(오늘의 짤방: 인티 앨리엔싱 켜서 그런거 아닌가? via @PasteCat)
개발 관련 소식
- 팁과 유틸리티
- Never Change Your Password
- Slither Link를 포함한 각종 온라인 퍼즐 게임
- Summle - A little math game
- Chicago95 - XFCE / Xubuntu Windows 95 Total Conversion
- '필수를 넘어 고전이 된' 윈도우 PC 관리 소프트웨어 12종
- 엑셀 방향키 이동 안될때 스크롤락
- GNU Parallel Tutorial
- fd is a program to find entries in your filesystem. It is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
- A List of Hacker News's Undocumented Features and Behaviors
- NewPipe - The lightweight YouTube experience for Android
- PeerTube, developed by Framasoft, is the free and decentralized alternative to video platforms
- Sioyek is a PDF viewer designed for reading research papers and technical books.
- 프로그래밍
- Interop 2022: 브라우저가 함께 작동하여 개발자를 위한 웹 개선
- Open-Source Computer Science Degree
- 'WPF의 현대적 재해석' 아발로니아 UI의 이해
- ‘아파치 카프카’, 개념부터 사용례까지
- The rise of dark web design: How sites manipulate you into clicking
- Speeding up Go's builtin JSON encoder up to 55% for large arrays of objects
- Split the States
- Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know(2020)
- Execution and Static Analysis Support for MSVC on Compiler Explorer
- Open Web Advocacy - 애플의 타사 브라우저 금지 규칙에 이의 제기 (open-web-advocacy.org)
- 2022년 웹 개발에서 고려해야 할 환경
- 간편하게 서버 데이터를 로딩하는 Fetcher, Swift로 구현하기
- SingleFile helps you to save a complete web page into a single HTML file.
- Single binary executable packages
- The Decline and Fall of Java on the Desktop Part 1 (1999-2005)
- What influenced the choice of 'void' as a symbol (keyword) in C programming language to denote absence of meaningful return value of function and absence of parameters (fake data type)? Does the idea come from some other language?
- Why are both (int) and (long) in C++ as both take the same memory?
- Which are the hardest C++ concepts beginners struggle to understand? How would you have explained them?
- Javascript to Rust e북(PDF) (github.com/vinodotdev)
- Winning Wordle
- The Micro-Frontends future
- Solid.js feels like what I always wanted React to be
- GitLens 12 Brings Support for Visual Studio Code for the Web
- Practical Guide to Solving Hard Problems
- Hoppscotch: Open-source alternative to Postman
- What use is mental math in 2022?
- fork() is evil; vfork() is goodness; afork() would be better; clone() is stupid
- 사용자가 페이지를 떠날 때 안정적으로 HTTP 요청을 보내는 방법
- Drifting in Space - Server infrastructure to supercharge browser-based tools.
- Welcome to Linux From Scratch!
- Using Zig As Cross Platform C Toolchain
- 가볍게 살펴보는 새로운 한/글 파일 포맷 HWPX
- 가장 빠른 GIF는 존재하지 않음 (biphelps.com)
- Win32 is the stable Linux userland ABI (and the consequences)
- Kratos is a microservice-oriented governance framework implemented by golang
- Year 2038 problem is still alive and well
- mureq is a single-file, zero-dependency alternative to python-requests
- 커맨드 라인 인터페이스 가이드라인 (clig.dev)
- NO_COLOR environment variable
- Liquorix is a distro kernel replacement built using the best configuration and kernel sources for desktop, multimedia, and gaming workloads.
- mirrord - A Visual Studio Code extension that lets you easily mirror traffic from your Kubernetes cluster to your development environment.
- Anatomy of a Terminal Emulator
- Language Design - So you want to design a programming language (2017)
- (특히 한국어) 프로그래밍 서적에 대한 다양한 읽을거리+서평 모음
- AMP Has Irreparably Damaged Publishers’ Trust in Google-led Initiatives
- "완전한 병렬성과 원격 작업 지원" 획기적인 프로젝트 빌드 툴 '팬츠'
- Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, in Bash
- Moving the kernel to modern C
- How I Shaved 187MB Off United Airline's 439mb iOS App
- 소프트웨어는 녹이 슨다
- On Anki's database
- Everything you need to know about monorepos
- The cats sitting on a fence in early builds of Windows 8
- Flutter가 가장 인기 있는 크로스 플랫폼 모바일 SDK인 이유
- C++ exceptions are becoming more and more problematic
- This is a RISC-V JIT for rv32i.
- Backstage is an open platform for building developer portals.
- Kubernetes Documentary Part 1: A Critical Review
- Things that used to be hard and are now easy
- Penpot is the first Open Source design and prototyping platform meant for cross-domain teams.
- YARP (which stands for "Yet Another Reverse Proxy") is a project to create a reverse proxy server (by Microsoft)
- Fengari (Moon in greek) is the Lua VM written in JavaScript.
- Game Boy Fiver [Wordle clone]: How to compress 12972 five-letter words to 17871 bytes
- Originally published in 1987, Unix Text Processing (UTP) (written by Dale Dougherty and Tim O'Reilly) provides one of the few comprehensive looks at all the tools involved in a typical troff-based writing workflow.
- How to set up a blog with Hugo and Cloudflare (and why you should)
- Pyrite- Open source video conferencing
- (Experimental) Jujutsu is a Git-compatible DVCS.
- Linux's GPLv2 licence is routinely violated
- DIAL - 폰에서 TV를 찾고 앱을 실행할 수 있게 해주는 프로토콜 (dial-multiscreen.org)
- Faster Python calculations with Numba: 2 lines of code, 13× speed-up
- Standalone Nori (Korean Morphological Analyzer in Apache Lucene) written in C++.
- GStreamer 1.20: Embedded & WebRTC lead the way
- LXC vs Docker: Which Container Platform Is Right for You?
- DevOps
- Elementary – Open-source data observability
- miniboss is a Python application for locally running a collection of interdependent docker services
- 5 new sudo features sysadmins need to know in 2022
- What the SRE team wants to achieve with the development team
- 10 real-world stories of how we’ve compromised CI/CD pipelines
- Awesome Tunneling - ngrok 대체제 모음 (github.com/anderspitman)
- Kubernetes 네트워킹 101
- Nginx 설정 시 가장 많이 하는 10가지 실수 피하기
- A guide to Kubernetes architecture
- 설계
- Boss Up: Boss Battle Design Fundamentals and Retrospective
- 10 Software Architecture Patterns in Enterprise Software Development
- Rapid Event Notification System at Netflix
- 2012-04-17 만화 서비스 오픈 후기
- 10 principals in design system architecture
- Data Feast — A Highly Scalable Feature Store at Dream11
- CQRS Software Architecture Pattern: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- 하드웨어
- 경력 관리와 개발문화
- ‘첫 단추 잘 꿰기’ 신임 CIO를 위한 팀 내 신뢰 구축 ABC
- Why is it becoming so common for senior software engineers to intentionally drop out of hiring processes that require coding tests?
- Why can’t a retiring aircraft carrier be modernized like the 4 battleships were and remain in service for years to come?
- The Road to Success is Paved with Rejection Letters: My other CV. The CV of failures.
- My Salary Negotiation Strategy
- The Painfully Shy Developer's Guide to Networking for a Better Job (Without Being Creepy)
- The Perfect Storm Causing an Insane Tech Hiring Market
- Effective Teams Don’t Keep Secrets
- Maximize Value, not Quantity
- 호라이즌 제로 던의 발전 영상으로 보는 게임 개발 프로세스의 이해
- 블록체인
- 정부 NFT 가상자산 편입 논의..금융연 "게임NFT는 OK..미술NFT 'NO' "
- [칼럼] P2E에 찬물 한 바가지? 헌법재판소, 게임머니 환전 금지 합헌 판결
- OMNUUM - NFT Standard for Multi-Chain Networks
- 코인에 수십억 넣은 '슈퍼 개미' 4000명…투자자 분석해보니
- 가스비가 높아도 유저들이 이더리움으로 몰리는 이유? - 수수료 감내할 만하다고 판단하기 때문
- 쓰레기도 NFT 붙이면 팔린다? 이젠 아닙니다
- A guide to IPFS connectivity in web browsers
- I was wrong, we need crypto (world.hey.com)
클라우드/고성능 서버/데이터베이스 관련 소식
- 보안
- ipleak.net - IP/DNS Detect service
- What is a DNS leak and why should I care?
- 데브옵스 파이프라인이 공격을 받는 이유와 대처 방안
- Privacy Preserving Attribution for Advertising
- RESTful API 서버를 위협하는 한 글자, 슬래시
- GitHub Advisory Database now open to community contributions
- Open Source Identity and Access Management
- Is Grammarly a Keylogger? What Can You Do About It?
- Google Workspace security
- 구글, 개발자용 개인정보 보호 플랫폼 '첵스' 출시
- Asustor NAS owners hit by DeadBolt ransomware attack: ASUS (ASUSTOR) 근황 참고
- DevOops is a retired machine on HackTheBox. This write-up is a walk through the methodology that leads to root shell.
- How to secure API Gateway HTTP endpoints with JWT authorizer
- Google Drive flags macOS '.DS_Store' files for copyright violation
- 클라우드
- Google Announces Second Generation Cloud Functions
- Duck DNS - free dynamic DNS hosted on AWS
- AWS와 만난 11번가…'라이브11' 평균 거래액 7배 '급증'
- AWS Lambda, .NET 6 런타임 지원 시작
- [초점] 2020년 국내 클라우드 시장 4조 원 돌파…기상도는 “맑은 후 더 맑음”
- Lambda demo with common Java application frameworks
- Multicloud failover is almost always a terrible idea
- Open Source Cloud Guide by IBM
- Top 10 security best practices for securing backups in AWS
- Currents - a seasonal report on developer and SMB trends in the cloud by Digital Ocean
- [B급 프로그래머] 구글 클라우드 셸: 간편하게 리눅스 환경 마련하기(본인이 쓴 글)
- [OCI 탐험 일지] 6. 객체 저장소(사전 인증된 요청)(본인이 쓴 글)
- The Hardest Issue To Debug With AWS Lambda
- 데이터베이스
- Migrate from Amazon RDS for Oracle to Aurora PostgreSQL or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL using this self-service guide
- 오라클, 몽고DB용 오라클 데이터베이스 API 발표
- sqldef - The easiest idempotent MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite3/SQL Server schema management by SQL.
- JSON improvements in SQLite 3.38.0
- OrioleDB – building a modern cloud-native storage engine for PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL Schema Change Guide
- hydras - Ease of Postgres with the database of your choice
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