Backend burger :) via @alexxubyte
개발 관련 소식
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- YouPlot is a command line tool that draws plots on the terminal.
- 프로그래밍
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- 터미널용 Clipboard 유틸리티 (
- Dev Container로 JavaScript 개발환경 구성
- Gitinerary - Track the work progress of people in your organization.
- RVVM - The RISC-V Virtual Machine
- Welcome to the interactive Shell Programming tutorial.
- git submodules are always the wrong solution.
- Why Python keeps growing, explained
- Godot 4.0: New Features demos
- Understanding Python imports, and pythonpath — once and for all
- Chronicle is a self-hostable microservice, built with Slim Framework, which enables authorized users to commit arbitrary data to an immutable, append-only public ledger.
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- Rows - The spreadsheet where data comes to life
- Single syscall "Hello, world" - part 1
- unioffice is a library for creation of Office Open XML documents (.docx, .xlsx and .pptx).
- OS.js is an open-source JavaScript web desktop platform with a window manager, application APIs, GUI toolkit, filesystem abstractions and much more.
- Why I encountered Go memory fragmentation? How did I resolve it?
- go-quartz - A minimalistic and zero-dependency scheduling library for Go.
- GNU poke: The extensible editor for structured binary data
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- jpath - Find the path of a key / value in a JSON hierarchy easily.
- Deno 1.31 릴리즈 (
- Make JDK source code UTF-8
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- "Clean" Code, Horrible Performance
- Testcontainers Database Integration Testing
- Why CMake sucks?
- Integration Testing made Easy with Testcontainers and Docker
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- Spring annotations every Java programmer should learn
- 17 Python Tips & Tricks 🧵👇
- 청구/수납 서비스 개발기 by Spoqa
- The Unit in Unit Testing
- 🐧🏭 linux-factory - a framework used to create custom linux debian operating systems
- Kong is a command-line parser for Go
- gitgpt - Natural Language Git CLI assistant
- Write a First Person Game in 2KB With Rust
- This repo contains the source code for the computer version of Anki.
- 5 Common React Mistakes to Avoid
- Thousands of FREE programming books for software engineers (learn every day):
- Diff Models - 코드를 편집하는 새로운 방법 (
- LINE 프런트엔드 개발자가 사용하는 프레임워크와 툴
- Anatomy Of A Dockerfile 🐋
- The Beginners Guide to Docker
- 프로그래밍 언어 및 프로그래밍 시스템 분야 번역 용례
- Here are 6 VS Code extensions that will enhance your coding experience 🧵 :
- memo - Memo Life For You
- 파이썬 프로그래머를 위한 러스트 입문
- Zellij is a workspace aimed at developers, ops-oriented people and anyone who loves the terminal.
- no: simple nodejs containers
- GoVCL - Cross-platform Golang GUI library.
- Roasting Websites And Making Them Better - Part 3
- Alternative JSON parser for Go (10x times faster standard library)
- gosaxml is a streaming XML decoder and encoder, similar in interface to the encoding/xml, but with a focus on performance, low memory footprint and on fixing many of the issues present in encoding/xml mainly related to handling of namespaces
- SSDFS Is The Newest Linux Filesystem & Catering To NVMe ZNS SSDs
- Excelize is a library written in pure Go providing a set of functions that allow you to write to and read from XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX files.
- Did you know that without 0x5F3759DF (magic number) Qake (the game) would not have been possible?
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- Bloom Filters Can Speed Up Your Code
- 모든 데이터를 훔치는 크롬 확장을 만들어봅시다 (
- GLAuth: LDAP authentication server for developers
- capacitorjs - A cross-platform native runtime for web apps.
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- LINE 프런트엔드 개발자가 사용하는 프레임워크와 툴
- - Build software collaboratively from anywhere in the world, on any device, without spending a second on setup
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- How to Flush the Output of the Python Print Function
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- The Fyne toolkit is an easy to learn, free and open source, platform for building graphical applications for desktop, mobile and beyond.
- All algorithms implemented in Rust - for education
- After Alaska Airlines planes bump runway while taking off from Seattle, a scramble to ‘pull the plug’
- Docker cheat sheet
- Atreugo - High performance and extensible micro web framework with zero memory allocations in hot paths.
- Graphic is a grammar of data visualization and Flutter charting library.
- The best way to use Testcontainers with Spring Boot
- Go kit is a programming toolkit for building microservices (or elegant monoliths) in Go.
- Jarviz Delivers Inspection and Insights to JAR Files
- Linus Torvalds' Advice On Git Merges: "If you cannot explain a merge, then JUST DON'T DO IT"
- A Million WebSockets and Go
- A pure Golang, cross-platform, MIT-licensed UI toolkit for developers
- Harvard University is offering free IT courses (start learning today):
- The end of Type 1
- Linux 6.3 Introducing Hardware Noise "hwnoise" Tool
- If you want to master Git and GitHub fast, you have to know about these resources:
- 거의 완벽한 브라우저 핑거프린팅을 지원하는 새로운 크롬 헤드리스 모드 릴리즈 (
- 파이썬을 처음 사용하는 동료와 효율적으로 일하는 방법
- online YAML/JSON diff tool
- Awesome Go
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- Best GitHub Repositories for Developers 🔥
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- Vite React ReScript Starter
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- Going Beyond Limits: Scalability Test CI for Kubernetes CNI Operator with Simulated Cluster
- GitHub is an absolute goldmine of quality learning resources. Here are 7 programming repos you'll wish you knew sooner:
- Make systemd better for Podman with Quadlet
- Linux 6.2: The first mainstream Linux kernel for Apple M1 chips arrives
- The Philosophy of Computer Science
- 토이프로젝트 WebP 변환기입니다. 😎: 소스 코드
- DOjS - A DOS JavaScript Canvas with sound.
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- 인텔, 엄청 빠른 AVX-512 정렬 라이브러리 공개 (
- A comparison of ActiveMQ and Kafka
- The internals of Go Channels
- Few lesser known tricks, quirks and features of C
- Local-First Web Development
- Performance Measured: How Good Is Your WebAssembly?
- Tetris is Capable of Universal Computation
- GoatCounter - Easy web analytics. No tracking of personal data.
- DevOps
- Skipper is an HTTP router and reverse proxy for service composition.
- Canary deployment using Argo Rollouts and Nginx
- A visual guide on troubleshooting Kubernetes deployments
- Learn How to Setup a CI/CD Pipeline from Scratch
- Grafana 9.4 release: Easy data source setup, custom panels, Grafana Alerting updates, and more
- What Are the Hardest Parts of Kubernetes to Learn?
- Deploying a FastAPI Application on Kubernetes: A Step-by-Step Guide for Production
- KubeShark: Wireshark for Kubernetes
- How Many Kubernetes Clusters Exist Today?
- Guide to Getting Started With Kubernetes [2023 Edition]
- 워크서버개발팀의 GitHub Actions 적용기
- Runlike - 도커 컨테이너 실행 명령 출력하기 (
- What is SDLC? Understand the Software Development Life Cycle
- SRE Vs. DevOps: Differences Explained
- You can't have both high utilization and high reliability
- Kafka metrics monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
- Kubectl-debug is an 'out-of-tree' solution for connecting to and troubleshooting an existing, running, 'target' container in an existing pod in a Kubernetes cluster.
- Setting up readiness and liveness health-check probes in Kubernetes with SpringBoot
- Awesome Observability
- Kubernetes 101, part I, the fundamentals
- Fast-Kubernetes - This repo covers Kubernetes objects' and components' details (Kubectl, Pod, Deployment, Service, ConfigMap, Volume, PV, PVC, Daemonset, Secret, Affinity, Taint-Toleration, Helm, etc.) fastly, and possible example usage scenarios (HowTo: Hands-on LAB) in a nutshell.
- Platform for managing multi-cloud Kubernetes clusters with each nodepool in a different cloud-provider
- Kubernetes Practice — Automating Blue/Green Deployment with Argo Rollouts
- Traceo is an open-source set of tools for monitoring application health by collecting and aggregating data from the software.
- rexray: REX-Ray is a container storage orchestration engine enabling persistence for cloud native workloads
- Cluster Networking
- ali - A load testing tool capable of performing real-time analysis, inspired by vegeta and jplot.
- Ansible Infrastructure Testing
- Kubernetes: Deploying and scaling applications on minikube using Kubernetes manifests — nginx web server deployment.
- Lessons learnt while trying to modernize some C code
- The modern web’s underrated powerhouse
- Volumes in Kubernetes
- Networking in Kubernetes
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- Amdahl's law: the nightmare of a perf engineer!
- 설계
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- Go Backend Clean Architecture
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- Hexagonal architecture: What is it and why should you use it?
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- Gossip Glomers - We're We run apps for our users on hardware we host around the world. This post isn't about our platform. Rather, it's an elaborate plot to get you to write some code just for the hell of it.
- A Gentle Introduction to CRDTs
- Goa takes a different approach to building services by making it possible to describe the design of the service API using a simple Go DSL.
- How scaled to millions of users with Google Sheets as a backend
- Finding Adequate Metrics for Outer, Inner, and Process Quality in Software Development
- Colin McCabe Updates on Apache Kafka KRaft Mode
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- The Complete Guide to Ace the System Design Interview
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- 2023년 적용 SW기술자 평균임금 공표 (조사년도 2022년)
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- 카카오, 채용 절차 진행 중 면접 앞두고 전원 탈락 통보..무슨 일?
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- 프로그래밍의 종말
- Goodbye, CSS-Tricks!
- Writing an engineering strategy.
쉬어가기: via @bibryam
보안/클라우드/데이터베이스 관련 소식
- 보안
- “취약점은 연평균 26% 늘어나는데…패치 관리 여전히 미흡” 테너블 보고서
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- Access Token and Refresh Token: A Comprehensive Guide
- LastPass says employee’s home computer was hacked and corporate vault taken
- Hackers Claim They Breached T-Mobile More Than 100 Times in 2022
- How does HTTP Basic Authentication works in Spring Security?
- Vulnerability Scanning in Go With Govulncheck
- moochacha - Encrypt files using a random keyfile, like enchive without public keys.
- “코드베이스 84%서 최소 하나 이상의 오픈소스 취약점 발견돼”
- Best Practices for Securing Your Home Network
- Rustls is a modern TLS library written in Rust. It uses ring for cryptography and webpki for certificate verification.
- 한국식 발명품 ‘가명정보’에 법원이 제동 건 이유 (ft. 가명처리)
- kubeaudit is a command line tool and a Go package to audit Kubernetes clusters for various different security concerns.
- Awesome CyberSec Resources - Collection of Cybersecurity Resources
- How to Implement a Security Scanner for Docker Images
- StatiCrypt uses AES-256 to encrypt your HTML file with your long password and return a static page including a password prompt and the javascript decryption logic that you can safely upload anywhere (see what the page looks like).
- teler - Real-time HTTP Intrusion Detection
- 클라우드
- 클라우드 송환, 촐싹대지 마라
- New – Amazon Lightsail for Research with All-in-One Research Environments
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- If you're new to cloud tech ☁️, instead of trying to master everything at once, focus on the basics first👇
- Awesome Azure
- Firecracker internals: a deep dive inside the technology powering AWS Lambda
- From Go on EC2 to +fun, −$9/mo
- Behind the scenes of Vercel's infrastructure: Achieving optimal scalability and performance
- Automatic API Key rotation for Amazon Managed Grafana
- “클라우드 이전으로 인프라 비용 40% 절감” 美 금융산업규제청 CIO
- Amazon EC2 names explained
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- 구글 클라우드, ‘플렉스 요금제’로 클라우드 수요 반등 노린다
- Let’s Architect! Architecture tools
- The Good, Bad & The Ugly of AWS Lambda
- Serverless GraalVM Demo
- LG CNS, 신한銀 클라우드 플랫폼 구축 완료…'앱 현대화'
- SK㈜ C&C ‘뉴NH올원뱅크’에 클라우드 적용…‘생활금융 서비스’ 재탄생
- Here are the top 10 things you should focus on to protect EKS workloads against ransomware and all intrusions
- EMR vs Kubernetes cluster: Which to choose when?
- AWS Publishes Reference Architecture and Implementations for Deployment Pipelines
- AWS Skill Builder - 온라인 학습 센터에서 자신의 진도에 맞추어 수요가 많은 클라우드 기술 습득
- The AWS Serverless feature you’re probably not using (yet)
- EKS Anywhere 구축기
- 데이터베이스
- Why databases need Write-ahead log (WAL) — A deep dive
- Build Your Own Database From Scratch
- DriftDB is a real-time data backend that runs on the edge.
- RocksDB Is Eating the Database World
- Database Sharding Explained
- redix is a key-value datastore with pluggable storage engines and redis protocol as interface
- Redis Explained
- Database Pages — A deep dive
- gosqlapi - Turns any SQL database into a RESTful API. Currently supports MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and SQLite.
- Events Patterns: Message Relay with Change Data Capture
- The Untold Story of SQLite
보너스: semantic versioning in kubernetes via @memenetes
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