오늘의 짤방: UX in real life via @vponamariov
개발 관련 소식
- 팁과 유틸리티
- 마이크로소프트 365의 리스트 앱 기본 활용하기
- How-to : 집에 굴러 다니는 태블릿을 보조 모니터로 바꾸는 방법
- MS 워드에 ‘서식 없는 텍스트’ 붙여넣기 단축키 생긴다
- “안 쓰면 손해” 윈도우 11 3월 업데이트에서 주목해야 할 신기능 5선
- “패스워드가 뭐였더라?!” 맥 암호를 복구하는 방법
- degoogle - Cutting Google out of your life
- FlyingCarpet - Wireless, encrypted file transfer over automatically configured ad hoc networking.
- 마이크로소프트 365 구독이 ‘돈값’ 제대로 하는 6가지 이유
- “빙 챗 통합부터 메모장 탭까지” 윈도우 11 기능 업데이트의 10가지 주요 변화
- Detail - 여러 카메라를 동시에 녹화해서 편집하는 맥/iOS용 비디오 앱 (detail.co)
- “사운드스위치부터 샤프키까지” 윈도우 파워유저를 위한 무료 툴 5가지
- erdtree - A modern, vibrant, and multi-threaded file-tree visualizer and disk usage analyzer that respects hidden files and .gitignore rules by default i.e. the secret love child of tree and du.
- Self-Host All the Things?
- frangipanni - Program to convert lines of text into beautiful tree structures.
- 프로그래밍
- JDK 20 G1/Parallel/Serial GC changes
- “코드 깔끔하게 유지하기” 파이썬 형식 검사기 4가지
- “오라클 라이선스 논란이 도화선” 이클립스 자바 다운로드 ‘폭증’
- Technology Trends for 2023
- Understanding Python imports, __init__.py and pythonpath — once and for all
- Understanding Java Through Graphs
- Scavenger was started from codekvast. Codekvast is the first tool which enables runtime dead code analysis in Java. Scavenger provides more sophisticated and clear UI and elaborate the instrumentation logic by re-writing most of codes.
- Python-based compiler achieves orders-of-magnitude speedups
- DEVIEW 2023 발표영상 공개 (d2.naver.com)
- Announcing .NET 8 Preview 2
- The semver package provides the ability to work with Semantic Versions in Go.
- docconv - A Go wrapper library to convert PDF, DOC, DOCX, XML, HTML, RTF, ODT, Pages documents and images to plain text.
- How Did Dennis Ritchie Produce His PhD Thesis? [pdf]
- GoReplay is an open-source network monitoring tool which can record your live traffic and use it for shadowing, load testing, monitoring and detailed analysis.
- Highlight - 세션 리플레이 가능한 모니터링 플랫폼 오픈소스 (github.com/highlight)
- 러스트는 어떻게 세계에서 가장 사랑받는 프로그래밍 언어가 되었나?
- A Kakoune / Neovim inspired editor, written in Rust.
- Welcome to the learnrubyonline.org free interactive Ruby tutorial.
- pgrok - Poor man's ngrok (github.com/pgrok)
- Switching From C++ to Rust
- Creating a Load Balancer in GO
- Overhead of Returning Optional Values in Java and Rust
- gcache - Cache library for golang. It supports expirable Cache, LFU, LRU and ARC.
- potatis - Generic CPU(mos6502) emulator.
- Svix is the enterprise ready webhook service
- The errorx library provides error implementation and error-related utilities.
- The Great Gaslighting of the JavaScript Era
- Open-Source Package ngrok-go Aims to Make it Easier to Embed Ingress into Go Apps
- webdriver - Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js
- Boilr is here to help you create projects from boilerplate templates.
- Nushell - A new type of shell.
- Textual is a Rapid Application Development framework for Python, built by Textualize.io.
- Everything curl is an extensive guide for all things curl.
- Penna is an opinionated backend for slf4j that focuses on doing one thing right: Logging structured logs in json format to the console.
- RJIT, Ruby를 위한 새로운 JIT (github.com/ruby)
- Style your terminals using Go-Palette 🎨
- NESFab - NES 게임 개발용 프로그래밍 언어 (pubby.games)
- DevOps in Linux — Systemd Introduction
- Coltrane - A music calculation library/CLI written in Ruby.
- cloudflared tunnel - Nice free ngrok alternative.
- What is Systems Programming, Really?
- Awesome Rust - A curated list of Rust code and resources.
- C/C++를 가르치기 전에 생각해 보기
- 자바스크립트에서 객체지향을 하는 게 맞나요?
- Awesome Tiny JS - 초소형 JS 라이브러리들 모음 (github.com/thoughtspile)
- Meilisearch helps you shape a delightful search experience in a snap, offering features that work out-of-the-box to speed up your workflow.
- 📦⚡️ Casdoor - A UI-first centralized authentication / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform based on OAuth 2.0 / OIDC.
- Running NATS as WebSocket Server
- Melody is websocket framework based on github.com/gorilla/websocket that abstracts away the tedious parts of handling websockets.
- protoactor-go - Introducing cross platform actor support between Go and C#.
- go-selfupdate - Enable your Golang applications to self update. Inspired by Chrome based on Heroku's hk.
- 2023 웹 프레임워크 성능 보고서 (astro.build)
- 고, 인기 프로그래밍 언어 상위 10위권 진입
- 2023년 3월 2주차 개발 뉴우스
- Microsoft, 초보자를 위한 Progressive Web App(PWA) 영상 강의 공개 (youtube.com)
- All JavaScript and TypeScript Features of the last 3 years
- JDK 20 and JDK 21: What We Know So Far
- Object Oriented Programming in Python
- CodingBat code practice
- The 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐱 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦
- OAuth for Java Developers
- GORM - The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly.
- Fx is a dependency injection system for Go.
- cronsun is a distributed cron-style job system. It's similar with crontab on stand-alone *nix.
- go-is-not-good - This repository is a list of articles that complain about golang's imperfection.
- Ristretto is a fast, concurrent cache library built with a focus on performance and correctness.
- Overhead of Python Asyncio tasks
- 20 java best practices
- Writing - 앱 내에 선택하는 단어는 사용자 경험의 필수적인 부분입니다 (developer.apple.com)
- go-restful - package for building REST-style Web Services using Google Go
- RustPython - A Python-3 (CPython >= 3.11.0) Interpreter written in Rust 🐍 😱 🤘.
- Spring Boot provides three features that enable us to be productive developers:
- Java’s Highly Scalable Low-Latency Garbage Collector : ZGC
- 2023년 웹 개발 트렌드 10가지 (번역) (ykss.netlify.app)
- autostrada - The perfect start to your new Go project
- Bevy 0.10: data oriented game engine built in Rust
- Total.js – Low-code development (Node-RED alternative)
- Coder - Self-Hosted Remote Development Environments
- Cppfront - C++와 호환되는 실험적 컴파일러 (github.com/hsutter)
- After Dark Screensavers in CSS
- Boosting Your Java JSON Processing: Practical Tips and Tricks
- Safety and Soundness in Rust
- Legacy Software Systems: How to Live with Aging Software Architecture?
- Lander, a lunar lander style web game
- The Case For Go Backends
- The State of WebAssembly 2022
- Pay attention to WebAssembly
- Scavenger - 런타임 데드코드 분석 도구 오픈소스 (github.com/naver)
- Best Practices for Building a Validation Layer in Go
- Be Careful Using tmux and Environment Variables
- Kotlin VS Java. Which is better for you?
- Mastering Java Logging Frameworks with Examples — Part 1
- DevOps
- 쿠버네티스 아키텍처 이해하기
- GitOps: Multi-Tenancy with Argo CD
- How to make your Python Docker images secure, fast & small
- Practical Introduction to Prometheus Monitoring in 2023
- EaseProbe is a simple, standalone, and lightweight tool that can do health/status checking, written in Go.
- Kubernetes: DaemonSets
- Testcontainers for Go is a Go package that makes it simple to create and clean up container-based dependencies for automated integration/smoke tests.
- How CodeCatalyst compares to other AWS Services related to Development and CI/CD processes
- Docker Image Management
- Docker Compose Basics: Container Infrastructure Provisioning
- Exploring ephemeral containers in kubernetes
- Creating your first Docker Container - A beginner's Guide
- Minikube 와 함께하는 Kubernetes Study - 목차
- 게임 서버 시스템을 위한 HikariCP 옵션 및 권장 설정
- How We Deploy 5X Faster with Warm Docker Containers
- State of Infrastructure-from-Code 2023
- 70 Best Kubernetes Tutorials
- 7 container design patterns you need to know
- Optimizing Node.js Performance: Detecting Memory Leaks and High CPU Usage
- Big Trucks, Jackie Chan movies, and millions of cardboard boxes: How Amazon Does DevOps in Real Life
- 설계
- Serverless & Well Architected
- Airbnb System Architecture
- Microservices Architecture – Explained in Plain English
- Virtualization Internals Part 2 - VMWare and Full Virtualization using Binary Translation
- Virtualization Internals Part 1 - Intro to Virtualization
- Structural Design patterns in JAVA with real life examples.
- Present and Future of the Microservice Architecture
- T-shaped Software Architect
- Creational Design Patterns in Java with real life examples
- Clean Architecture in Go
- JVM Architecture
- Amazing Design Patterns for Microservices Cheat Sheet:
- Dear Architect #125
- Reliability: It’s Not Great
- On maintainence and reuse
- Achieving High-Performance the Functional Way
- Here are the fundamental types of clocks used in distributed systems:
- 경력 관리와 개발문화
- 개발자여, '속도 강박'에서 벗어나라
- “회의 횟수와 시간, 1년 전보다 더 많아졌다” 협업툴 업체 아사나
- '줄잇는 정리해고 vs. IT 인력난 지속'··· 일자리 현실은?
- 🚀 12년 차 개발자의 감정 관리법
- 수습 탈락 통보, 부당해고로 되지 않으려면?
- 카카오엔터 자회사 청산… 네이버는 美계열사 정리해고
- CSS Media Query 완벽 가이드 (polypane.app)
- "오자마자 떠나는 신입직원, 왜?"…기업 직원 연수 재점검할 때
- A guide to deep work for founders
- 뱅크샐러드, 구조조정 돌입
- Want an unfair advantage in your tech career? Consume content meant for other roles
- 불확실한 미래, 생존 위해 언제든 사표… MZ세대 이직 행렬
- 1,000개의 투자자 보고서를 읽고 배운 것 (collabfund.com)
- "Here's the number I used to win the lottery" –Entrepreneurs giving advice
- My Experience as a Dev Chat speaker at AWS re:Invent 2022
- Awesome Platform Engineers
보안/클라우드/데이터베이스 관련 소식
- 보안
- “사기 거래 31만 건 잡아냈다” 토스 사례로 본 FDS의 조건
- 비밀번호 관리자의 ‘자동 채우기’ 기능을 조심해서 사용해야 하는 이유
- Exploiting CORS – How to Pentest Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Vulnerabilities
- Dockle - Container Image Linter for Security, Helping build the Best-Practice Docker Image, Easy to start
- Roadmap for everyone who wants DevSecOps.
- Spring security features and secure Rest API using spring security in JAVA
- 베라포트: 제대로 작동하지 않는 한국의 애플리케이션 관리 소프트웨어어 (palant.info)
- Experts Identify Fully-Featured Info Stealer and Trojan in Python Package on PyPI
- 클라우드
- How we saved 90% of costs by moving from AWS Lambda to AWS Fargate
- ‘좌 클라우드 우 메인프레임’··· 델타 항공 IT 현대화의 두 날개
- Amazon Linux 2023, a Cloud-Optimized Linux Distribution with Long-Term Support
- Speeding up Amazon ECS container deployments
- Introducing Amazon S3 Object Lambda – Use Your Code to Process Data as It Is Being Retrieved from S3
- Who's Using Amazon Web Services? [2020 Update]
- Protomaps - Serverless 지도를 오픈소스로 공개 (protomaps.com)
- "삼성SDS 2년간 뼈 깎는 노력, 클라우드로 다 바꿨다"
- AWS S3 Sync - An Extensive Guide
- 클라우드 플레어 - 제로 트러스트 서비스
- To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve
- AWS Lambda: Resilience under-the-hood
- Let’s Architect! Architecting a data mesh
- quickwit - Sub-second search & analytics engine on cloud storage
- 경제 불확실성에 클라우드 최우선 과제도 변화 : 플렉세라 보고서
- A CLI tool to visualize AWS cost and usage data
- Developing portable AWS Lambda functions
- Uploading large objects to Amazon S3 using multipart upload and transfer acceleration
- What Are Cloud-Bound Applications?
- AKS vs EKS vs GKE
- ‘클라우드 포워드’ 셔터스톡 IT 리더들이 전하는 쾌속 혁신법
- How to use policies to restrict where EC2 instance credentials can be used from
- 서버리스에 속지 마세요 (world.hey.com)
- 데이터베이스
- Inside logical replication in PostgreSQL: How it works
- PostgreSQL 14 Internals
- Postgres Architecture is fascinating
- Should You Use char, varchar, or text in PostgreSQL?
- Neon is a serverless open-source alternative to AWS Aurora Postgres.
- Postgres VACUUM and Xmin Horizon
- ZincSearch is a search engine that does full text indexing.
- Infrastructure as SQL on AWS: IaSQL Enters Beta Adding Multi-Region and Transactions
보너스: Instagram back at it again with "bool == true" via @PR0GRAMMERHUM0R
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