개발 관련 소식
- 팁과 유틸리티
- craft - Create documents, make impact
- kill-sticky - A bookmarklet to remove sticky elements and restore scrolling to web pages!
- Objective-See's Tools - free, open-source, tools to secure your Mac
- pdfgrep - a commandline utility to search text in PDF files
- figr - If Google Docs and your Calculator had a baby 👶
- iPhones and action discoverability, or "How the hell was I supposed to know that?"
- "모르면 손해" 반드시 알아야 할 크롬 키보드 단축키 10가지
- 윈도우 11 22H2 리뷰 | 작지만 환영할 만한 변화
- "새 부대엔 새 술 담아야" 아이폰 14 구입 후 제일 먼저 해야 하는 7가지
- "몰입을 방해받지 않을 권리" iOS 16의 새 알림 기능 사용법
- Dub is an open-source link shortener with built-in analytics and free custom domains.
- jqp - a TUI playground for exploring jq.
- http://Trianglify.io – Low Poly Pattern Generator
- Don’t sync to the cloud with Adobe XD. Work in the cloud with Figma.
- 프로그래밍
- Dockerfile Best Practices for Developers
- Volvo, 차량용 소프트웨어에 Rust 이용중 (medium.com)
- 수십 년째 요지부동, 'C 언어'가 왕좌 지키는 이유
- Robocode is a programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks in Java.
- How to Speed up Large Collections Processing in Java
- Lua, a misunderstood language
- latexify LaTeX for Python example
- How to Build a Personal Webpage from Scratch
- 깔끔한 코드를 원하면 "Rule of Six"만 기억하세요 (davidamos.dev)
- It’s here: please welcome Arduino IDE 2.0
- Building a Web server in Bash, part I - sockets
- A brief history of modern computers, multitasking and operating systems
- Making python fast for free - adventures with mypyc
- FE News는 네이버 FE 엔지니어들이 엄선한 양질의 FE 및 주요한 기술 소식들을 큐레이션 해 공유하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
- 고량주 12주 스터디 커리큘럼(for 프론트엔드)
- Five Walled Gardens: Why Browsers are Essential to the Internet and How Operating Systems Are Holding Them Back
- Go runtime: 4 years later
- Outdated vs. Complete
- 개발자 1인 회사인 분들, 기술 스택은 어떤걸 쓰시나요? (news.ycombinator.com)
- 58 bytes of CSS to look great nearly everywhere
- C++20, How Hard Could It Be
- On the strange joys of mainframe OSes and legacy tech that has survived into modern times
- Java 날짜 시간 유형에 대한 고찰
- Linux IP Stacks Commentary
- Hello, algorithms! Welcome to GitHub's largest open-source algorithm library
- 비동기 서버에서 이벤트 루프를 블록하면 안 되는 이유 1부 - 멀티플렉싱 기반의 다중 접속 서버로 가기까지
- Night Drive - I've made a JavaScript simulation of driving at night time on the motorway
- LXC and LXD: a different container story
- Rocketry is a modern statement-based scheduling framework for Python. It is simple, clean and extensive. It is suitable for small and big projects.
- 예시로 살펴보는 넥스트JS용 풀스택 프레임워크 ‘블리츠JS’
- Slack Machine - 간단하고 강력한 슬랙 봇 프레임워크 (github.com/DonDebonair)
- Slack releases platform open beta powered by Deno
- SVG support in Cloudflare Images
- React Starter Kit
- Olive.c is a simple graphics library that does not have any dependencies and renders everything into the given memory pixel by pixel.
- Can I Use a System Call?
- Azure CTO: "이제 새 프로젝트를 C/C++로 시작하는 것은 중단할 때가 되었음" (twitter.com/markrussinovich)
- [요약] 단위 테스트
- Safari 16.0 의 WebKit기능들 (webkit.org)
- Java 19 Delivers Features for Projects Loom, Panama and Amber
- JDK 19 Release Notes
- [독서광] 안드로이드 뜻밖의 역사(본인이 쓴 글)
- Faster CPython 3.12 Plan
- 🔍자동완성 검색 기능 UX 설계를 위한 8가지 팁
- Cache your CORS, for performance & profit
- The Past, Present, and Future of No-Code
- makerpad - Build XYZ without writing code.
- 100daysofnocode - Start learning to no-code the right way.
- Apache ShenYu: Java Responsive API Gateway Announced as Apache Top-Level Project
- LYM - Linux Command Line for You & Me (lym.readthedocs.io)
- How I’m a Productive Programmer With a Memory of a Fruit Fly
- Java's Cultural Problem
- The JavaScript Paradox
- Finding the “Second Bug” in glibc’s Condition Variable
- Deno: The Next-generation JavaScript Runtime, JSConf Korea 2022
- Top 6 tips for Docker Image Optimization
- Super Apps are Proliferating Across Emerging Markets
- GitUI provides you with the comfort of a git GUI but right in your terminal
- DevOps
- Why is Nginx called a “𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞” proxy?
- Sentry - see what actually matters, solve what's urgent faster, and learn continuously about their code.
- Fluentd 와 LogStash 비교
- How well do you know GitHub Actions?
- PLCrashReporter is a reliable open source library that provides an in-process live crash reporting framework for use on iOS, macOS and tvOS.
- Show GN: Terraform 입문자를 위한 실습 문서 - Hands on Terraform with GCP (heumsi.github.io)
- goreplay - 라이브 트래픽을 기록하고 섀도잉, 부하 테스트, 모니터링 및 세부 분석에 사용할 수 있는 오픈 소스 네트워크 모니터링 도구 (github.com/buger)
- P0f is a tool that utilizes an array of sophisticated, purely passive traffic fingerprinting mechanisms to identify the players behind any incidental TCP/IP communications (often as little as a single normal SYN) without interfering in any way.
- Argo CD on Rancher Desktop as a local GitOps K8s lab
- 설계
- 7 API guides that will boost your API development skills: 🧵
- The Rise of ``Worse is Better''(UNIX & C Philosophy)
- Real World Micro Services
- Learn how to design large-scale systems.
- Preventing Serverless Vendor Lock-in with Design Patterns
- REST API Naming Conventions and Best Practices
- It’s Time to Stop Saying “Software Architecture”
- 쉽게 풀이한 단순함(Simple Made Easy)
- 인프라, 어디까지 구축해 봤어?
- How do API Gateways Work? - Read & explore API Gateways, its benefits and how it works, here in this article!
- 하드웨어
- ‘진짜 오류인가 OS 업데이트 특성인가’ iOS 16 배터리 과소모 논란
- 애플이 하면 낯선 것도 표준이 된다
- 구글 픽셀 배터리 사용 시간을 획기적으로 늘리는 3가지 방법
- Google kills Stadia, will refund game purchases
- When the Push Button Was New, People Were Freaked
- "싱글 코어 vs. 멀티 코어" 서버용 CPU를 고르는 방법
- PlayStation 2 Architecture
- 구글, Dolby에 대항하는 오픈 미디어 포맷 개발중 (protocol.com)
- Linux On The Laptop Works So Damn Well That It’s Boring
- 지오로케이션을 더이상 신뢰하면 안 되는 이유
- 유심(USIM) 없앤 애플의 만용은 독점에서 나온다
- Apple, 임베디드 코어의 일부를 Arm ISA에서 벗어나 RISC-V로 변경하게 될 것 (techpowerup.com)
- iFixit: 아이폰 14는 수리하기 쉽게 완전히 재설계 되었다 (ifixit.com)
- Measuring CPU core-to-core latency
- 경력 관리와 개발문화
- ‘더 큰 그릇 되려면…’ IT경력 발전에 대한 14가지 조언
- Meta reportedly suspends all hiring, warns staff of possible layoffs
- Developer Imposter Syndrome
- 하루 16시간 죽어라 프로그래밍... 코딩 정글 뛰어든 늦깎이 타잔들
- Your CTO Should Actually Be Technical
- Fools! Stop Mysticizing System Dynamics
- 구글과 메타, 비용 및 인력 감축 예정(cnet.com)
- Avoiding homework with code (and getting caught)
- 인텔이 단기간에 역기능적 문화를 바꾼 비결
- So You Want To Compete With Steam
- Cloudflare Beta - Introducing Cloudflare
- Reasons you aren't updating your personal site
- 블록체인과 메타버스
- SmartPy is an intuitive and powerful smart contract development platform for Tezos
- 10 Incredible resources for all-things ZK Proofs. 🧵
- [이더리움 로드맵 총정리]
- The Cosmos Hub(whitepaper)
- ‘자바스크립트의 아버지’ 브렌던 아이크가 전하는 코딩·웹3·암호화폐의 미래
- How to explain zero-knowledge protocols to your children (1998) [pdf]
- Zero knowledge proofs (ZKPs) will revolutionize how we think about privacy and scaling computation.
- China’s Payment Duopoly May Struggle to Survive
클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스 관련 소식
- 보안
- After self-hosting my email for twenty-three years I have thrown in the towel. The oligopoly has won.
- Read this RapidAPI Comic to learn about SSL/TLS!👇🏼
- Application Security Learning Resources
- 금융사 '섀도우 IT'에 칼 빼든 미국 "은밀한 커뮤니케이션 관행 멈춰야"
- “크립토재커가 1달러 벌 때마다 피해자는 53달러 손해본다” 시스딕
- The first Zero Trust SIM
- Blocking Web Fonts for Speed and Privacy
- 클라우드
- Build a CQRS event store with Amazon DynamoDB
- GCP, AWS, Azure의 ARM 기반 서버들 성능 비교 (apisix.apache.org)
- 💫 AWS VPC 101 - Virtual Private Cloud is a fundamental concept of AWS ☁️
- AWS 쓰다 보면 꼭 고민하는 것, 비용 최적화!
- Netflix가 이미지 프로세싱을 AWS Lambda로 변경한 이유 (medium.com)
- AWS에 호구 잡히지 않는 방법 feat. CDN 비용절감 진행기
- "가동 중단 문제와 구인난 여전히 심각" 데이터센터 관련 동향 6가지
- 클라우드 비용은 인플레이션 중?
- AWS vs GCP reliability is wildly different
- 데이터베이스
- [테크리포트]클라우드 순풍에 오픈소스DBMS 돛 달았다
- Individual PostgreSQL instances to everyone
- Columnq - Simple CLI to help you query tabular data with support for a rich set of growing formats and data sources.
- Build a NoSQL Database From Scratch in 1000 Lines of Code
- LiteFS is a distributed file system that transparently replicates SQLite databases.
- Postgres Data Flow
- What we learned after I deleted the main production database by mistake
- How Not to Use MySQL
- SurrealDB is the ultimate cloud database for tomorrow's applications
보너스: CURL as you know is a goto tool for hitting API while doing a lot of testing. And this cheat sheet is sufficient :) via @sec_r0
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