금주는 분량 조절 관계로 인해 오늘 나머지 부문에 대한 글을 올려드린다. 내주부터는 격주로 번갈아 가면서 소식을 전할 예정이므로 참고하시면 좋겠다. 독서광은 격주 토요일 오전에 올려드릴 예정이다.
- 빅데이터/인공지능
- '최고 AI 책임자' 채용을 심사숙고해야 하는 이유
- 테슬라 새 CIO는 클라우드 전문가··· 신 업무 시스템 개발 주도할 듯
- Apophenia - the human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns within random data.
- Google is acquiring data science community Kaggle
- 미래부, 인공지능 R&D 1천630억 투입
- RWA - Machine Learning on Sequential Data Using a Recurrent Weighted Average
- LG CNS, 스마트 팩토리 솔루션에 MS 클라우드 도입
- 딥러닝 (Tensorflow) 을 이용한 추천시스템 개발
- The First Woman In Space Turns 80, And You Probably Never Heard Of Her
- Attacking machine learning with adversarial examples
- Some Reflections on Being Turned Down for a Lot of Data Science Jobs
- 배달의민족, 인공지능(AI)에 100억원 투자
- Mathematics for Computer Science(PDF)
- Uncertainty in Deep Learning (PhD Thesis)
- Data Science Job Report 2017: R Passes SAS, But Python Leaves Them Both Behind
- Data Preprocessing vs. Data Wrangling in Machine Learning Projects
- Electronic energy meters’ false readings almost six times higher than actual energy consumption
- Don't Use Tesla's Autopilot Like This
- 삼성전자, 빅스비에 개발자 최소 3000명 투입…데이터 최적화 '올인'
- 페이스북, 무료 예측 툴 프로핏, 파이썬과 R용으로 오픈소스화
- [EDGE: 더 널리 알려져야 하는 과학 개념은?] 3. 자나 레빈: 최소 작용의 원리(The Principle of Least Action)
- Will Democracy Survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence?
- When Robots Take Bad Jobs
- On the Origin of Deep Learning
- 딥러닝 CIFAR-10 CNN 예제에 내 사진을 넣어서 학습시켜 보자
- 자율주행, 자동차산업의 빗장을 열다
- AI로 인한 일자리 상실 걱정, 출판업 종사자가 가장 크다
- Anomaly Detection for Time Series Data with Deep Learning
- LinkedIn endorsements are dumb. Here’s the data.
- Bare bones Python implementations of some of the fundamental Machine Learning models and algorithms.
- Natural Language Understanding with Distributed Representation
- [번역]봇은 어떻게 웹과 모바일앱을 무너뜨릴 수 있을까?
- 읽을거리
- Yes, Your Sleep Schedule is Making You Sick
- Science journalism can be evidence-based, compelling — and wrong
- The Lonely Towns of Fukushima
- Arrival Screenplay
- La La Land Screenplay
- The end-to-end refresh of our server hardware fleet
- Reverse-Engineering The Industry(Video Games)
- 6 Spirit Animals of Bad Managers [Infographic]
- Sleeping Beauty - a rogue-like game
- 전문_대통령 박근혜 탄핵심판(2016헌나1) 결정문 2017-03-10 오후 3:13:10
- South Koreans feel like chicken tonight after president's removal
- How to Drink Wine
- People who speak multiple languages make the best employees for one big reason
- Google may have found its next big business, and it won’t be a moonshot
- 예일대 수학과 312년 금녀의 벽 뚫은 오희 교수
- If you want to get smarter, speed-reading is worse than not reading at all
- 'Logan' Raises The Bar For Superhero Movies
- 20 Business Leaders & Their Books
- AMD Prepares 32-Core Naples CPUs for 1P and 2P Servers: Coming in Q2
- 신산업 새 장 열리는데… 한국 창업은 혁신형보다 생계형 치중
- 스타벅스, 한국서 '모바일앱 주문' 성공하기까지
- 한국은 왜 ‘4차 산업혁명’이 안 보일까
- (The Guardian) Empowering our editorial teams to impact page performance
- The Hidden Link Between Autism and Addiction
- “AMD가 돌아 왔다” 라이젠 CPU 집중 해부 벤치마크
- We Need More ‘Useless’ Knowledge
- If We Are Not Just Animals, What Are We?
- How I discovered my left AirPod was bad
- 트럼프가 물려받은 유산: 북한 미사일에 대응하는 비밀 사이버전(戰)
- (Cessna) The plane so good it's still in production after 60 years
- How to make your kid good at anything, according to a world expert on peak performance
- In praise of cash
- Passport and binary tree code, please: CompSci quizzes at US border just business as usual
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X CPU Review
- Beginner's Guide to Customer Segmentation
- The real causes of the worst drug crisis in US history
- A new opioid could provide pain relief—without causing addiction
- The AMD Zen and Ryzen 7 Review: A Deep Dive on 1800X, 1700X and 1700
- McDonald's Sees $100 Billion Delivery Market as Way to Grow
- Richard Feynman and The Connection Machine
- A new Seoul: Han Youngsoo's reborn Korea – in pictures
- This is why the boss will crush all your good ideas
- After 130 Years, Harvard Law Review Elects a Black Woman President
- 리더십 판단의 기본··· '직원이 지표다'
- 우리가 이야기를 즐기는 ‘과학적’ 이유는?
- Who Needs GPS? The Forgotten Story of Etak’s Amazing 1985 Car Navigation System
- The World’s Most Radical Experiment in Monetary Policy Isn’t Working
- 1인 기업의 시간과 수입관리
- 운동 패러독스 (1/2)
- Above and beyond: the world's best drone photography – in pictures
- Why Do Ballet Dancers Turn Clockwise?
- Warren Buffett’s letter to Berkshire Hathaway investors explains how to use fear to your benefit
- Good News About Worrying
- 신입 프론트엔드 개발자를 위한 면접 조언
- How to Become Rich, and 24 Other Insights from Warren Buffett
- 리더는 본디 외롭다, 동정 구하지 말라
- The Hunt for the Perfect Sugar
- How to Mentor a Perfectionist
- Oxford Dictionaries add 'clicktivism' and 'haterade' as new words for angry times
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