쉽의 5단계. 1.능력이 뛰어난 개인 - 2.합심하는 팀원 - 3.역량있는 관리자 - 4.유능한 리더 - 5.레벨5 경영자 via @realgsong)
- 웹/앱 소식
- 개발/관리도구 소식
- Windows Subsystem for Linux Overview
- Announcing Apex Software Inc: TJ Holowaychuk이 만든 스타트업
- 표준 라이브러리가 할 수 있는 것과 없는 것
- ion-java: Java streaming parser/serializer for Ion.
- Build Your Own Container Using Less than 100 Lines of Go
- PyPy 5.1 released: We have seen an additional reduction of about 20% in memory requirements, and up to 30% warmup time improvement
- Monitoring HAProxy Real-time with Elasticsearch and Fluentd
- GitHub's CSP journey
- emudore, a Commodore 64 emulator
- A small ANSI C gui toolkit
- High-precision indoor positioning framework for most wifi-enabled devices
- Synchronization primitives in the Linux kernel. Part 2.
- Jaspy: a Python VM written entirely from scratch in JavaScript
- 자바스크립트 개발 가이드
- kite: Your programming copilot
- Visual Studio Code 1.0!
- JetBrains Releases IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1
- Hjson, the Human JSON
- 스칼라로 전환
- 오픈소스 코드 검색하려면 ‘소스그래프’
- FREE Book: Docker Up & Running - Preview Edition (by O'Reilly)
- Docker Engine Port for Windows Released
- 윈도우 10의 새 리눅스 시스템을 사용하기 전에 알아야 할 사항
- Appendix D: Java Programming Cheatsheet
- Professional Linux® Kernel Architecture
- 한국어 형태소 분석기 for Node.js
- gentellela: bootstrap 관리자 테마
- Frontend Development
- 고성능 서버/데이터베이스 소식
- 빅데이터/인공지능 소식
- LHC data at your fingertips
- 한 온라인 부동산 업체의 '하둡 최적화' 활용법
- "AI 보안, 지능형 공격 막기는 아직 무리"
- The Role of a Data Scientist in 2016
- Inside Pascal: NVIDIA’s Newest Computing Platform
- CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
- 6 Lesser Known Python Data Analysis Libraries
- MIT 6.00 컴퓨터 공학과 프로그래밍(Python) 오픈 코스
- Machine Learning 스터디 (18) Neural Network Introduction
- '책상 위 수퍼컴퓨터'··· 72코어 나이츠 랜딩 탑재 워크스테이션 나온다
- Google Cloud Machine Learning and Tensor Flow Alpha Release
- Dolphins Are Helping Us Hunt for Aliens
- Microsoft Releases Power BI Embedded Preview
- Visually Identifying Rank
- CUDA 7.5 on AWS GPU Instance Running Ubuntu 14.04
- Flappy Bird hack using Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep Q-learning).
- Open Sourcing Dr. Elephant: Self-Serve Performance Tuning for Hadoop and Spark
- Calling all developers: Predix is open for business
- Inception in TensorFlow
- Announcing TensorFlow 0.8 – now with distributed computing support!
- Tinker With a Neural Network Right Here in Your Browser
- Simple tutorials using Google's TensorFlow Framework
- Storm 1.0.0 released
- "자율주행 자동차, 전조등 없이 어둠 속에서도 길을 찾는다"...포드
- RL Course by David Silver
- How big is the Google Earth database?
- 도커와 AWS를 활용한 클라우드 딥러닝 환경 구축
- 딥러닝 강의 1주차 + VirtualBox에 Ubuntu + Anaconda
- The Role of a Data Scientist in 2016
- 기타 읽을거리
- 차세대 프로젝트 관리자에게 필요한 8가지 능력
- 11 Tips to become a better Interviewer? (Programming)
- 호기심 많은 직원이 '실속형 인재'인 이유
- The Real Story of How Amazon Built the Echo
- Q&A with John Willis on Burnout in the Software Industry
- S/W 공학과 실전과의 거리감
- The story behind NetHack's long-awaited update--the first since 2003
- Why every developer is an open source developer now
- 도대체 해경은 왜 못 구했나
- The evolutionary origins of laughter are rooted more in survival than enjoyment
- More Moonshot Secrets: Making Audacity the Path of Least Resistance
- 당신이 생각하는 것보다 운이 더 중요한 이유
- Sometimes Pain Is a Puzzle That Can’t Be Solved
- Sorry, You Can’t Speed Read
- The engineer’s engineer: Computer industry luminaries salute Dave Cutler’s five-decade-long quest for quality
- How old were the inventors of major inventions?
- mist-board: One Chip to Rule them All
- ‘챌린저’ 참사 30년, 그들이 남긴 것들
- How Airbnb designs for trust
- How a Car Engine Works
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