오늘의 짤방: Current state of solidity development via @0xfoobar
개발 관련 소식
- 팁과 유틸리티
- ‘학생에게 딱이네’··· 마이크로소프트, 원노트 개선 계획 소개
- Virtual Graph Paper
- RustDesk - 오픈소스 TeamViewer 대체제 (rustdesk.com)
- Muse 2.0 - Tool for Thought on iPad and Mac
- kinopio Spatial Thinking for New Ideas and Hard Problems
- fd는 find 를 대체할 수 있는 간단하고, 빠르고, 그리고 사용자 친화적인 commad line util이다.
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- “루프 인터페이스, 문서 첨부, 통합된 작업 목록” 새 아웃룩 미리 보기
- 프로그래밍
- We rebuilt Cloudflare's developer documentation - here's what we learned
- Web Audio Modem
- Web scraping with Python open knowledge
- SAML로 싱글사인온을 구현하는 방법
- Parsing JSON faster with Intel AVX-512
- Decoding A City In A Bottle
- What happened to Perl 7?
- (번역) 이미지 최적화에 대한 명확한 가이드
- Learnings from 5 years of tech startup code audits
- Uber가 Zig를 사용하는 방법 (jakstys.lt)
- Early Copy Protection on the Apple II
- FlatBuffers is a cross platform serialization library architected for maximum memory efficiency.
- apitracker - Discover the best APIs and developer resources
- Symbian Source Code - Final repositories from the defunct Symbian Foundation
- Modern programming languages require generics
- Leslie Lamport - The Man Who Revolutionized Computer Science With Math
- The unreasonable effectiveness of f-strings and re.VERBOSE
- Proper use of Git tags
- Donald Knuth on work habits, problem solving, and happiness
- 마케터를 위한 이메일 전달 가능성 체크리스트 (helloinbox.email)
- Is it bad practice nowadays to use “new” in C++?
- Smaller is better (The rise, fall, and rise of flat file software)
- Remult is a full-stack CRUD framework that uses your TypeScript model types
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- Math on GitHub: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Lotus 1-2-3 For Linux
- Python Standard Library changes in recent years
- Understand How Much Memory Your Python Objects Use
- The Tao of Acme - The Philosophy of Rob Pike’s Text Editor, Illuminated Through Mailing List History
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- State of the Java Ecosystem Report from New Relic
- "개발 언어 지배자는 여전히 자바스크립트와 파이썬"
- The Code Is the To-Do List
- Logging C Functions
- [독서광] 알고리즘 퍼즐(본인이 쓴 글)
- GOV.UK drops jQuery from their front end.
- Render mathematical expressions in Markdown
- The Future of Java as Seen by Mark Little at Devoxx UK 22: Native Java, Adoptium and Faster Pace
- 😵💫 Why billing systems are a nightmare for engineers
- Professional Programming: The First 10 Years
- [Tips] 개발자가 질문과 검색을 잘하는 법
- Wazero - Go 개발자를 위한 종속성 없는 WebAssembly 런타임 (github.com/tetratelabs)
- 서버 언어 전환 이야기
- everything you ever wanted to know about terminals
- 『프로그래밍 언어 속 타입』(가제) 책 소개
- Java 프로그래밍 기초 자료
- sc - Portable, stand-alone C libraries and data structures. (C99)
- Sandboxie is a sandbox-based isolation software for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows NT-based operating systems.
- Plain-text 인터넷이 온다 (protocol.com)
- Python 3.11 Is Indeed Faster Than 3.10
- Living Worlds: 8 Bit art animated with palette cycling
- How I learned to stop worrying and love the YAML
- You should be reading academic computer science papers
- URL, URI, URN: What's the Difference?
- Django 4.0.4 Best Practices Tutorial : Part 1
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- Fly.io: the Reclaimer of Heroku's Magic
- Airbridge API 개발팀의 Monorepo 도입기 (engineering.ab180.co)
- 2022 파이썬 언어 써밋 : Python without the GIL (pyfound.blogspot.com)
- Next.js tutorial
- Linux Insides
- Time-series compression algorithms, explained
- 검색의 미래는 부티크다 (a16z 글 번역 및 요약) (c-rocket.net)
- DevOps
- minikube quickly sets up a local Kubernetes cluster on macOS, Linux, and Windows.
- Kubescape is a K8s open-source tool providing a multi-cloud K8s single pane of glass, including risk analysis, security compliance, RBAC visualizer and image vulnerabilities scanning.
- Can Data on Kubernetes Become a Declarative Resource?
- The Kubernetes Goat is designed to be an intentionally vulnerable cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security 🚀
- Cockpit is a web-based graphical interface for servers, intended for every admins
- ok guys time to debug kubernetes
- Linux for Networking Professionals
- Observability Powered by SQL: Understand Your Systems Like Never Before With OpenTelemetry Traces and PostgreSQL
- AdMob 광고 중단 제재를 당했다가 해결까지의 과정 (무효 트래픽과 트래픽 품질)
- Parca - eBPF 기반의 지속적인 CPU/메모리 프로파일러 (github.com/parca-dev)
- 설계
- Design Patterns for writing better code
- The mindless tyranny of “what if it changes?” as a software design principle
- Amazing REST API Design Cheat Sheet
- Complexity is the mind killer
- How To Use Storytelling In UX
- Twenty Years of Patterns’ Impact
- Software Architecture: It Might Not Be What You Think It Is
- API Showdown: REST vs. GraphQL vs. gRPC – Which Should You Use?
- Design-First Approach to API Development: How to Implement and Why It Works
- You can create a great looking website while sucking at design
- 하드웨어
- 기계식 시계는 어떻게 동작하는가 (ciechanow.ski)
- This is a simulation of the 1972 Atari game Pong at a circuit level.
- [권석준 칼럼] 반도체 칩4동맹과 미국의 패권
- [권석준 칼럼] 반도체 칩4동맹과 미국의 패권 2
- Faster CRC32 on the Apple M1
- As silicon-based CPUs are reaching their maximum potential, how will AMD and Intel continue improving their CPUs in the future?
- 이 달의 CT 스캔 : iPod의 진화 (scanofthemonth.com)
- Vintage computer ads that show how far we’ve progressed, 1970-1990
- Engineers Investigating NASA’s Voyager 1 Telemetry Data
- How fast SSDs slow to a crawl: thermal throttling
- The Apple GPU and the Impossible Bug
- 경력 관리와 개발문화
- The age of Scrum is over
- 직원 1500명 회사 코드 직접 짜는 변태사장 이야기
- “IT 자격증 가치는 하락세, '비인증' 역량은 14년 만에 최대치” 美 푸트 파트너스
- Onboard New Developers with Better Coding Practices
- 전세계 스타트업 '감원 칼바람'…이달만 1만4000명 해고
- Managing Technical Debt in a Microservice Architecture
- 기술기업 비용 감축 본격화되나…클라르나, 전세계 인력 10% 감원
- Startup Trail: The Game of Startup Survival
- A Message from Bolt CEO Maju Kuruvilla
- MS "팀즈, '원격근무 개발자' 특화 협업툴로 진화"
- How is Microsoft able to consistently rally and compete with younger tech giants in cloud computing and software even though it's known to pay software engineers less than Google and Facebook?
- How To Be Successful
- 최악을 대비하세요 – YC (번역)
- ‘콰이강의 다리 문제’··· 테크놀로지스트의 전형적인 실수
- 내가 구글 WebAssembly 팀에서 그만둔 이유와 나를 아프게 한 것 (medium.com/@katelyngadd)
- The Neuroscience of Trust
- How should our company structure our data team?
- 주가 부양보다 인재 확보가 먼저…MS "성과급 2배 늘릴 것"
- Product-Market Fit 의 4가지 종류 (twitter.com/shreyas)
- How to Increase Your Chances of Getting a Job
- Building & scaling Engineering team
- Reinventing Performance Management
- Bringing Social Work Skills to the Workplace
- Why IT Projects Fail; How Can We Do Better? — Part 1: Failed Strategy, Prioritization, and Future State
- 국비지원 3개월차의 회고
- 내가 구글을 떠난 이유: 균형 (번역)
- 요즘 IT업계, ‘총알 채용’ 해야 사람 뽑는다
- 블록체인과 메타버스
- Two thought experiments to evaluate automated stablecoins
- Dweb: IPFS로 협력과 신뢰가 꽃피는 Web 만들기
- 가상화폐 휘청이자, 게임株도 와르르
- We’re discontinuing the Stablegains service. Please withdraw your remaining funds.
- How a Trash-Talking Crypto Founder Caused a $40 Billion Crash
- UST Crash (한국어)
- Public access for our Ethereum and IPFS gateways now available
- The problem with bitcoin miners
클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스 관련 소식
- 보안
- "영화에 가장 많이 등장한 앱" 앤맵의 주요 기능과 활용법
- 검색 계약한 마이크로소프트의 데이터 추적 허용한 덕덕고 브라우저
- Open-source tests of web browser privacy.
- kbd-audio - This is a collection of command-line and GUI tools for capturing and analyzing audio data.
- Almost all searches on my independent search engine are now from SEO spam bots
- Some top 100,000 websites collect everything you type—before you hit submit
- 클라우드
- 데이터베이스
- SQLite 3 Fiddle
- Go nulls and SQL
- Why SQLite may become foundational for digital progress
- MySQL Command Line Interface
- How To Benchmark PostgreSQL Queries Well
- Speeding up sort performance in Postgres 15
- SQLite의 Temporary Table 활용하기 (antonz.org)
- wp-sqlite - SQLite에서 Wordpress 실행하기 (github.com/stokry)
- Postgres Handles More Than You Think
- Let's build a distributed Postgres proof of concept
- Cron-based backup for sqlite
- Monarch: Google’s Planet-Scale In-Memory Time Series Database
보너스: 아침부터 뼈맞아쑤 via @kindlyKin
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